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Everything posted by sal_vager

  1. That\'s true, I know I can\'t just pick up something like that, I struggled with Basic ;D But that\'s just another thing that makes KSP awesome, we can build anything we want, fly to the moon, or just tinker with meshes and code if that\'s our thing. If you haven\'t already seen them try out Damned robotics and Damned aerospace, they really open up the possibilities
  2. I\'m pretty sure KSP uses C# for the plugins, as it uses Mono for a lot of cross platform compatibility, C# is supposed to be a lot more forgiving than C or C++
  3. I\'d like to request a slot for the Stock base please swjt I\'d like to land an aircraft at the 2nd space center.
  4. Hi Felix, welcome to the community. KSP\'s plugins are awesome as you say, maybe we\'ll see some cool plugins from you eh? Have fun
  5. I like the idea of lifting a satellite, though setting up a fuel depot in orbit is an option too, and don\'t forget the Kubble space telescope if you can find it.
  6. Hi ryand111 Pics would help a lot in determining the problem, and a craft file as well would be useful too. Weight is an issue as you have found, it\'s possible to fit struts from the tanks down to the engines, reinforcing them. I\'m guessing you are making a Space Shuttle style craft with a big offset load? These are notoriously difficult as the weight changes across the rocket instead of from the top down, moving the center of gravity sideways. If you have gone for the simpler vertical construction it may be that your wings are the culprit, as soon as you try to turn they will either resist that turn or flip you over when their angle of attack to the airflow changes, I have had some luck by keeping my craft sideways so the airflow over any wings can\'t get a grip. Though it is possible to get into orbit on far less than 11 tanks, it usually requires extensive stripping down on parts and features on the craft to make it light enough to do so, we\'d really need to see your design in order to help in this case. Now go to work and try not to daydream of rockets, you have paperwork to do
  7. That works fine with normal RCS thrusters as well, and with those you also have I,J,K and L for up, left, down and right. Have fun on the Mun but be careful not to tip over, those tanks are delicate and they are your only way home, also If you find you struggle to get back with them you can easily fit more so you have enough fuel in case things go wrong.
  8. There is a feature where you can move stages while in flight, and move parts from one stage to another with the mouse, unfortunately when the mouse is near the stage list you lose control of the rocket, It may be this tat is causing you the problem. Good luck on your Mun flight
  9. Hi Kosmic Debris, welcome to the forums, everyone here started just as you have and will be keen to help if they can. There\'s no official guidebook as far as I know, just the pretty basic tutorial in the game, one of the great things about KSP is discovering what is possible though, there are no official goals or missions so players have come up with their own, everything from speed challenges to high efficiency moon landings, testing the Goddard problem and just having fun building outlandish rockets that can still fly. I\'ll see if I can dig up some player made guides for you, but don\'t feel you can\'t just ask anyone here questions, we may not have the answer but we\'ll try Edit: Here we are, I grabbed these earlier today. A beginners guide to KSP How to reach orbit There are many more on the How To board, it can be tricky to find them though
  10. That\'s true, the Avionics package is like the ASAS but it does not prevent you from steering, and it can drift, though not very fast. The ASAS can hold you rock solid if you have enough SAS, wings and gimballed engines for the ASAS to control, but every craft I have made similar to yours has also had so much force tipping it over that ASAS cannot stop it. Also you could test your shuttle if you launch it without the rocket, just take the rocket off, rename it 'shuttle test' or similar, and save the craft, you\'ll still have the complete shuttle and launcher under its original name. I\'ll send you my old 0.14.4 design, it\'ll work in 0.15 and it might help you, it can get to orbit, thrust about a bit for orbital rendezvous, de-orbit and glide, it cant land though unless you put wheels on it, but they made it look strange to me.
  11. I think I can help with problem 1, the wings are grabbing air when you turn, try keeping the shuttle sideways and pitch over more gently, with the main wings unable to grip the air it should reduce the tendency to fall over, at least that\'s how I manage it. You could also try adding wings to the bottom, they will grab air and try to keep you vertical, it\'s not a cure but it can help.
  12. You are correct, but to phrase it incorrectly would give too much information away correct?
  13. Nah I think quicker people than me did it by following the Navball just like you said, I had to make do with some vague directions and peering at Kerbin in the map screen for ages trying to guess where it might be, I didn\'t cotton on to the Navball marker till later. Also, Badimo, next time you are launching a rocket or spaceplane, take a look to the north, it\'s small but there is something interesting over there, and that\'s not the only one
  14. Hmmm no actually apart from a very few addon parts there isn\'t much that can push your spent stages away, RCS tanks and thrusters can puch your craft away from the spent stages, activate them with the 'R' key and use the 'H' key to thrust away, or just use your main engines. There are some packs with retro rockets that will push spent stages rearwards, reducing the chance they hit your upper stage, I\'m sure NovaPunch has some as does the DownUnder pack, these tiny rocket motors will fire even when decoupled. Decouplers themselves are far weaker now that they used to be, as now the physics are calculated more accurately, you could try finding more powerful decouplers, like the ones for the Failcan. Other than that, try to wait till after the lower stage runs out of fuel, or hit 'X' to shut down the engines before you activate the next stage, this is usually enough when in space but when you are in an atmosphere excessively tall boosters can be a liability. For side mounted boosters, where you put the decoupler has an effect as well, too low and the top will pivot round and take your engines off, too high and the boosters engines might clip your center stage. Radial decouplers top and bottom can help push boosters away more evenly, they still won\'t go far though because of the physics updates. Beaten by Nibb31
  15. Very nice Thobewill10, I\'m just looking up the VASIMR on wikipedia, it looks like a cool piece of kit.
  16. Some people like the challenge of finding these things, I personally have ruined too many games by reading walkthroughs when things got tough, so I try to avoid spoiling the sense of exploration and discovery that a new and unknown game can provide. Course, if you want spoilers badly enough you can probably find everything via google Edited for spelling.
  17. Hi Badimo. The rocks turned up in 0.14.3 (I think) and the arches are new to 0.15. There are other things to find and I don\'t want to give too much away as it would spoil things for you, but there is another space center somewhere on Kerbin, and very strange, somewhat small objects scattered across the Mun, Kerbin and I heard there is even one on the new moon. I won\'t say any more, but now you have a reason to go exploring. Also, welcome to the KSP community
  18. Hi Sean137 Welcome to the KSP forums, you say you are having trouble landing on the Mun? Well what I do is I get into an orbit around the Mun first, then lower it to about 5 or 10km. After that I burn sideways to stop the craft from moving and I hover gently to the ground, watch out for the ground though as the altimeter is set for the average height, not the actual height from the ground, if you turn on terrain scattering in the settings screen you will see Mun rocks, giving you a good visual clue to your height. Try to land as slowly as possible, many pilots use RCS to help them but it\'s possible with just the main engine, you can actually practice hovering and landing on Kerbin before you go, so you can get the hang of it. If you are drifting sideways when you land you are more likely to break your rocket, so making sure you are coming straight down is a must, you can use ASAS to help you and press capslock for fine control, you\'ll still be able to tilt a tiny bit and you can use that tilt to stop your sideways movement. As with most things, landing takes practice and all your attention, but after a while you\'ll find it becomes easy. You say you want to do some modelling as well? I can\'t help much with that but you can find a lot of help here, on the addon development board, you\'ll need the free edition of Unity3D if you want to use the new .MU files and the normal maps and emissive maps the new format supports, you\'ll still need a 3D modelling program though, and many mod makers use Blender. I hope this helps you Sean137, good luck and have fun
  19. 'B' will operate the wheel brakes once you are on the ground Personally I\'d have loved it if airbrakes had made it into KSP, but wheel brakes are ok, they can collapse if you overdo it though so I tap the B key just in case. The new wheels don\'t have handbrakes which is a pain, unlike Tosh\'s cart which can hold the brakes on and store their state in the persistence file.
  20. There seems to be a last gasp of phantom lift just when you land any plane in KSP, all you can do is nose up a bit to lose as much speed as possible before touching down as level as you can. If you know it\'ll nose up again be ready to tap that nose back down, it\'s times like this that I wish the airbrakes had made it in.
  21. Hi Kroden, when you get the full version you\'ll have another moon Minmus, to land on too. Also spacelanes, orbital rendezvous and a few secrets to find Good luck on your launches
  22. Looks good Thobewill10, they are 'battery like' and suit your other parts well There is supposed to be provision for refuelling and different fuel types in the new module system so you may have to look into that instead of MuMech. Also I don\'t know what to suggest when it comes to balancing, I know the three pre 0.15 engines all have the same fuel usage depending on their power and only the weight changed on the lander engine, but Ion drives are known for far greater efficiency at the cost of piddly thrust, if I just keep halving the thrust and drain of the LV-T30 I get a burn rate of 0.125 at a thrust of 3, that would put your Ion drive in line with stock but you\'ll have to see how it feels in use.
  23. The description for many parts say they were found by the side of the road, and there is a distinctly low tech feeling to much of Kerbal technology, so I wouldn\'t be surprised if Kerbals just used a rack of car batteries for their power storage. Maybe a part about the size of the RCS tank, but with batteries and jumper cables visible from the sides would be most fitting?
  24. Frankly I am amazed at how fast you work, are you sure you won\'t have this pack finished by the end of the week? As a mostly stock pilot, I can definitely see your parts along side the current stock parts, and that is just with the few things you have shown us so far. You mentioned earlier you were having trouble with emissive effects, NovaSilisko mentions here that normal maps and heat maps can\'t both be on the same part at the same time, and it looks like it was never resolved. Also that brain spark freaked me out, it\'d be just fine as an engine effect though.
  25. It looks like I have to post, as I have set this to follow your thread and it doesn\'t seem to be working. These parts look great, and it\'s interesting that you are balancing them against stock, even the look is spot on, so I may add these to my stock install along with other essentials like Tosh\'s carts. I read elsewhere that the current stock parts are placeholders though, and are likely to change at some point, their statistics especially were hastily thrown together.
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