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Everything posted by sal_vager

  1. Very impressive craft, both of you, I especially like your third pic Sloth. All I can handle on my pc is small ones though, like this: I have made a few planes that can stall badly, especially after the first few tanks had been drained, with the cg so far rearwards the planes want to fly back to front, and is unrecoverable.
  2. Hi Dysko, welcome to the KSP community You say you\'re an aerospace engineering student? That\'s really cool, so we can expect some professional designs from you then Have fun flying.
  3. I think HarvesteR mentioned that any part smaller than 1 unit gave the team trouble, and some parts like the propane thrusters on Tosh\'s cart cannot be made to not explode because the mesh is so small, but I don\'t think it\'s documented anywhere.
  4. You didn\'t quicksave? It might have failed to write to the persistence file as well, and you may still be in orbit.
  5. You could probably fit one if you wanted, just add an extra half tank to the transfer stage and you should be good to go.
  6. I try to set mine up with a launcher stage (may have it\'s own stages, may not) a transfer stage, and a lander/return stage. For example, here\'s my conventional staged rocket, the Desert Star. The launcher stage can get almost to a 70km orbit, but will fall short so is lost when it burns up, the transfer stage finishes the orbit, performs the burn to the Mun (or Minmus) and also does any orbital corrections and the deorbit burn. The transfer stage will run out during final descent, if it doesn\'t during the deorbit manoeuvre, leaving the lander to finish the descent and landing, and then of course the lander has to make it\'s way back on it\'s own.
  7. Isn\'t that a little bit overkill? You can reinforce the landing legs a bit with struts, you can actually land quite well on an engine with struts fitted to it, I bet 3 to 4 LV-909\'s with struts would make a very stable landing system.
  8. Oh well, there goes my theory in a puff of science Density of mint icecream. Density of the Earth.
  9. You can use WASD to rotate the wheels in 90 degree steps, or hold shift for 5 degree steps, this way you can more finely place your wheels and other parts, and as dogon11 said, you can also mount your rear wheels on pylons so they are level with the nosewheel.
  10. Hi Larkspeed, welcome to the great big KSP community It\'s hard to put down isn\'t it? I don\'t think I can put in words what makes KSP so great, maybe it\'s just the dream of space travel and exploration we all have, KSP is like a breath of fresh air in a stagnant games industry. Not just that but this game has opened the eyes of many players including myself as to just how stuff moves in space, it\'s hands on and raw, and so much fun. Good luck on all your flights Larkspeed
  11. I\'ll see if I can find you one, hang on. Edit: Here is the Unity page on collider meshes. Here\'s a page with info and links to all of Unity\'s collider methods. Basics of colliders in Unity3D. More info on making colliders. I cant use Unity on Linux so can\'t test any of this stuff, but it all looks good, hope this helps.
  12. Well Jeb_Kerman, if you were 3 I\'d say 'Oh my god what have I let myself in for' while you bash the mouse against the desktop for the 20th time. Thankfully you aren\'t 3, so I\'ll point you towards Blenders own beginners tutorials here as that\'s a lot easier than trying to explain it all here, I\'d start you off with 'Getting started with Blender' Be aware that Blender has a very different control system to every other modeller out there, It\'s easy enough when you get used to it though.
  13. This thread really would be better suited in General Discussion, seeing as it isn\'t actually a [suggestion] to the developers. just a question followed by general discussion. I\'m going to move it, carry on talking about it though, I\'d like to see little rovers as cargo on our craft.
  14. Hi GingerNinjaPrsn, if you want to round out your orbit, wait till you get back to the high point and thrust in the direction you are flying in, you\'ll see your low point lift up. Similarly, if you thrust backwards at your low point, your orbit will shrink. To change your angle, try thrusting when pointing north or south, you will see your orbit tilt. With a bit of practice you will soon see how it works, and you can check out these tutorials as well: The Beginners guide to KSP How to acheive orbit and do some other important stuff
  15. Welcome to the community Bandock, that\'s a cool pic of your Munar landing, it reminds me of when I was starting out Yeah landing on the engine alone is a risky business, it\'s very easy to break off the drive and strand yourself, but the sense of achievement is worth it, it\'s even harder without ASAS There\'s a lot more waiting for you in the Alpha, you can test yourself by landing next to earlier ships, rendezvous in orbit and even land on Kerbins new moon, Minmus. Or just practice with aircraft and spaceplanes Have fun flying Bandock.
  16. It works for me when putting things on the Mun, I try to get the pathfinder ship\'s command pod at about the same height as the ship I want to send up, KSP seems able to handle small differences in height with no problems.
  17. Ahh okay, thanks for the correction, I was not a contributor so I didn\'t know.
  18. The COMPLETE KSP Blender Tutorial! is a good place to start, you can make basic mods this way, but if you want to use the new normal maps and other features such as multiple colliders, you\'ll need the free version of Unity3D as well. As well as those, you will need to create textures, you can hunt on google, or get out there with a digital camera and start taking snaps of things, then you can edit them in a program such as the GIMP. If you want to make plugins you will need to learn some C#, you can use Mono for this, it\'s cross platform and free, as are the GIMP and Blender. There are may tutorials online for all these programs, and if you search the forums here you are likely to find someone has already solved most problems you are likely to encounter. Good luck
  19. Isn\'t this a wing powered flyer, like an ornithopter? I can\'t see any SAS on it, just an ASAS. Still really cool, I like craft like this a lot, they make my pc scream in agony though from all the physics calculations.
  20. Welcome back Ignite A Light, it is nice to see such a well spoken individual, your avatar also bears considerable class. Our Brony population is still going strong in the Megathread, it is preferable that all pony related material reside there. Unfortunately Ascensciam felt he could no longer maintain the roleplay boards, it proved too difficult, perhaps if there were a proper rulebook that all players could abide by, things might have been different. As you have no doubt seen however, we have the new fan fiction board, where ones imagination and creative talent can be applied to the KSP universe in many ways, it has become a fast favourite of the forums artists. I hope you enjoy your return, as one would enjoy a fine wine. Regards sal_vager
  21. zeldafan99, the only time I use Mechjeb is when I send DonLorenzo a craft for his campaign so he has no trouble flying it, I personally do not like Mechjeb and do not like using it. I\'m not the only one either, Mechjeb takes away too much control from the player, anyway this isn\'t a Mechjeb thread, it\'s a small verses large ship thread, I have my preference for small ships, and I hope that isn\'t endangered buy Nova\'s tweaks, whatever they will be.
  22. That\'s exactly what I do most of the time, but how is crossfeeding fuel and dropping pairs similar to asparagus? I thought asparagus was a particularly nasty vegetable. @zedafan, if it was easy, then it\'d be no fun at all, the whole draw of the small efficient rocket is that they are hard work to fly properly, one mistake and you are dead in the water.
  23. Yeah, they won\'t be 'stock' any more though, but I\'m in a quandary, do I try to use Nova\'s idea of a balanced rocket and fly the new stock, or do I hack the files and fly old stock? I never liked all those 'realistic' rocket packs, too many parts, giant fuel tanks and weedy oversize engines, values in the hundreds just to get them working. I tried Silisko edition, my pc had a fit trying to handle the physics of those 500 strength parachutes.
  24. Here\'s how I do it, first fly a little ship where you want your big ship to be, circling Minmus for example, then load your behemoth onto the launchpad. Exit the flight without ending it, and open your persistence file. What you need to do now is copy all the orbital info from the little ship over the top of the big ships info, then delete the little ship completely, make sure you get the stage value right or it\'ll do some funny things. Load up your save and you will now have your enormous titan of a craft floating around Minmus.
  25. @ Pheonix, bugger I hadn\'t read that, but I know from his packs and Novapunch that he prefers big fat multi stage rockets, now I\'m sad, thanks for the positive words on my old ships, but I think they will all soon be destined for the spacecraft graveyard.
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