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Everything posted by sal_vager

  1. Hi Norway174, welcome to the community. KSP\'s plugin system may interest you if you know a little C# as you can do some amazing things with a bit of code in this game now. Autopilots, robotics and fully functional vehicles are just a few of the things that the plugin system is capable of. Maybe you\'ll think of something to add to the game?
  2. If I knew, I\'d tell you, it is a sun, and a star, it\'s name just seems to be Kerbol, like the Mun is a moon.
  3. I\'m pretty sure the official name is Kerbol, you can check the wiki page here.
  4. Maybe for the mechanical failure you could do something with more drums, not loud so much as urgent sounding, in the style of Apollo 13?
  5. Hi guys, try to avoid quoting the post immediately above your own, it\'s good forum conduct and helps keep the place tidy
  6. It\'s very good, TheDarthMoogle, thanks for making this.
  7. Hi KelMaiGaming and welcome to the KSP community. I think youtube links are alright, what is against the rules though is plugging your own sites or any form of advertising/moneymaking, but you don\'t get anything from youtube. KSP videos are popular, so you can expect many people here to take a look
  8. [mod]Pony material has a home in the pony megathread, it had no relevance here, the comment has been deleted.[/mod]
  9. MaverickSawyer, the node collider is just a very basic convex mesh named node_collider, attachment points are different and can be added in the cfg file. If you just use Blender to convert the file to DAE you can avoid all it\'s trickyness, I wonder though if there is a program that can just do the conversion for you, and isn\'t itself a 3D modeller?
  10. [mod]Stay on topic fellas, what did you think of Sbowyer28's fanfiction?[/mod] Also, Minmus didn\'t even exist a month ago, it\'s a game remember
  11. Notepad can edit the .cfg files used by KSP, so just tell windows to use Notepad to open them, never use Wordpad though, it\'ll ruin the file.
  12. Hiya drwolf, welcome to the KSP community Don\'t worry too much about your spelling, mine can be awful and I have to rely a lot on firefox\'s spellchecker. If you want to make 3d models why not try Blender, it\'s extremely powerful but can be tricky to get used to, once you have a mesh though, you\'ll need the free version of Unity3D if you want to take advantage of all the cool new features such as lightmaps and multiple colliders. Good luck with learning to model drwolf, and have fun flying.
  13. Don undoubtedly has other things he needs to do, such as hunting for his food, fending off sharks (you never know when you\'ll be attacked by sharks, can\'t even go shopping in peace these days), trying to find a bed large enough for his awesomeness and similar. All while carrying his worldly possessions on his back and wrestling electricity from wild powerlines to keep his phone and laptop charged. And on top of all this, he has to find time to launch all our rockets, I think once a week is fine.
  14. Welcome to the community Neborno, have fun
  15. Actually I just flew a craft from the launchpad to the Mun with the avionics package instead of an ASAS, and it worked really well.
  16. [mod]Nope, this thread will not be used as a sneaky way to post pony material outside of the pony megathread, you know where this stuff belongs.[/mod]
  17. That\'s the functional difference right there, the ASAS can push you back to, and hold you on, the heading you were on when it was activated, while the avionics package just causes the craft to resist turning, while still allowing you to manoeuvre. Here is the wiki page on the ASAS, the avionics package is similar but lacks the 'I' in the 'PID' system, thus it does not take your deviation from the original course into account.
  18. This topic has been moved to the pit of despair Off-Topic. [iurl=http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=14376.0]http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=14376.0[/iurl]
  19. [mod]This really belongs in off-topic now, so I'll move it.[/mod] Members posting Off-Topic in General Discussion? MOAR BOOSTERS!
  20. Background? Just add a flat area behind the mesh with your picture of choice UV mapped onto it, like one face of a cube
  21. Sorry guys, but KSP does not have Lagrange points, system it uses does not allow for them. Also, they aren\'t the perfectly stable points everyone thinks they are, you would sill need stationkeeping, check out the wikipedia page on them. There are no plans to add Lagrange points, any benefit of having them is far outweighed by the effort to include them, and as soon as people saw they couldn\'t really leave a satellite there, there would be epic moaning and complaints that the Lagrange points were buggy.
  22. Ahh okay then, you must have made a fairly large rocket to have done that, or whipped round the Mun, either way your Kerbals are stranded. You can leave them out there and maybe they\'ll get lucky and be recaptured a few years from now, or restart the flight and try again.
  23. Congratulations you have broken free of Kerbins sphere of influence and are now an interstellar traveller You\'ll have to retroburn like mad to get recaptured before it\'s too late, I hope you have some fuel left, also, you can modify your posts, look to the top right.
  24. No conspiracy theories guys, really. And don\'t forget how rich the Chinese are, you all keep buying their stuff after all, they can afford to make spacecraft, and all launches are cool no matter who did the launching.
  25. Hey Ph4ntom S33ker, welcome to the community, the Alpha is definitely worth the low donation price and it\'ll only get better
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