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Everything posted by sal_vager

  1. Unfortunately I can't send you those files, but the patcher should be able to repair KSP for you, look in the KSP folder for the patcher.exe or use the KSP launcher to start it
  2. Are you using Steam? Just verify the integrity of the game cache in the properties page for KSP. Is it a store download? Do you still have the zip?
  3. We hear nothing on resources for ages, suggesting this decision had been taken some time ago, then the KMP project recently with Squad deciding it is feasible after all. That strongly suggests these events are not linked.
  4. People were not asking for resource mining in anything like the numbers they were asking for multiplayer before resources were first revealed, it was a big surprise to everyone at the time, but multiplayer was asked for since the at least .13 It'd be best to have both of course, there's no reason it should be one or the other but this is not how you are going to convince Squad to reconsider it.
  5. Complaining like this is more likely to get KSP canned than to get you the feature you want, the vast majority of KSP players want multiplayer, it's requested almost daily, and only a relatively small number actually ask for resource mining, more people ask for life support than resources.
  6. OtherDalfite, your attitude is likely to put the devs off bothering with KSP at all, one feature is cut and you do nothing but spit acid and try to bring Squad down, you are not doing yourself any favours and you will not convince Squad to change their minds this way. Other features are coming, more biomes and science, missions, reputation enough stuff that we will have plenty to do in career mode. Resources were never promised, it was a feature that was considered and has been rejected, that is how it is and your complaints will not change that.
  7. It's sought after for nuclear fusion research, see here Also yeah please stay on topic.
  8. Yes, I know, if it were up to me we'd get both resource mining and MP, and everything else we want from KSP.
  9. Can't we have the option for both? So development ends up taking longer, we're used to long gaps between releases
  10. I'll try, that's all I can do, you could PM Rowsdower as well, that'd get a message across.
  11. All we saw was a few parts and a graph, that's hardly 3/4 finished, and you've already paid for KSP so why are you worrying?
  12. I'm just a moderator, not Squad staff, so internal decisions are beyond me, but I see how Squad reacts to popular addons, just look at C7aerospace. If you guys really want Squad to rethink their stance on resources then there's one way that's shown to work, Majiir has done fantastic work with Kethane, if that were expanded upon then who knows, it or something like it could be added to KSP
  13. Stock resource mining, no, we can make that ourselves Satcharna, we're going off topic, we all have to wait and see how Rowsdower does in time.
  14. He'll get better Satcharna, he's still new to the position, give him time
  15. Communication has never been Squads strongest point :/ but that should change now there's a new CM and we still have Maxmaps, there's the weekly as well now at least.
  16. A lot of players have put Squad on a high pedestal, and much is wanted from KSP, but we all have to remember that they are a small number of normal people, not world class games designers and only a few of the people at Squad even code. Squad is a normal company, they have deadlines, meetings, they work 9 to 5 and sometimes have to work after hours to meet those deadlines. There's a LOT that devs like Felipe want to add to KSP, but they have to find a balance between what they want and what is realistic, and what fits in with the vision for KSP. They do their best, and often fans expect more than they can provide, Felipe and other want you all to have the best game KSP can be, and sometimes that means scrapping things that seemed like a good idea at one time, but ended up taking the focus of the game away from it's roots. KSP started out as a game about launching a little rocket in a 2D world, with little green men at the controls screaming, and has developed into a game of discovery, of other planets and moons, of science, and most of all of the players and their forays into space. No one knew mining was coming, it was revealed out of the blue and while interesting, multiplayer was, is and will remain the number one most wanted feature in KSP by the majority of players, even I'll give it a go as KMP is a lot of fun Don't forget that Squad have deliberately opened up KSP to modders, and will open up even more aspects of the game to the modding community as time passes, everything we could possibly want in KSP can be ours if someone, or ourselves, makes it for the game. Mining resources, robotics, aerodynamics, autopilots and parts for any situation we could possibly be faced with already exist, and new ones come all the time, expecting all this from a handful of coders will end in disappointment though, there are just too many things KSP can be than a small team can hope to give us. So yes, we won't see stock resource mining, but that really doesn't matter, and we will see multiplayer, not from a plugin but from stable and fast internal code, and that does matter. So don't worry, KSP is still and will be a great game, so have fun, and I'll see you in space (Re-opening as PDCWolf asked in a very kind manner, please be civil and mindful of peoples feeling, thank you)
  17. Explosions can scare Jeb, also, can we see your attempt?
  18. Welcome to the community Daniel Have fun playing KSP, and fly safe
  19. I fixed your title, but really you should add more than just a thumbnail of what looks like Space Engine. This is a zero content thread, and while fancy graphics are nice, they aren't that important. I suggest you try again with better and larger images, and also in the Space Lounge, which is a more suitable place for threads like this
  20. Oh yeah, the chute, they are so ubiquitous that I forget to mention them, and you will have a little bit of fuel left for deorbiting
  21. Big craft are too unwieldy with the early parts, just as lethaldose says, start smaller, it won't be anywhere near as bad. You can get to orbit easily enough with a pod, 8 little tanks, an lv-t30 and a few srb's
  22. sal_vager


    This sockpuppet account has just been (puts on shades) socked!
  23. sal_vager


    Okay, maybe the lounge would be best :/
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