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Everything posted by sal_vager

  1. They are in there, left click the hatch to get them out
  2. Tweakables are not finished yet, so hopefully this suggestion makes it into the next release, as it would be pretty cool
  3. If you have a support issue please post a thread in the Support section, be sure to include your logs or we will not be able to help you
  4. The Jedi Master, use more! kenbob5588, start your copy of KSP to update the patcher, if it still does not work after that it is because the authentication servers are under extreme load.
  5. This does depend on the gravity of the world you are on, but yes
  6. Hi SpaceGoblin, welcome to the community You can indeed attach an empty pod and it'll work fine, Jeb can ride home in it and will return to duty after you recover the flight from the tracking station or the button under the altimeter. Terminating the craft's flight with Jeb in it will make him unavailable for a while, though if he's standing on the Mun he is his own separate "flight"
  7. A new version always brings new issues, this definitely looks like an old driver bug reborn, I remember seeing stuff like this in Windows reports around 0.15/0.16 Not sure what to suggest here :/
  8. Guys, don't forget that KSP downloads a fresh patcher when it starts, so start your current copy of KSP to get the latest patcher
  9. The patcher should be working now, restart your current KSP to force a fresh download of the patcher
  10. The patcher issue is known and it is being fixed
  11. Shame it didn't have the fuel to get back to orbit.
  12. Ahh hells, I'll be no party pooper, if you guys want to post KSP pics go for it, even Whackjob, just no meaningless reaction images thanks
  13. Yes Whackjob, please don't post these quite as quickly.
  14. Yes this is definitely possible, I have a station that I made before the SAS/reaction wheel changes and it uses 24 SAS units for stability, if you remember back then if you had ASAS switched on, your stations would wobble so much they could shake apart. Now those SAS units are reaction wheels and if they are all enabled the station starts to wobble like crazy, so I have to disable almost all of them.
  15. Please feel free to continue the discussion on this and any other KerbalKon topics in this thread. Thank you
  16. Ghostbird, maybe this will help? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/24529-The-Linux-compatibility-thread!/page41?p=806007#post806007 Don't try to open the settings file in the terminal, just open a terminal in the same folder as the settings.cfg
  17. By attracting people who don't buy single player games, but then if they are into space games and realistic(ish) physics they'd likely try KSP anyway. Squad arent doing multiplayer for sales, they are doing it because it is now looking feasible, they've wanted to do it in the past and they know the community has asked for it.
  18. KSP needs a fair bit of CPU power now, and you'd really want either an Nvidia or an AMD graphics card in there, Intel is okay but may not work for KSP. You'd be looking for a "Desktop replacement" type of laptop
  19. I'd try a cone of girders or plates on the front of the craft, so the probe will naturally slide to the center of mass of your vessel, you could then push it (carefully, you want your engines to be able to cope with any off axis load) until its periapsis is low enough
  20. Your second point is actually something the standard and Sr ports are meant to do, eventually, and moving Kerbals around a vessel without EVA should be as easy as moving fuel. Using them as access doors though, novel, they'd essentially be airlocks
  21. These are all really impressive greg, do you use part welding a lot for these? They'd kill my framerate
  22. This thread has devolved into unconstructive bickering, closing this one.
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