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Everything posted by sal_vager

  1. Don't forget guys Section 3: Spam A user shall not: Create a Post containing no real content, such as '+1!' or other single word responses.
  2. Don't forget guys Section 3: Spam A user shall not: Create a Post containing no real content, such as '+1!' or other single word responses.
  3. kacperrutka26 is right, keep this for 0.17 features please
  4. It'll change the moment you go above 5 posts, it is a bit of a pain though.
  5. As with most things in KSP, moar boosters is the way to go So add some more engines and fuel, plus some struts to hold it together, and see what happens
  6. Nice craft Krackit, well done Don't forget you can modify your posts if you need to add more to them as well.
  7. SRB's should be safe as long at they have burnt out before you separate, and as long as they don't impact other parts when they are jettisoned.
  8. I have to say sneezedr, I have never used that mod so can only be of some help, when orbiting the Mun, try to get your periapsis to about 15km, then when at the bottom of your orbit, do your deorbit burn and landing, that way you'll not waste too much fuel descending to the surface.
  9. Hi alexanderw890i and welcome to the community, it's always good to see new pilots
  10. Hi Puppy, glad to see you joining in the fun
  11. Hi Dr,Poo you could take a look at this thread. And look up Kosmo-Nots threads on rendezvous as well What I do is put myself in a higher or lower orbit and let the difference in orbital speeds close the gap between myself and the craft I wish to rendezvous with, and then when I am closer I match its orbit, then thrust towards it, watching as it moves relative to me, if it drifts left, I thrust left. Take it slow and you will get there, the worst thing you can do is rush
  12. It's a tricky one that's for certain, I try to get a slight rotation well in advance of when I need it, rather than try to overload the craft with RCS, it's not a perfect method though, the large pod and engines are just so heavy. Maybe extra SAS would do it but I have not yet experimented with them enough to know, I tend to rely on the capsules SAS which is barely adequate, and a tiny bit of main engine thrust just as you have been doing. Really, RCS should do the job but it's going to use a lot of gas unless you take it slow.
  13. What's the message Pawelk? Also, you can upload your craft to Mediafire, pastebin or dropbox and post the link
  14. Jeebs24, your craft files are in KSP_win\ships\VAB, you can upload them to Mediafire or dropbox and post the link
  15. This really belongs in Off-Topic I think, we already have the Kraken, we don't need Old Ones as well.
  16. Hi kaljar, you can get them back if you delete your persistence file, it will reset them to "Alive", or you can edit the file and set their State to zero, so they are eligible for re-selection as crew Just don't use wordpad, it'll mangle the file.
  17. Cthulhu really has no place in KSP, so it's best if we all forget this suggestion
  18. Hi Chowder, it'll actually become more expensive as time goes on, I am not aware of any plans for a sale at this point as the cost is a donation, rather than the price of the full game. You'll be entitled to the full game when it is released if you donate though
  19. What I do is break my designs into separate sections, first is the launcher, it might have more than one stage and is only meant to get almost to orbit. Then is the transfer stage, this completes the orbit, performs the trans Munar burn, the Munar correction burn and begins the Munar de-orbit. The transfer stage is jettisoned shortly before landing, leaving the lander with plenty of fuel to finish landing and to return home. Here is my current preferred Munar capable craft, the Atacama. http://www./?e7g03pqiuzng82a
  20. It's possible to take off from the Mun and get back to Kerbin with only one RCS tank, 3 to 4 thrusters and some care, it's worth trying for the challenge
  21. Hi Nykrus, welcome to the community Glad to hear you are loving the game, a mod I can't live without is the cart mod by Tosh, I'll grab the link and update this post in a minute for you. Here is the cart mod, it's invaluable for exploring the Mun, Kerbin and Minmus
  22. You'll need an irc client, I use xchat, and you'll need to connect to esper.net, once there you will want to join the channel #kspofficial
  23. Apparently there are 90 european players in irc right now, at #kspofficial
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