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The Raging Sandwich

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Posts posted by The Raging Sandwich

  1. It happened


    15 minutes ago, LordFerret said:

    Today I wrangled with an uncooperative game where, putting up new relay satellites in perfect circular orbits (ion powered, no MechJeb), I found every time I used time warp to help the wait for a satellite to reach a desired position, the damned Ap and Pe would change - because of the time warp. A few meters here, a few meters there... so inconsistent... so damned aggravating. My thinking is that this is not a thing which should be happening, there is no reason for it. Anyone else who has experienced this, feel free to chime in.


    I've had this happen before, and something similar. When rendezvousing two things, when I time warp, my target just sort of teleports to its right for no reason.

  2. 1934: Yuri Gagarin, the first person in space, was born. He flew on Vostok 1 were he orbited once around Earth. After, the Soviet leaders didn't want him to fly, claiming him as too important. They later let him fly into space again. He died in 1968 in a MiG trainer plane craft.

    Image result for yuri gagarin

    1955: Walt Disney's "Man in Space" weekly series premiered, with Wernher Von Braun as a technical adviser.

    Image result for disney's man in space

    1959: Several tests were conducted at Langley and Wallops Island for different ablative materials for a heat shield for an orbital Mercury spacecraft.

      Image result for mercury heat shield tests

    1961: Korabl-Sputnik 4, a test of the Vostok spacecraft, was launched. It carried a dog named Chernushka and the mannequin Ivan Ivanovich. After reentry on March 9, Ivanovich was ejected and landed by parachute while Chernushka landed safely with the capsule.

    Image result for korabl-sputnik 4

    (The only picture I could find about it was of Chernushka, so here you go.)

    1962: John Glenn was presented his Astronaut Wings, becoming the third man to receive them.

    Image result for john glenn astronaut wings

    1986: Vega 2 completed its flyby of Comet Halley.

    Image result for vega 2 comet halley flyby

    1996: STS-75 and its crew of 7 landed back at Earth.

    Image result for sts-75 landing

    2005: The Cassini spacecraft completed flybys of Enceladus and Tethys.

    Image result for cassini enceladus flyby 3/9Image result for tethys moon

  3. March 8

    1959: A Mercury abort test was conducted at Wallops Island. The abort procedure was less than nominal, causing sporadic movement on the spacecraft. 

    1977: Uranus was discovered to have rings.

    Image result for uranus rings

    1986: The Japanese Suisei spacecraft completed a flyby of the comet Halley.

    Image result for suisei halley flyby

    2001: STS-102 and its crew of 7, including one cosmonaut, was launched on a 12-day mission to the ISS. It carried with it the Leonardo logistics module to be docked to the Unity on the station. It docked with the station on March 9 and delivered the module. It delivered new supplies to the station and retrieved trash to be returned. Spacewalks were conducted to prepare for a Canadian robotic arm to be installed later on in another mission. 102 left behind 3 of its crew and brought back 3 more from the station.

    Image result for sts-102 launch

  4. March 6

    1927: Leroy Gordon Cooper, Jr., was born. He spent over a day in space on Mercury MA-9 and flew on Gemini 5.

    Image result for leroy gordon cooper

    1937: Valentina Tereshkova was born. She became the first female person in space when she flew on Vostok 6 as propoganda.

    Image result for valentina tereshkova

    1986: Vega 1 completed a flyby of Comet Halley.

    Image result for vega 1 halley flyby


    March 7

    1968: Zond 4 reentered the Earth's atmosphere. Its guidance system failed during reentry so it could not complete its planned double-skip reentry into the Soviet Union. As a result, it self-destructed during reentry.

    2009: The Kepler space telescope was launched into orbit. It constantly viewed 145,000 stars, detecting over 2,000 planets orbiting them in its first 3 years of operation. 

    Image result for kepler space telescope launch

  5. 2 hours ago, EpicSpaceTroll139 said:

    The Apollo LM really does not lend itself easily to replication in stock.


    I imagine this is probably going to hardest part of this whole project. Everything else is just cylinders, cones, and of course, rocket engines.

    Wow! I think the only thing that would make it better is either enlarging the ascent stage or shrinking the descent stage.

  6. 3 hours ago, munlander1 said:

    I got something that said I was randomly selected to get an Apple Watch and had some "real" testimonies. Almost believed it till I thought about it for a second. They probably stole some peoples profile pics for the "testimonies".

    I think that happened to me one time, but it was for an iPhone 7 if I remember. It was on my e-mail on my phone, too!

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