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The Raging Sandwich

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Posts posted by The Raging Sandwich

  1. March 16

    1927: Vladimir Komarov was born. He flew on Voskhod 1 and Soyuz 1. Spaceflight achievement was being the Commander of Voskhod 1, the first mission with more than one person and the first mission with a crew of three. He died on Soyuz 1 when the parachutes tangled up on deployment. US stations in Turkey reported hearing Komarov cursing the people who put him on the "botched ship."

    Image result for vladimir komarov

    1932: Ronnie Walter Cunningham was born. He flew on Apollo 7. Spaceflight achievement was being in the first manned Apollo mission.

    Image result for ronnie cunningham astronaut

    1955: Walt Disney's second Von Braun program, Man and the Moon, was first aired. Von Braun introduced a wheel-shaped space station for a platform to the Moon.

    Image result for von braun man and the moon

    1966: Gemini 8's Agena Target Vehicle was launched into orbit. Gemini 8 was to dock with it in orbit during its mission which would launch the same day.

    Image result for gemini 8 agena launch

    1966: Gemini 8 and its crew of Armstrong and Scott launched into orbit. The spacecraft rendezvoused and docked successfully with the Agena Target Vehicle. Soon after, the spacecraft and the Agena started to roll and yaw unexpectedly. The spacecraft and the astronauts were reaching their absolute limits. Armstrong undocked, thinking the problem was with the Agena. This only made it worse and the reaction control systems were shut down. The reentry control systems were used to stop the spinning. A stuck thruster caused the spinning. Most of the fuel was used up in the ordeal and the spacecraft was ordered to land ing the Pacific. This cut Scott's planned spacewalk from the mission. The spacecraft landed safely the same day as launch.

    Image result for gemini 8 launch

    1975: Mariner 10 started its third and final flyby of Mercury.

    Image result for mariner 10 mercury flyby

    1978: Soyuz 27 and its crew of 2 landed back at Earth.

    Image result for soyuz 27 landing


    March 17

    1930: James Irwin was born. He flew on Apollo 15. Spaceflight achievement was being the 8th person on the Moon.

    Image result for james irwin

    1936: Thomas Mattingly II was born. He flew on Apollo 16, STS-4, and STS-51-C. He was designated to fly on Apollo 13 but was removed two-days prior after coming down with the measles. Spaceflight achievements were orbiting the Moon as Command Module Pilot of Apollo 16 and the Commander of STS-44 and 51-C.

    Image result for thomas mattingly

    1958: Vanguard 1 was launched. It was the fourth artificial satellite launched into Earth orbit. It is currently still in orbit, being the oldest man-made object still in orbit today.

    Image result for vanguard 1 launch

    1992: Soyuz TM-14 and its crew of 3 launched into Earth orbit on a mission to the Mir. It docked to the station on March 19.

    Image result for soyuz tm-14 launch

    2010: X-15 pilot Robert White died. He became the first person to fly into space on the X-15 on flight 62.

    Image result for robert michael white


    March 18

    1880: Walter Hohmann, the creator of the Hohmann Transfer, was born.

    Image result for walter hohmann

    1961: Mercury Litte Joe LJ-5A was launched. It was a redo of the test flight on November 8, where the spacecraft failed to separate from the rocket. It was to test the structural integrity of the spacecraft during a launch escape on an Atlas booster. The LES fired prematurely again. The spacecraft was ordered to separate, but could not get distance away from the launch vehicle as the LES had already fired. The spacecraft was recovered successfully and was used on the LJ-5B mission.

    Image result for mercury lj-5a launch

    1965: Voskhod 2 and its crew of 2 launched into Earth orbit on a 1-day mission. An inflatable airlock was extended from the spacecraft hatch. Alexei Leonov stepped out of the airlock to conduct the first spacewalk which lasted 10 minutes.

      Image result for alexei leonov spacewalk

    1980: The Tselina-D Ukrainian probe was to be launched into Earth orbit. The rocket exploded, causing the launchpad to be destroyed and decommissioned until April 1983.

     Image result for tselina-d

    1989: STS-29 and its crew of 5 landed back at Earth.

    Image result for sts-29 landing

    1994: STS-62 and its crew of 5 landed back at Earth.

    Image result for sts-62 landing

    1995: STS-67 and its crew of 7 landed back at Earth.

    Image result for sts-67 landing

  2. So the helmet I ordered came in yesterday. It comes with a neck-guard sort of thing that can be attached to the helmet for cold weather. I'll leave it on and attach a sealing ring to the bottom of it that connects to another sealing ring on the suit, sort of like on the Mercury suit. Ill probably post a picture of the suit so far later today.

    Also, should I put the mission patch on the left shoulder or where the Apollo suit had their mission patches?


  3. It might be possible, but I would need to see evidence. They could be life like us, requiring the perfect conditions for them to live, or they could be like extremophiles and live in just about any condition, but we wouldn't know about them for a LONG time if they were small like the ones on Earth. 

  4. March 15

    1932: Alan Bean was born. He flew on Apollo 12 and Skylab 3. Notable spaceflight achievement was being the 4th person to walk on the Moon.

    Image result for alan bean

    1973: A meteorite fell in San Juan Capistrano, USA.

    Image result for san juan capistrano meteorite

    2009: STS-119 and its crew of 6 launched into orbit on a 12-day mission to the ISS. It delivered the ITS S6 truss segment and solar arrays to the station.

    Image result for sts-119 launch

  5. March 14

    1928: Frank Borman II was born. He flew on Gemini 7 and Apollo 8. Notable spaceflight achievements were being in the first crew to rendezvous in space and being in the first crew to orbit the Moon.

    Image result for frank borman

    1934: Eugene Cernan was born. He flew on Gemini 9, Apollo 10, and Apollo 17. Notable spaceflight achievements were being the 11th person on the Moon and the last person to step off the Moon.

    Image result for gene cernan

    1995: Soyuz TM-21 and its crew of 3 launched into orbit on a mission to the Mir. It included astronaut Norman Thagard, the first American to be launched on a Soyuz. It docked to the station on March 16.

       Image result for soyuz tm-21 launch

  6. March 13

    1781: Astronomer William Herschel discovered the planet Uranus.

    Image result for uranus

    1969: Apollo 9 and its crew splashed down in the Atlantic.

    Image result for apollo 9 landing

    1982: Nikolai Kamanin, the first commander of Soviet cosmonaut detachment, died.

    Image result for nikolai kamanin

    1986: The ESA's Giotto spacecraft completed a flyby of Comet Halley.

    Image result for giotto halley flyby

    1986: Soyuz TM-15 and its crew of 2 launched into orbit on a mission to the Mir. On April 17, the Mir was boosted to match the orbit of Salyut 7 and again on May 4. On May 5, the crew undocked, rendezvoused with Salyut 7, and docked to it. They got its systems working again, gathered supplies left behind by the last crew, and undocked on June 25, docking with the Mir again on June 26. The crew landed back at Earth on July 16.

    Image result for soyuz tm-15 launch

    1989: STS-29 and its crew of 5 launched into orbit on a 5-day mission. It deployed the TDRS-4, a NASA communications satellite. 

    Image result for sts-29 launch

  7. March 12

    1923: Walter Schirra was born. He was one of the original Mercury Seven astronauts and flew on Mercury MA-8, Gemini 6, and Apollo 7. Notable spaceflight achievements was being in the first crew to rendezvous in space and the Commander of the first manned Apollo mission.

    Image result for wally schirra

    1981: Soyuz T-4 and its crew of 2 launched into orbit on a mission to the Salyut 6.

    Image result for soyuz t-4 launch

    2002: STS-109 and its crew of 7 landed back at Earth.

    Image result for sts-109 landing

  8. 3 hours ago, Deddly said:

    Some political content has been removed from this thread. Please don't do that here :(

    I didn't even know there was anything political on here. Oh well, old thread anyways.

  9. March 10

    1978: Soyuz 28 and its crew of 2 landed back at Earth.

    Image result for soyuz 28 landing

    1986: The Japanese probe Sakigake completed a flyby of Comet Halley.

    Image result for sakigake comet halley flyby

    2006: The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter inserted itself into Mars orbit.


    March 11

    1945: German architect Walter Hohmann died. He defined the Hohmann Transfer, which is the minimal amount of energy needed to transfer orbit to another body.

    Image result for walter hohmann

    1956: Curtis Brown, Jr., was born. He flew into space 6 times on STS-47, 66, 77, 85, 95, and 103.

    Image result for curtis brown astronaut

    1960: Pioneer V was launched. It investigated solar flares, particle energies, and magnetic phenomena from solar orbit between Venus and Earth.

    Image result for pioneer v launch

    1961: The second Soviet manned spacecraft, later called Voskhod, was approved.

    Image result for voskhod spacecraft

    2008: STS-123 and its crew of 7 launched into orbit on a 15-day mission to the ISS. It docked to the station on March 13. It delivered the Canadian Dextre robotic manipulator to the end of the already-installed Canadarm-2. It also delivered the Japanese Kibo ELM-PS Experiment Logistics Module. It then undocked from the station on March 25 and landed the next day.

    Image result for sts-123 launch

    More coming later today

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