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Everything posted by sal_vager

  1. I think Nova mentioned that Laythe has a lot of heavier elements, so radioactive decay should be considered
  2. This is not stated anywhere on these forums, there is no onus on any modder to update their work or inform users of future updates, that you do not like this is tough, it is not the modders concern, nor is it the moderation teams or Squads. Your statement is false, your assumption is false and your attitude, and the attitudes of others towards modders is insulting. There is no responsibility to the end user from the modders who provide these works free of charge, to expect otherwise is unrealistic. This thread will now be closed until Winston or Kyle request that it be reopened.
  3. Congrats Kingfury4, orbiting is not as easy as it looks for a new player
  4. Not sure if this is possible, as the only games to have starfighters with decent physics that I remember are Frontier and I-War. In neither game did the fighters really handle like they do in the movies, they make use of some pretty potent retro engines to help them manoeuvre though, and another game where you had "realistic" craft was Nexus, where ships clearly had engines on the front so they could slow down. Flying sideways shouldn't be a problem, several games let you do that such as Tachyon and others (the Wing Commander games maybe?), the biggest issue is the constantly on engines, you wouldn't want to do that in KSP (or real life) as you'd very easily overshoot your target. You'd probably manage something more like a hovercraft, that slides about a lot, rather than a space fighter plane like in Star Wars, though there's nothing to stop you making something that looks like a starfighter
  5. This is how it is, with SAS helping you stop rotating, and other pods helping to actually rotate you
  6. Cleaned. Plus, no modder is under any obligation to update their work or inform people of such. It's done when it's done, or not. Reopening
  7. Stock, so I guess that's it. As for libpng I'm using libpng12-0 (1.2.49-1ubuntu2) and libpng12-0:i386.
  8. Okay, how come it does not happen to me? Running Xubuntu 13.04 64bit.
  9. I'm using regular old fashioned Apollo style staging these days, it's a different design challenge and there's something satisfying about watching a huge lower section being blasted by the next stage's engines It's not that much worse than asparagus, plus asparagus smells and tastes bad.
  10. Lol, I'm no Dev, just a Mod in case you were wondering, but I remember from the Kerbalcon stream that female Kerbals were brought up, and HarvesteR said it was something they'd do towards the end of development. Seeing as the main point of this thread has been answered now, I think it's time this was closed as it's degenerated a few times now, plus those concepts by rodion_herrera's friend are freaking me out I much prefer the ones that Moon Goddess posted
  11. Hi girls and guys, I just thought you'd like to know that female Kerbals are something Squad want to do, but it's an end-of-development polishing thing, don't forget KSP is still being actively developed. It'll come eventually, but like all things it takes time, there's just so many other things to do as well
  12. Next time I get the chance I'll be bringing this up with the devs, as they can forward this to Unity on the Unity bug tracker. But how come this does not effect Ubuntu?
  13. It's one big happy clone family
  14. I have Kerbal Engineer installed, and KSP loads in about 35 to 45 seconds for me, on Linux. The excessive load times were traced back to unconnected network adapters (even virtual ones) on Windows, this issue does not affect Linux or OSX or it has not been reported to as far as I know. Load times on Windows are similarly fast if unused/unconnected network cards are disabled
  15. If you really need the extra space that the strut gives you, try fitting something else like an oscar-b fuel tank on a radial attachment point, it'll give you that little bit of extra room without any physics weirdness
  16. Not one crash since 0.18.4, running the Linux version, I can leave KSP running for hours and I don't have to worry
  17. Guys, you paid for a game in development, so you'll get KSP at whatever stage of development it is at when you download/update it. Currently, only 0.18.3 (the current demo), 0.13.3 (the old demo) and older versions are free to download, this may change but don't expect anything official from Squad yet as it's pretty low priority what with the actual making of KSP coming first. As Skunky said, Squad are thinking of making all the other versions available later, no plans have been drawn up though (see above) so all the versions between 0.13.3 and the current release, barring the 0.18.3 demo are not free to download at this time. There's no argument or discussion to be had here, that's how things are, and they like all things are subject to change when Squad get around to it Closing this as it's purpose is served.
  18. Don't like or want to use a part? Don't use it, it's that simple, you can even remove a part or plugin you don't like, there's nothing to stop you. If you want a different pack that caters to your needs, feel free to gather permissions and make your own GROOV3ST3R is making this pack with what he has chosen as a good mix of addons, no one is forcing you to use it.
  19. Haven't tried it, but wouldn't it just work anyway? I have run KSP from USB stick on Linux, from fat32, ntfs and udf memory sticks, no trouble.
  20. There have been lots of large craft made by players, but it's pretty hard to know if you have really escaped Kerbol as there's no other destination yet. KSP can say you are "on an escape trajectory out of the sun" though, if you manage that then you aren't coming back any time soon
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