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The Raging Sandwich

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Posts posted by The Raging Sandwich

  1. On 10/25/2017 at 12:38 AM, mikegarrison said:

    I mean, this is cool and all, but you have never once replied to any of the people who were giving you sound advice about being sure you are on the correct side of the law, here. It starts to sound really suspicious that your main plan is to just not get noticed. (And in that case, posting about it on the internet isn't a great choice.)

    Did I not? Welp. Just know that I probably won't be doing much of this stuff I said I would. And just because I didn't reply to suggestions doesn't mean I didn't take them into consideration. 'Cause I did.

  2. Lately I've had problems with my RCS. Every time I press R, all it does is continually fire the bottom thruster and I can't get it to stop. Here's my gamedata folder if it helps:


    please help because this is getting really freaking annoying and I haven't played the game in months because of it!

  3. Update August 20

    I've come up with some future missions that will be considered.

    • Stratospheric weather balloon: Launch a payload into the stratosphere using a weather balloon to test recovery of high-altitude payloads.
    • Rockoon: A small, lightweight rocket is carried into the stratosphere by a weather balloon and ignited once achieving adequate height.
    • Two-stage Cougar rocket: A first stage the size of a Cougar Mk2 (still in development) boosts a second stage smaller than a Cougar Mk1 into the air to be ignited
    • Cougar rocket with side boosters: A central Mk2 stage has 4 radial Mk1 side boosters to fall away once all their fuel is spent
    • Remote staging: A remotely guided two-stage Cougar rocket is flown. Once the first stage is spent, it is automatically separated by on-board electronics. Can be adapted for side boosters and parachutes. 


  4. Weekly Update: Aug. 20-26

    Sunday 8/20: research and come up with future missions

    Monday 8/21: Observe solar eclipse (may not be able to sadly, schedule for Monday and Wednesday are a bit iffy)

    Tuesday 8/22: make weekly video

    Wednesday 8/23: --- (subject to change)

    Thursday 8/24: research and early-design a liquid-fuel rocket

    Friday 8/25: research and early-design a reentry nosecone

    Saturday 8/26: make weekly recap

    Note: all these events are subject to change because of my busy schedule with school and all.

    Note: since I live in the south, it's been hot and humid the last few months and will continue to be the next couple weeks. Building and testing the F 1.5 motor really depends on how humid it is outside, the fuel is hygroscopic and won't work well with moisture in it. I hope you all understand!


  5. 3 hours ago, RoadRunnerAerospace said:

    I remember watching the final space shuttle landing on TV, in my english class. Its one of my few memories when I was 8 (I just have poor memory *shrugs*) I also remember thinking to myself that this landing is an end of an era, and promptly got kinda sad to see it go,  i`m just glad to live when the space shuttle was still flying, and be able to watch a few launches on nasa TV (yes, we had that at my house). Anyways, that trailer was amazing.


  6. Update August 18

    A few things will be delayed until further notice. I don't have the right stuff to bond the camera platform window and I probably won't have time to build the F 1.5 tomorrow. Also, since my school computer's a Chromebook and only runs on internet, it doesn't have Movie Maker (which I usually use for videos) and my home computer for some reason doesn't have it either. 

    I will do my best to catch up!

    But so far this week, I have set up the notebook, finalized the F 1.5 design, designed the Mk1 nosecone, and ran simulations on the F1 rocket. 

    Stay tuned for later updates!

  7. Weekly update: Aug. 13-19

    Sunday 8/13: ---

    Monday 8/14: Set up SBR notebook, establish camera platform window in Cougar Mk1

    Tuesday 8/15: Finalize design of F 1.5 engine

    Wednesday 8/16: Establish camera platform base, design Cougar Mk1 nosecone

    Thursday 8/17: Run simulations on F1 rocket, make weekly video

    Friday 8/18: Finalize F2 engine design

    Saturday: Build (test?) first F 1.5 engine, make weekly recap video


    Notes: School started last week, so any daily progress will be small like the stuff listed above. Getting my school computer on Thursday, so I'll be uploading videos to Youtube and making more visuals. Stay tuned.

  8. On 7/14/2017 at 3:55 PM, Spaceception said:

    Sometime on this thread a while back, I believe @The Raging Sandwich said that on the 1 year anniversary, this thread wouldn't be updated anymore.And since that's a couple days away :/

    It probably will, just haven't figured out what I'll do with it. And I'm still working on going all the way through July 15th, and that won't even be done today.

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