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The Raging Sandwich

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Posts posted by The Raging Sandwich

  1. I normally name mine after real life spacecraft or mythology figures. Examples from my game are: Orion (Upper stage), Castor and Pollux (twin boosters), Cygnus (booster).

    Also, I name some of my manned spacecraft "potato" in different languages, such as "Ziemniak" (Polish) or "Brambor" (Czechoslovakian). 

  2. Since Pluto has a thin atmosphere, why shouldn't Eeloo?

    If there could be one, I would suggest a really thin one, thin enough where you can't just land by parachute, or thin enough that you can still see stars from the surface.

    Anyways, still a suggestion. Also, isn't there a mod that adds one? It would still be nice in the stock game.

  3. March 27, cont.

    1969: Mariner 7 was launched. It was to flyby Mars on August 5. Numerous problems like antenna failure occurred but most were fixed. The encounter began on August 2. It reached closest approach of 2,131 miles on August 5. A total of 126 pictures of Mars were transmitted back to Earth.

    Image result for mariner 7 launch

    1972: Venera 8 was launched to Venus. It entered Venus' atmosphere on July 22. Aerobraking reduced the speed drastically and the spacecraft landed on the surface by parachute. Data was transmitted and recieved 50 minutes after landing.

    Image result for venera 8 

    1989: Contact was lost with the Phobos 2 spacecraft. It was to release 2 landers onto Mars' moon Phobos, but could not as a result of the lost contact. It successfully entered Mars orbit on January 29.

    Image result for phobos 2

    1992: James Webb, the NASA Administrator throughout most of the Space Race, died.

    Image result for james webb

    2008: STS-123 and its crew of 7 landed back at Earth.

    Image result for sts-123 landing

    2015: Soyuz TMA-16M and its crew of 3 launched into orbit. In the crew was Scott Kelly and Mikhail Korniyenko, who were supposed to spend around a year aboard the ISS. The spacecraft landed back at Earth on September 12.

    Image result for soyuz tma-16m launch

  4. March 25

    1655: Christiaan Huygens discovered Saturn's moon Titan.

    Image result for titan moon

    1922: Robert Goddard conducted the first functional test of a liquid-fuel rocket. It had a total of 4 lbs of thrust.

    1928: James Lovell, Jr. was born. He flew on Gemini 7, Gemini 12, Apollo 8, and Apollo 13. Spaceflight achievements were being in the first crew to rendezvous in space and the first crew to orbit the Moon.

    Image result for james lovell

    1961: Korabl-Sputnik 5 was launched. It carried with it the dog Zvezdochka and mannequin Ivan Ivanovich. Ivanovich was ejected from the capsule and was recovered safely. Zvezdochka was also recovered safely with the capsule.

    Image result for zvezdochka dog

    1992: Soyuz TM-13 and its crew of 3 landed back at Earth.

    Image result for soyuz tm-13 landing

    1996: Comet Hyakutake did a close flyby of Earth, coming within .1 AU.Image result for comet hyakutake earth flyby 1996

    2002: Shenzhou 3 was launched after a 3 month delay. It carried with it a dummy that replicated human conditions. It was launched successfully into orbit. The spacecraft landed back at Earth on April 1.

    2014: Soyuz TMA-12M and its crew of 3 launched into orbit on a mission to the ISS. It docked to the station on March 27. The crew undocked on September 10 and landed the next day.

    Image result for soyuz tma-12m launch


    March 26

    2009: Soyuz TMA-14 and its crew of 3 launched into orbit on a mission to the ISS.

    Image result for soyuz tma-14 launch


    March 27

    1968: The first man in space and in orbit Yuri Gagarin died along with his instructor pilot Sergin. He was on a training flight on a MiG-15 after being accepted back into flight service when it crashed.

    Image result for yuri gagarin crash

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