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The Raging Sandwich

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Posts posted by The Raging Sandwich

  1. March 24

    1961: Mercury MR-BD was launched. It was an unmanned test of the Redstone-Mercury composite. It was launched instead of Mercury MR-3A, what was supposed to be Alan Shepard's flight into space, which was cancelled. Von Braun persisted that they went ahead with one last test before a manned flight. If MR-3A was launched instead, Alan Shepard would've been the first man in space.

    Image result for mercury mr-bd launch

    1975: After running out of fuel, Mariner 10 was deactivated.

    Image result for mariner 10

    1992: STS-45 and its crew of 7 launched into orbit on a 9-day mission. It carried with it the ATLAS-1 experiment package on-board the ship.


  2. March 22

    1951: Azerbaijani cosmonaut Musa Manarov was born. He flew on Mir Expeditions 3 and 8. Spaceflight achievement was spending 541 total days in space.


    1981: Soyuz 39 and its crew of 2 launched into orbit on a mission to the Salyut 6.

    Image result for soyuz 39 launch

    1982: STS-3 and its crew of 2 launched into orbit on an 8-day mission. It carried onboard experiments with it as a test flight of the shuttle.

    Image result for sts-3 launch

    1995: Soyuz TM-20 and its crew of 3 landed back at Earth.

    1996: STS-76 and its crew of 6 launched into orbit on a 9-day mission to the Mir. It was the third Shuttle-Mir mission. It docked with the station on March 24. Shannon Lucid was transferred to the station for an extended stay.

    Image result for sts-76 launch


    March 23

    1912: Wernher von Braun was born. He was the chief pedant rocket scientist during World War II, designing the V2 missile. After the war, he was transferred to the United States where he worked on early US missiles including the Redstone and Jupiter missiles. He was transferred to the NASA team to help design the Saturn rockets to take the US to the Moon.

    Image result for wernher von braun

    1961: Cosmonaut Valentin Bondarenko died. It was the tenth day of a 15-day endurance test in a pure-oxygen pressure chamber when a fire broke out, killing him.

    1965: Gemini 3 and its crew of veteran astronaut Virgil Grissom and rookie astronaut John Young was launched on a three-orbit mission around the Earth. It was the first manned flight of the Gemini spacecraft. After three orbits, the crew made the first manual reentry. As a prank, Young took a corned beef sandwich on the spacecraft with him.

    Image result for gemini 3 launch

    1983: President Ronald Reagan proposed the Strategic Defense Initiative, or "Star Wars." It was an orbital system that would shoot down incoming missiles to the US.

    Image result for strategic defense initiative star wars

    2001: The Mir space station was deorbited, reentering over Fiji.

    Image result for mir space station reentry

  3. March 21

    1941: Dirk Frimout, the first Belgian astronaut, was born. He flew on STS-45.

    Image result for dirk frimout

    1965: The crew of Voskhod 2 were recovered.

    Image result for voskhod 2 crew recovery

    1965: Ranger 9 was launched. It was to impact the lunar surface at the crater Alphonsus. It impacted successfully 65 hours after launch. Americans watched it from real-time pictures transmitted from the probe. 

    Image result for ranger 9 launch

    2001: STS-102 and its crew of 7 landed back at Earth.

    Image result for sts-102 landing

  4. March 19

    1965: Voskhod 2 and its crew of 2 landed back at Earth. The failure of the service module to separate after retrofire caused the spacecraft to go off course during reentry. The tie-down straps burned through and the module separated. The spacecraft and the crew landed in a heavy forest in the Ural mountains surrounded by wolves. Recovery crews got to the Voskhod crew two days later.

    1990: The Japanese Hiten did a flyby of the Moon.

    Image result for hiten moon flyby

    2006: The Cassini did a flyby of the moon Titan.

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    2008: Author Arthur C. Clarke died. He wrote such things as 2001: A Space Odyssey and wrote the concept of a geosynchronous orbit in 1946.

    Image result for arthur c clarke


    March 20

    1965: The Voskhod 2 crew were found by recovery crew landing away from the stranded crew via helicopter and skiing down to them.

    Image result for voskhod 2 landing

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