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Everything posted by sal_vager

  1. Not sure your point, but there are times where reset camera and abort are both active, so having them on the same button was detrimental. It's remappable so knock yourself out and rebind it to backspace if you want. Backquote is a little more ergonomic as it's near the tab key for cycling through bodies, shift+tab to cycle backwards, it's also the key for search in the VAB and SPH.
  2. Well the KSP wiki could do with updating, it's user contributed Backspace to reset the camera conflicted with the Abort action group, so had to be changed.
  3. Hiya, its default binding is backquote now, it's left of the 1 key, hope this helps.
  4. All the parts are in the GameData/Squad/Parts/ folder, and the old parts are no longer in there.
  5. Moved to Gameplay questions, maybe it'll help others
  6. Can you upload the save to dropbox for us? One of us my have different luck. Or try enabling the gravity hack and lowering the gravity, the part should land much more softly.
  7. Moved to the Kerbal Network as it's about purchasing rather than the game itself.
  8. Hi reinderien, I can only assume the distribution you are using does not have libcurl installed, you may need to install both the i386 and 64bit versions to get both versions of KSP to start. Unity officially supports Ubuntu and SteamOS, which should have libcurl installed by default. I know that works on Linux Mint 18.1 and Xubuntu 16.04 and 16.10, you may also want to ensure libxcursor is installed as it is required by the Unity engine and some recent distros are omitting it.
  9. Important notes on the Patcher / Launcher As you have transferred to Steam then Steam can handle updates for you, but the latest Launchers don't include the patcher, there are now discreet patches available via your Squad store account. Hope this helps.
  10. It will come with everything in the Loud and Clear update, unfortunately that's all I know at this time.
  11. https://www-ssl.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/graphics-drivers/000005520.html Intel drivers should be built-in, I guess you can try the oibaf ppa for newer drivers, but unfortunately we're kinda stuck with the performance of the Unity3D Linux builds. As the Unity3D Linux editor and exporting matures we'll likely see better performance, and I'm sad to say but KSP runs best on Linux with the proprietary Nvidia drivers, I'd love to hear from anyone with a AMD RX 480 about performance numbers.
  12. Lol I remember that, and yeah, in a way enabling plugins was perhaps the best thing Squad ever did for players, and the worst thing Squad ever did for themselves, as you're literally free to program new functionality for KSP. You can mod KSP further than most other games that just allow asset swaps, sure there's core stuff that's hard to change, but the excellent ex Squaddies @NathanKell @sarbian @Mu. @Porkjet @Claw @Arsonide @taniwha did so much for us in the time they had, KSP can be nearly anything we want, if we're prepared to get stuck in with code.
  13. Well with all due respect that is your opinion, and everyone has a different opinion on what they feel should be in KSP, not just KSP but you'll find the same sentiment from someone for virtually any other game. Not everyone likes or installs the same mods for example, but modding makes KSP flexible, so even if you disagree that the base game is finished you're free to either add someone else's mod for the feature you want, or make your own. KSP is finished as far as its creator is concerned, it's a finished release with 1.0 as far as Squad is concerned, as are many other games that saw early adoption feedback from players. Feedback that Squad can accept or ignore, i'm sorry but players don't drive development as much as they think they do, and no matter the result of this thread or any of the many, many just like it that have come before, KSP's development is in the hands of Squad, to expand (as they have revealed they intend to, and have continued to patch regardless) or not as they see fit. KSP has features that are acceptable to the majority, with modding available for anyone who wants to do so. Squad does take note of things players want, but as you can imagine they are competing with the modders of their own game to bring anything new, and no matter what there will always be people with opinions
  14. Nothing really, KSP is already far more than Felipe (HarvesteR) ever expected it to be, if you don't remember this was meant to be a 2D side view game, with no airplanes. Other games provide more accurate physics or more thorough simulations, but that was not the goal with KSP. Thankfully, Felipe knew from the start how much modding could bring to a game, he originally revealed KSP on the Orbiter forums where modding has greatly expanded on another game that some consider unfinished, sound is an optional install for example. And he was right, we have a very strong modding community, able to bring to KSP anything from rusty rocket parts to MFD's and autopilots. So players can tailor KSP to their wishes, or play stock, either works (and with sound included!). So I consider KSP ready for Squad to think of new ways to expand it, above and beyond Felipe's vision, I wish him luck in all his future endeavors and I hope Squad can do right with the legacy he's left us.
  15. Please see this thread, and try the things it suggests, if the problem persists please provide your logs.
  16. Hi @LeLant, it looks like you are running out of memory. If your PC is 64bit please try KSP_x64.exe instead. Hope this helps.
  17. I'm sorry @DunaManiac but Squad has not revealed a date, it will be released when it is ready and it's not ready yet. This isn't just an update, Squad have contracted Blitworks to produce a new port based on the Loud and Clear release of KSP, nothing from Flying Tiger Entertainment is being reused. Blitworks have a lot of games under their belt as you can see from their main page, So I'm confident that they can deliver, it will however take time. I've mentioned the new port a few times in the KSP Weekly, it's definitely coming on but there's a lot of work still to do. Hope this helps
  18. Hi @Glorified Toaster With Leg, it sounds like you might need to reinstall KSP, if you have KSP on Steam just verify the cache and it'll restore any missing or damaged files. If that doesn't help please see here.
  19. It's more than just a UI, a UI change wouldn't make what's planned work. I can't say more, maybe @Robbonaut can later.
  20. Yes, this is correct, I can't wait for you guys to see it
  21. Not sure why this is Squads fault, but hey ho. Also please check the pre-release for keyboard localization.
  22. Oh don't forget the tracker cleanup, lots of old bugs were found to no longer occur.
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