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Everything posted by sal_vager

  1. Okay I have fixed it, I left it looking as close to your original design as I could, here is what I did: Changed elevators from 1 Standard to 4 Small control surfaces for more power. Moved rear wheels closer to the center of gravity of the aircraft, this makes taking off easier. Installed Structural Wings at a small angle underneath the Delta Wings to provide more lift at front of aircraft. Added Small control surfaces to the new Structural wings for more lift and better pitch control. Fitted nosewheel to a Small Hardpoint so nose isn\'t dragging on the ground, lifting off is easier as a consequence. The aircraft is now much more responsive in pitch, and needs very little Up trim to take off, leaving far more travel of the elevators for pulling up, there seemed no need to change the Roll or Yaw ability of this aircraft. Have fun, I did Edit: Actually I wasn\'t that happy with the craft\'s ability in Yaw, so have adjusted the angle of the winglets to compensate for the V-tail, as it is the tail that is causing the adverse roll when using the rudder. I also tilted the hidden front control surfaces down another notch, this adds even more lift to the front, I don\'t think I can improve this aircraft any further though.
  2. I\'ll give it a go, just testing it now, hopefully I won\'t be long.
  3. Hi arthour05 and welcome to the KSP community At the moment we are free to set our own goals, or take on challenges created by other players in the Challenges forum, a real in-game campaign has not been made yet. The Alpha of KSP is basically a sandbox style game right now so the sky (and beyond) is the limit Have fun
  4. Yeah a Bicoupler would be nice, there is a pretty good mod you can try which suits the stock parts really well, you can find it here. Other mods I can recommend are the cart mod ( which I helped with a little ) and the Sunbeam laser for clearing up debris. There are so many mods for KSP as it has a very strong modding community, there\'s everything from satellite relay networks and mega rocket parts packs to old toys brought to life.
  5. Well done Romfarer, if I find anything else I\'ll let you know
  6. If you are trying out rockets from the Stock Repository watch out, they were all made before 0.15 and there has been a few changes to the rigidity of the Radial Decoupler. Basically they\'ll wobble and roll around their vertical axis unless you add some extra struts, I need to go over all of mine and make sure they are okay, but I know the Stocket Pocket Rocket in particular is badly affected
  7. I think the auto assemble of the command pod was broken, and I remember him saying it was a pain to put together, if it\'s fully broken though there\'s nothing we can do until R4m0n fixes it. Hopefully it\'s just the auto assemble and the pod is still usable, if you can build it of course.
  8. Ahh I know what you mean, the fuel carrying heat shield for the MechJeb command pod. It has several attachment points making it tricky to assemble, I have not experimented with it much as I do not use MechJeb to fly unless it is for DonLorenzos forum campaign. As you have no doubt seen though, trying to attach it when looking at it from the side is very difficult, as it will try to snap to one of the outer points, so try moving the camera and looking at it from below, this should make it easier to see when you have the center attachment node lined up with the MechJeb core. Hope this helps
  9. Ok I\'ll have another look, I was trying to get the distance to the tracking station and the ground, the first as a test, the second to see if I can use the Lazor as a basic altimeter, the ground has a mesh so it should have worked. I had all 4 crystal combinations fitted, I think what I did was I forgot to move the green beam, and just had the white beam hitting the tracking station. Edit: I found a bug, I repositioned the primary Lazor and when I launched all the crystals were emitting white beams, I had to remove and replace each of the crystals to fix the problem, it seems the Lazor is sensitive to the build order, I\'ll add my craft for you to check. Also I have found the range meter, It was just me having a derp moment. Full screen night vision might be cool, I while we are testing have a button to switch between just the camera and fullscreen, so we can see which is best for the Lazor system, the ground grid idea is sounds good as well. Shame about the land and sky, I hope this is fixable as it\'d be a killer feature, threads asking for cameras pop up fairly frequently.
  10. I thought I tried them all, green should scan when scanning has been worked out, but when I looked at it there was nothing there, I think a basic range readout should be part of the base white system that provides the targeting, and then expand from there. But really, Romfarer has already created something I thought wasn\'t possible in KSP, and I am very impressed with his abilities, I wouldn\'t be surprised to see the Lazor become as big as Mechjeb eventually, it\'s just got so much potential.
  11. Welcome to the community Toff, we all started just like you have, and didn\'t know which end of a booster was the hot end There are a lot of good people here who will do their best to help if you have questions, so if you want to know anything just ask, we\'ll try to help. As the good Captain says, failure isn\'t a bad thing in this game, it\'s how we learn, and it can be fun. Good luck on all your flights and have fun Edited for spelling.
  12. Hi Romfarer, I thought of another feature I have been using your target camera to see around my rockets and planes while in flight, ground and sky don\'t show very well, the water and KSC are fine though. Anyway I thought it\'d be cool if the camera had a light amplification mode for night flying, as when it\'s night on Kerbin it\'s very hard to fly, even with Alexander.O\'s floodlights. It\'s a feature that would fit well with the Lazor I think, and would be invaluable for night side Mun landings too where it\'s hellishly dark. Something else though, I cant find the range meter feature on the control panel anymore, if I wanted to find the distance to where the Lazor has hit how do I do it now?
  13. Wow that\'s brilliant, and totally unexpected, a booster clean-up ship? Well done How does she handle when you have grabbed hold? I\'m guessing you can push boosters into an aerobraking orbit if you are careful but with such an off axis load you\'ll be prone to tumbling.
  14. Just looking out for all the guys who got called that in school (or are still called that in school) of course over here in Blighty , butt head never caught on, but I can understand the meaning behind it.
  15. As well as what the good Captain has said, there is a strange feature where if a game is reloaded, empty tanks show up as blue, and look full. This is a forerunner of when we will be able to refill fuel tanks in orbit, when docking eventually arrives, if this is the issue you face then the only option is to ignore it for now as it serves no purpose. If you indeed have unused fuel tanks that are not being used, it may be that you have blocked the flow with a stack decoupler, they used to allow fuel flow but that has been changed.
  16. Please re-add me to the flight list sjwt, I\'d like to put my Ice Dancer stock rover on Minmus.
  17. That\'s a clean looking aircraft terp, very professional. If you want more range have you thought about adding drop tanks? Also, flying high lets you cover more ground even though the engines start to lose power, you should be able to cruise at around 12km without much trouble. Depending on what speed you are getting you might also be able to throttle back a bit to conserve fuel, as the harder you push against the atmosphere the harder it pushes back, I don\'t know what speed to aim for though, you\'ll have to experiment.
  18. Hi and welcome to the forums, I\'d normally use your name here but you have chosen one that might be considered vulgar to some. If you had created a profile with the name Butt-head, we\'d all know you meant this guy. You may fall foul of the forum rules with a profile like this, so I suggest you make a new one and repost your craft. The craft themselves look interesting, nice heavyweight designs that look Demo friendly, it\'s nice to see new ships that Demo players can try out. Have fun and keep flying, but do change that name Edit: I thought of a brilliant name you could use Gluteus Maximus Cranius It\'s basically 'butt head' in ersatz Latin, and sounds like something from Gladiator, what do you think?
  19. Wow that\'s quite the off-axis load you have there All I can say is good luck, something like this is beyond my skills to fly, it does look very top heavy though, you might want to mount the orbiter as low as possible to help reduce the crafts tendency to flip, also the back mounted engine won\'t give you any thrust above about 7000 meters. There are a few other things I can see also, you have a large number of ASAS units, their effects do not stack unfortunately as they are only a control aid, if you swap them for the stubbier SAS units, you\'ll find they will help hold you steady, just keep one ASAS for control. The engine on the base of the orbiter looks like the high altitude engine which will give no thrust above about 13,000 meters, so you might want to change that as well. I\'ll watch this space and see if you can get that beauty to fly
  20. Bravo Fifflethecat, that was really good, you have an eye for making good videos. It\'s times like these when I wish I could save favourite threads so I can find them again later, the music you chose was very calming and fit the video perfectly. Thanks for sharing this
  21. sal_vager

    Hi all

    Hi Grant, welcome to the community. You have joined at a good time, as you have seen there are now aircraft parts and a second moon to visit, there is the cool new ability of the map screen to show you your orbits as they change, and things will only get better as time goes by. If you have questions feel free to ask, or browse the forums, or you can try the search box but it can be a little unwieldy, everyone here started out just like you and will be willing to help in their own way. Good luck with all your flights and have fun
  22. Request a slot for the Community Stock Base 3.0 and you can find out
  23. I have landed! Okay I broke off an elevator while taxiing into position but the crew are safe, with some fuel left to reposition the craft on the ground should it be necessary. The only thing left is to decide what to call this base I suppose, it\'s distant, mysterious and abandoned but I don\'t think I have the right to name this place. Maybe we should just call it 'Abandoned Launch Facility' ?, there is no runway any more and it is severely overgrown so any pilots following me here need to take care when landing. Here is the screenshot. Updated StarSpark II for 0.15.1
  24. I found it! It is part of the Downunder pack but can be downloaded separately, scroll down the first post to find it.
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