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Everything posted by sal_vager

  1. Sorry guys but I think it's best if this is closed until @rbray89 returns, however the mod is MIT licensed so anyone here could continue it if they want to.
  2. Guys, apparently this is what TRAPPIST-1 looks like, this is possibly the image from the Transiting Planets and Planetesimals Small Telescope at the La Silla Observatory, or through the Spitzer space telescope. It's being discussed on Reddit, including how they are able to tease out the data on the planets, you might want to take a look. More info including graphs and the animation above are here. And raw data here.
  3. Sorry but no, not unless Squad releases a "Legacy" edition or similar with all the public releases included.
  4. Hi @linuxgurugamer, it appears you are correct, for the first tier astronaut complex I can't find a spot where I can get science from its biome. It's working for the tier 2 and tier 3 building though, so the contract can be completed, it'll just cost funds if you have not already upgraded. Hope this helps.
  5. Hi @bassmannate, yes it's the xserver crashing from a bad resolution passed by the Unity engine, it affects all window managers except xfwm. A somewhat reliable workaround is to delete the Unity prefs file before KSP starts, you can use a script like this to do it. This is for Steam 64bit.
  6. Okay so there's definitely something wrong here with resolution, from your terminal... But the log shows it's trying to use this... This is obviously too large and I expect on your system that oom killer is seeing KSP as the highest priority process instead of the window manager. I know that Unity games will read the prefs file (or the registry on Windows) for the last resolution the engine closed with, and assumes this to be "good", I suspect that if you go to the path I gave above... You'll find a prefs file containing these lines. You mentioned deleting the Unity3D folder. But there can be multiple folders as different Unity applications don't all use the same case, and Linux file systems are case sensitive. So please try specifically deleting the ~/.config/unity3d/Squad/Kerbal Space Program/prefs file, I use a script to start KSP and it uses these lines. Hope this solves it.
  7. Yeah that can happen, especially during a scene change, hopefully the log will give a clue next time it happens. Something on your system has to be doing this, like an anti-virus or app or maybe Windows itself, are you using Windows 10?
  8. Running KSP from the desktop is usually something we recommend you avoid, as Windows can prevent software from running if it doesn't have a registry entry, which is why I mentioned D:\Games\ (Guess your C drive is the OS) Are you running the KSP.exe and KSP_x64.exe directly or via a shortcut? And do the Launchers work? Maybe there's a clue in your dxdiag, please put it on pastebin for us, you say you've tried several versions of Windows, was this in a virtual machine? And have you tried older graphics drivers?
  9. It should work there assuming you're admin. There's been a lot of reports lately of KSP folders and files being set to read only on Windows 10, this prevents KSP from working correctly, there should be the option in the folder properties to make it and all subfolders and files read-write. If that doesn't work do you have any other Unity games that you can check?
  10. This looks like the problem, KSP can't find the game assets. Possibly it's a folder name that can't be parsed, "#############" doesn't look normal to me so I think you need to move KSP to something like D:\Games\
  11. Hi @KerbalAustronaut, there is a problem with KSP on MacOS sierra, so I assume you're using sierra, basically Apples Gatekeeper won't let it run. But this should fix it.
  12. This sounds like a different issue to toric5's, your symptoms aren't the same and what you describe is more like Unity failing to find a graphics driver. The log you posted isn't the log, it's the output from the terminal, for example here's mine. What I need is the Player.log, which is in the same place as the prefs file, deleting ~/.config/Unity3D just removes all unity game logs not just KSP's but Unity will make a new one every time it starts. What I'm looking for looks more like this. Yours may say "Failed to initialize engine" and should give a clue as to why.
  13. The KSPedia screens are exported from Unity3D as Unity asset bundles, this is a proprietary format. They can be slow to load on some peoples computers because of the png image files they contain, but should only take 10 to 20 seconds for all of them. If you are finding that they are taking much longer than this then you may have logmein/hamachi installed, unused network cards even virtual ones, or your network card driver needs updating. This is a Unity bug with the www class, which is needed to load files from a location, making mod loading possible. Hope this helps.
  14. Are you getting the symptoms in the Unity bug linked above? I.e resizing game window and your window manager crashing? Are any libraries missing when you use ldd KSP.x86 or ldd KSP.x86_64 in a terminal? What Linux distribution are you using and which version? What graphics card are you using and which driver? KSP is installed to your home folder correct? All the files are writeable?
  15. Unfortunately this is a Unity3D engine bug, and we are waiting on Unity to fix it. The only workarounds I know is using xfce, always deleting the prefs (unreliable) or making oom killer target KSP. Is that all the log you have? Try the 32bit version, KSP.x86
  16. Hi @Grof, where did you get KSP from Edit: Moved to PM.
  17. Moving this to the addons section, I think you need more than just a text editor, try taniwha's Blender plugin.
  18. When the log does not progress any further than what you have shown it usually means that something is causing the Unity3D game engine to crash before it is able to load any project files, i.e. the game, mods etc. You mentioned the KSP folder was read only, have you checked this again and did KSP start after you changed the permissions? There is also a Unity bug that causes Unity to assume it is in low integrity mode when it isn't, and it will write the logs to your users appdata.
  19. My monitor has a 1920x1080 resolution, but KSP should start in a 1280x720 window, is this not happening for you? Are you using any scaling modes in your graphics cards software? The engine will show resolutions it can detect, this may not happen with scaled resolutions, i.e. scaling a lower resolution up to 4k.
  20. Should be fixed in the next release, it's the building states when you start KSP, unless you star a sandbox they are set at tier 1, eg new career level. Start a sandbox game then exit it, and the tutorials and scenarios that rely on tier 3 buildings will work properly. Hope this helps.
  21. If I remember correctly it drifts because it is showing you where you need to burn relative to your position and the position of the manoeuvre node, which its rarely exactly the same.
  22. There are two different signs because the developers chose to use two different signs, this is not a bug or error. There is no standard for signs in the Kerbal universe, and signs similar to Human signs but for different hazards were created by the artists.
  23. @Numerlor, it was a deliberate design decision to use a variety of hazard symbols as inspiration for the symbols used by Kerbals, they are not intended to be exact copies of Human warning symbols, so this is not a mistake.
  24. They should all work. Most were, others still work but they are not all intended to be easy to fly, the older craft like the Aeris4A was specifically designed to be a challenge but is easier to use in the current game. The Albatross was always meant to be a hippo, and the Ravenspears are retained out of respect towards their creator, who never intended them to be beginner craft. The Dynawing as well is not intended to be an easy flight, if you want to get that into space you need to learn its quirks. Others like the Learstar A1 were designed specifically for the player to tweak, feel free to add some canards. Still others are examples such as the landers, or the favourite craft of the developers who included them. Some are okay for beginners, the Aeris3A and the PT Munsplorer are good examples of easy craft. But if you're expecting them all to be suitable for beginners I'm sorry to tell you that your expectations are incorrect
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