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The Raging Sandwich

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Posts posted by The Raging Sandwich

  1. 14 hours ago, razark said:

    Why not?  Simply naming him is not a political act; it doesn't show support or opposition for him.  You've already identified him, so there's no anonymity.  It's not like people don't know who he is.


    "Donald J. Trump."

    If this simple string of letters is offensive or forbidden to someone simply for being what it is, then that person needs to get on with their life and stop pretending that words have some sort of magical powers.

    I would name names but just apparently doing that just leads up to the moderators getting mad and editing everyone's posts or closing the thread just for a name.

  2. 1 hour ago, Red Stapler said:

    @The Raging Sandwich...nice pics, what visual mod(s) do you have installed?

    Are you using an edited SVE/Scatterer or another visual mod with EVE?

    I'm specifically curious to know... 

    1) How you got those dark cloud shadows on your 2nd - 4th pics? ...unless that is smoke from your destruction, then lol, nice work and never mind. :P

    2) Ninth pic...I dig how the atmosphere blends into space on this pic.  On my EVE/Scatterer/SVE I get more of a distinct change between atmosphere/clouds to space (you can see a '2D plane' of clouds at altitude on my game instead of the nice blend into space you seem to have).  How did you accomplish this if not too involved to explain? 

    3) Tenth pic...what cloud texture(s) are you using?  Are those from Astronomers, Sci Fi visual mods or other?

    If you can share any of your Scatterer or EVE/SVE etc. settings (or pics of your settings if easier) that would be awesome...if applicable.  Thanks in advance! :cool:


    I downloaded the Kargantua mod, and that added some of the visual packs and I don't really know what they are or what they do. If you go on the thread I'm pretty sure it'll say what they are. The only thing I actually downloaded was Scatterer. 

  3. May 26

    1951: Astronaut Sally Ride was born. She flew on STS-7 and STS-41-G. Spaceflight achievement was being the first American woman in space.

    Image result for sally ride

    1951: Cosmonaut Mohammed Faris was born. He flew on Mir EP-1. Spaceflight achievement was being the first Syrian in space.


    1961: The Freedom 7 spacecraft in which Alan Shepard flew in on a suborbital flight was displayed at the Paris Air Show.

    Image result for freedom 7 paris air show

    1969: Apollo 10 and its crew landed back in the Pacific after a mission to the Moon.

    Image result for apollo 10 landing

    1973: Skylab 2 performed its first EVA in which Paul Weitz attempted to free a jammed solar wing. It was the first and failed attempt to do so.

    Image result for skylab 2 eva 1

    1980: Soyuz 36 and its crew of 2 launched into orbit on a mission to the Salyut 6.

    Image result for soyuz 36 launch

    1981: Soyuz T-4 and its crew of 2 landed back at Earth.

    Image result for soyuz t-4 landing

    1991: Soyuz TM-11 and its crew of 3 landed back at Earth. 

  4. 1 hour ago, TheKosanianMethod said:

    There is no one at school. Today is field day for us, so no one bothered to show up. There's about ten people in my first class.

    So I have nothing to do but browse the forums and read XKCD. It's a good day.

    Yeah, on our field day we had awards and yearbook distribution on the same day. A good third of the school didn't show up. Then there were finals the last three days, yesterday was the last school day. It was consistent the number of people who showed up. Tuesday it was about 3/4, then Wednesday it was only about half, then yesterday about less than a quarter showed up. Then there were all the people that left after finals ended, which ended at 11:30 Tuesday and yesterday.

  5. 4UlyK2n.png

    Testing out the new gunner


    1 clusterbomb later...


    Aiming at the gunner




    Firing at the bomber


    Out of bombs... KAMIKAZE


    Take off of Integral's SS-3 on its 4th flight spaceplane at the North Pole 




    In space 


    Merfurt Kerman becomes the first Kerbal to go EVA in space on Brambor 2.


    17 minutes later, it's time to go back inside as the Sun is setting.


    A solar eclipse as the SM is jettisoned


    Missile test

  6. I took a tour that took me to a bunch of launch sites, past the VAB and launch control, past all the administration buildings, to a lookout area to watch launches, and to the Saturn V building. I also saw the Atlantis. Really fun! The tour buses are air-conditioned too, that was one of my favorite parts.

  7. May 25

    1961: President Kennedy called for a manned landing on the Moon and a return to Earth in a message to Congress. 

    Image result for president kennedy land a man on the moon congress

    1964: Ivan Bella, the first Slovak cosmonaut, was born. He flew on Mir Stefanik. 

    Image result for ivan bella

    1973: Skylab 2 and its crew of Charles Conrad, Joseph Kerwin, and Paul Weitz was launched on a repair mission of the Skylab 1 space station. After rendezvousing with the station, a fly-around was conducted to assess the damage. The solar wing 2 was completely missing and the solar wing 1 was just slightly deployed. The CSM docked to the station to plan activities. An hour later, it undocked for an EVA to fully deploy solar wing 1, which failed. On attempt to redock to the station, it took 8 attempts before docking was achieved. EVAs would later be held to fix solar wing 1 and to deploy a solar shield in place of the lost meteoroid shield, which brought the temperatures down in the station.

    Image result for Skylab 2 launch

    2001: The Galileo spacecraft did a flyby of Callisto.

    Image result for callisto

    2008: The Phoenix lander landed in the Mars polar region of Vastitas Borealis.

    Image result for phoenix lander 

  8. May 24

    1958: Capt E. L. Breeding withstood 83 Gs for a fraction of a second in a test of deceleration on a rocket sled. 

    Image result for holloman afb rocket sled

    1962: Mercury MA-7 and its crew of Scott Carpenter was launched into orbit on a 5-hour flight. The spacecraft was named "Aurora 7" by Carpenter. It was the second Mercury orbital flight. Being amazed at the sights in space, Carpenter used up to much RCS fuel, causing the landing point to be 300 km away from the planned site.

    Image result for mercury ma-7 launch

    1975: Soyuz 18 and its crew of 2 launched into orbit on a mission to the Salyut 4. The crew were in space during the time of the Apollo - Soyuz joint flight.

    Image result for soyuz 18 launch

    1986: US-German astronaut Stephen Thorne died in a plane crash where he was a passenger.

    Image result for steven thorne astronaut

    1997: STS-84 and its crew of 7 landed back at Earth.

    Image result for sts-84 landing

    2001: Astronaut Patricia Robertson died in a plane crash as a passenger in Houston, Texas.

    Image result for patricia robertson astronaut

  9. May 22, cont.

    1973: The Skylab I Board of Investigation was established to investigate the launch anomalies of the Skylab I space station.

    1981: Soyuz 40 and its crew of 2 landed back at Earth.

    Image result for soyuz 40 landing


    May 23

    1962: The Avco Manufacturing Corporation presented a space station idea to MSC. It would be 3 tubes launched by separate Titan II rockets and would be joined together in a triangle formation in orbit. A Gemini spacecraft would be used as a ferry vehicle. It would be used to see the effects of weightlessness on reentry and fix the amount of time people can spend in orbit.

    1965: the Life Sciences Committee of the National Academy of Sciences' Space Science Board recommended to NASA that Apollo astronauts returning from the surface of the Moon be quarantined for 3 weeks upon return to Earth as not to infect anyone with possible extraterrestrial organisms.

    Image result for apollo quarantine

    1974: The Soviet Yantar-2K was launched. At just over 7 minutes, a failure of the second and third stage separation resulted in the loss of communications, prompting the spacecraft and booster to self destruct.

    Image result for yantar-2k

  10. May 21

    1969: Apollo 10 reached lunar orbit.

    Image result for apollo 10 orbiting the moon

    1986: The unmanned Soyuz TM-1 was launched. It was a test of the new Soyuz spacecraft that would be used to send crew to the Mir and ISS. It docked to the Mir on May 23, undocked on May 29, and was recovered May 30.

    Image result for soyuz tm-1 launch

    2005: The Cassini spacecraft did a successful, untargeted flyby of Enceladus.

    Image result for enceladus


    May 22

    1947: Helmut Gröttrup, the head German rocket scientist at the USSR, was tasked with building a modified V2 with a 600 kilometer range, called the G-1.

    Image result for g-1 irbm

    1959: The Vostok manned spacecraft and the Zenit-2 spy satellite were authorized. The Zenit-2 (and later Zenit-4) would both use the Vostok design.

    Image result for vostok  Image result for zenit-2 spy satellite

    (Vostok left, Zenit right)

    1963: President Kennedy left the decision for NASA whether or not to launch Mercury MA-10 a second 1-day Mercury mission after Gordon Cooper's mission on MA-9.

    1969: The LM of Apollo 10 passed 10 miles over the lunar surface in a descent orbit. After the separation of the descent and ascent stages, the ascent stage begin to pick up wild gyrations, which would be possibly fatal on a landing mission. It redocked to the CSM after 8 hours of separation.

    Image result for apollo 10 lm

    More coming soon 


  11. May 20

    1958: The USAF and NACA signed an agreement for cooperation in the Dyna-Soar program.

    1978: The Pioneer Venus Orbiter was launched. It was inserted into a 24-hour elliptical orbit on December 4. Data was collected on the surface, atmosphere, and ionosphere. 93% of the surface was mapped. UV observations were also made of several nearby comets. Its mission ended when it burned up in the atmosphere on October 8, 1992.

    Image result for pioneer venus orbiter launch

    1995: The Spektr experiment module was launched to the Mir space station. It docked to the station on June 1.

    Image result for spektr module

    2000: The Galileo spacecraft did a flyby of Ganymede.

    Image result for ganymede 

    2006: The Cassini spacecraft did a flyby of Titan.

    Image result for titan

    2010: Ikaros, a Japanese solar sail test vehicle, was launched by Japan. Its sail was deployed on June 11 and the Sun's light was expected to accelerate it. It completed a flyby of Venus on December 8. On the flyby, a picture was returned of the sail with the crescent of Venus. The launch vehicle also launched Akatsuki, a Venus orbiter which failed to insert itself into orbit on December 6, and 4 cubesats.

    Image result for ikaros launchImage result for ikaros venus

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