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Everything posted by sal_vager

  1. It's showing after for me, but still yesterday, what time zone are you in? Also, have you got the forums set to show newest posts first?
  2. The Kerbal metre is defined by taking the average length of rocket debris after an unplanned energetic disassembly. For years Kerbal engineers needed to standardize their rocket parts, as trying to launch pods, tanks and engines of slightly different sizes was putting a huge strain not only on the engineers sanity and Kerbal lives, but also on the Kerbal duct tape industry which struggled to keep up with demand. Eventually a consensus was reached, the decision was made to take many common metal objects and find an average size, the most common objects available being the smouldering remains of the aforementioned mismatched rocket parts. This became the new standard, and since that time rocket parts at least fit properly, even if they still don't always fly true
  3. That wouldn't be the same, unless you are there you won't get the full force of the rocket engine's noise, the rumble through the ground and the smell of burnt fuel
  4. Don't forget the parachute! Two pods will be heavier and land harder, but pods are pretty tough
  5. About half a metre, one (plus overlarge helmet) can fit in the 1.25 metre capsule Edit: It's more like 81cm.
  6. You can put two Mk1 pods in a tandem arrangement, with a small tank and engine, you won't need RCS for this as Bill (Bob?) will have to EVA over with the science. Launch when he's just transitioning from the desert area to the sea to the west of the KSC continent, and you'll not be too far away once in orbit
  7. Have you tried right clicking the landing gear? If the control surfaces are not doing it for you, I'd fit more
  8. That is a nice craft, it'd be cool to fly it
  9. There are plugins for this, see the part catalogue or part organizer , installing both gave me issues though. The actual order of parts seems odd though, and is not only different on Windows compared to Linux, I found that it can be different for me between one KSP install and another. I think it's being ordered by file creation date, rather than alphabetically.
  10. It's basically rocket fuel economy, the higher your ISP, the less fuel you need for the same thrust over time I think.... See wikipedia for more
  11. Yeah, it's the shader in the editor, if you look it's lit the wrong side compared to other parts.
  12. You can upload the craft file to dropbox, or just the contents to pastebin Mediafire works too, sometimes.
  13. By the way, the spaceport forum section Edit: Fixed.
  14. If I remember correctly, "Kerbals" where his name for the little paper men he launched on toy rockets as a kid.
  15. People use far too many struts, my biggest craft use about a dozen, placement matters.
  16. Welcome to the community Floyd Hmmm, a nod to 2001/2010 Kerbin and Kerbal are creations of the lead developer Felipe Falanghe, aka HarvesteR!
  17. Depends on your definition of humour I guess, some people would be in tears from laughing, until they see all the blood anyway
  18. Yeah this is a bug, the devs know, it's not caused by alt+tab either. There wasn't time to fix it sorry.
  19. There's a lot of safety equipment in modern elevators, so don't worry about the brakes, they are more like air brakes on a lorry, and need power to disengage
  20. You are right in thinking it isn't true, I think Phil Plait has posted about this amongst others, your legs cannot give you enough of a velocity change to prevent your imminent demise, you'd hit the ground at slightly less than the elevators velocity at impact. At least no one would see you looking silly by jumping, you being a gooey mess and all that
  21. Oh that one, highlight this comment for the spoiler. ....................................................................... It's a monolith on the little hill in the middle of the crater, somewhat difficult to find because it's small.
  22. InB4 "You can screenshot with F1" The 'I took the pics with my mobile phone' effect makes these look pretty good, it doesn't usually I accept, but here it looks more like video from a nearby vessel, I like it
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