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The Raging Sandwich

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Posts posted by The Raging Sandwich

  1. Now it's this:


    Auf der Heide blüht ein kleines Blümelein
    Und das heißt: Erika
    Heiß von hunderttausend kleinen Bienelein
    Wird umschwärmt Erika
    Denn ihr Herz ist voller Süßigkeit,
    Zarter Duft entströmt dem Blumenkleid
    Denn ihr Herz ist voller Süßigkeit,
    Zarter Duft entströmt dem Blumenkleid
    Auf der Heide blüht ein kleines Blümelein
    Und das heißt: Erika
    In der Heimat wohnt ein kleines Mägdelein
    Und das heißt: Erika
    Dieses Mädel ist mein treues Schätzelein
    Und mein Glück, Erika
    Wenn das Heidekraut rot-lila blüht,
    Singe ich zum Gruß ihr dieses Lied.
    Auf der Heide blüht ein kleines Blümelein
    Und das heißt: Erika
    In mein'm Kämmerlein blüht auch ein Blümelein
    Und das heißt: Erika
    Schon beim ersten Morgengrau'n sowie beim Dämmerschein
    Schaut's mich an, Erika
    Und dann ist es mir, als spräch' es laut:
    Denkst du auch an deine kleine Braut?
    In der Heimat weint um dich ein Mägdelein
    Und das heißt: Erika


  2. April 23, cont.

    1968: A Soyuz 7K-L1 was launched. All was normal until the capsule was reported to have separated from the inert second stage booster after a false abort signal. It landed safely and was recovered the next morning.

    1972: The Apollo 16 crew made their 3rd EVA on the Moon, driving the lunar rover to the North Ray crater. Upon return, they threw all the unneeded supplies out of the LM. They then lifted off the surface the same day, docking with the CSM in orbit.

    Image result for apollo 16 3rd eva  

  3. April 22

    1959: It was decided in a meeting at Langley that a tower would be the best configuration for Mercury's abort system.

    Image result for mercury escape tower

    1968: Soyuz 7K-L1 s/n 7L was launched. The spacecraft was supposed to separate from the L1 rocket 589 seconds into the flight. At 260 seconds, the malfunction detection system short-circuited and indicated a false launch failure, causing the SAS abort system to separate the spacecraft from the booster. This was the third abort of this kind with the SAS proving its reliability, even if it was unintentional.

    Image result for Soyuz 7K-L1 s/n 7L launch

    1971: Soyuz 10 and its crew of 3 launched into orbit on a mission to Salyut 1. It was the first manned flight to a space station. Because of the weather, it was nearly scrubbed. It approached to the station automatically, but hand-docking was attempted after the failure of the automated systems. The attempt at a hard-dock was failed after the bad angle of approach caused by having no instrument to calculate the approach angle. Soft docking was successful. The faulty hatch on the spacecraft disabled the crew from entering the station. Undocking was unsuccessful as the faulty hatch was impeding with the docking mechanisms.

    Image result for soyuz 10 launch

    1972: The Apollo 16 landing crew made their second EVA on the lunar surface.

    Image result for apollo 16 lunar rover

    1983: Soyuz T-8 and its crew of 3 landed back at Earth.


    April 23

    1956: The Army proposed that a Redstone Jupiter missile could launch a small satellite into orbit by January, 1957.

    1957: Vandenberg Airforce Base was established.

    Image result for vandenberg afb

    1962: Ranger 4 was launched. It was the first US spacecraft to impact the Mun. Failure of a timer in the spacecraft led to the loss of control of the spacecraft after being put in its set trajectory. It was tracked until it passed behind the Moon on April 26 and impacted.

     Image result for ranger 4 launch

    1967: Soyuz 1 and its crew of Vladimir Komarov was launched into orbit. It was planned for Soyuz 2 and its 3-manned crew to launch the next day with 2 of the cosmonauts spacewalking to Soyuz 1 after rendezvousing. After orbital insertion, one of the solar panels failed to deploy. The reaction control system also failed to function properly. It was decided to let Komarov return to Earth. Reentry and drogue-chute deployment were both successful. However, the main chute failed to deploy. Komarov attempted to deploy the reserve chute. It tangled up with the drogue chute causing Komarov and the spacecraft to crash. 

    Image result for soyuz 1 launch\

    More coming tomorrow...

  4. 1 hour ago, Kombat engineer said:

    Please keep that "thing" away from KSP we don't want crazy stuff to happen.(the player-base of roblox is very toxic.)


  5. 28 minutes ago, Waxing_Kibbous said:

    I came really close to buying one of these last year when Mars was close by, would it have been worth it for planet hunting?

    If you get the right lenses for it, yes. 

  6. 11 hours ago, Julien Kerman said:

    I extended my space station "SkyLab". First, I removed the oldest station core.

    Then I added a new docking arm:


    I also noticed that I need more energy, so I built new solar panels and added them:


    Finally I decided to add a second multi-port.


    What mod did you use to make space look like that (like the galaxy and stars and things)

  7. Long day. Got up at 4:50 for a track meet. We had to get to the school at 6:00 (the bus didn't come until 6:20). Then we took an hour drive to this school further north and got there around 7:15. Of course, when we got there, it started raining (the same thing happened at the same stadium another time) and we got delayed for around 2 hours until 9:30. Then it stopped raining and we proceeded as normal. I did my events, the 400m and 800m. I beat my time for the 400 but I'm not sure about the 800 because the clock broke half-way through the race. Then the whole 9-hour span we were there, I went from looking like this guy:


    Image result for sheamus wwe

    to this guy:


    Image result for sunburned person


  8. April 20

    1972: Charles Duke and John Young of Apollo 16 landed on the Moon.

    Image result for apollo 16 moon landing

    1983: Soyuz T-8 and its crew of 3 launched into orbit on a mission to the Salyut 7. It failed to dock with the station resulting in the crew landing back at Earth on April 22.

    Image result for soyuz t-8 launch

    1994: STS-59 and its crew of 5 landed back at Earth.

    Image result for sts-59 landing


    April 21

    1972: Apollo 16's Charles Duke and John Young made their first EVA after landing on the Moon the previous day. 

    Image result for apollo 16 jumping salute

    2007: Soyuz TMA-9 and its crew of 3 landed back at Earth.

    Image result for soyuz tma-9 landing

    2013: The Cygnus Mass Simulator was launched. It was the first launch of the Antares rocket. It carried instruments to measure the launch environments of the Cygnus vehicle which would be used for future ISS resupply missions. It also carried 4 cubesats, Dove-1, Alexander, Graham, and Bell.

    Image result for cygnus mass simulator launch

  9. I'm conquering the solar system but covering it up with capitalism and commercial missions so here are some space stations I launched:





    So far I have these around Kerbin, Mun, Minmus, Duna, Eve, and Laythe. I'm planning on launching more to Tekto and Thatmo around Sarnus and Neidon. I'll place refueling stations around Kerbin, Mun, Minmus, Ike, Dres, Vall, and Eeloo.

    I'll put one or more mining bases on those planets/moons as well. (Missions to those stations/bases will actually be launched and not cheated)

  10. April 19 cont...

    2001: STS-100 and its crew of 7 was launched into orbit on a 12-day mission to the ISS. It delivered a Canadian robotic arm called Canadarm 2 to the station and an Italian cargo ship called Rafaello to deliver supplies. It docked to the station on April 21. The robotic arm and Rafaello were both docked to the station on April 23. After delivering its supplies and taking in unneeded supplies, Rafaello was undocked from the station on April 27 and placed back in the shuttle payload bay. After a series of computer problems onboard the station, STS-100 undocked from the station on April 29. The weather was bad in Florida, so the crew landed in California instead on May 1

    Image result for sts-100 launch

    2004: Soyuz TMA-4 launched into orbit on a mission to the ISS. It docked to the station on April 21

    Image result for soyuz tma-4 launch

    2006: Albert Crossfield, the first man to reach mach 2 and the first Hispanic test pilot, died in a crash of a private plane near Ellijay, Georgia due to bad weather.

    Image result for albert crossfield

    2008: Soyuz TMA-11 and its crew of 3 landed back at Earth.

    Image result for soyuz tma-11 landing

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