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The Raging Sandwich

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Posts posted by The Raging Sandwich

  1. May 19

    1939: Astronaut Francis Scobee was born. He flew on STS-41-C and 51-L, where he died when the Challenger exploded.


    1961: Cape Canaveral was first opened to the public.

    Image result for cape canaveral

    1965: Apollo A-003 was launched. It was a test of the LES at high altitudes. At 3 miles altitude, the Little Joe II booster disintegrated after an unscheduled roll. The LES boosted the spacecraft away, proving itself in an actual emergency, even though the mission objectives were not met.

    Image result for apollo a-003(Ooh, a gif!)

    1971: the Soviet's Mars 2 was launched. It was to research Mars with an orbiter and a lander. 2 course corrections were made on June 17 and November 20. 4 and a half hours before orbital injection on November 27, the lander separated but crashed into the surface. The spacecraft successfully entered an elliptical 18-hour orbit.

    Image result for mars 2 launch 1971

    1974: Any further launches of the N1 were suspended.

    Image result for n1 launch

    1996: STS-77 and its crew of 6 launched into orbit on a 10-day mission. It deployed and retrieved Spartan 207, an X-ray satellite, and deployed PAMS STU, an attitude control test.

    Image result for sts-77 launch

    2000: STS-101 and its crew of 7 launched into orbit on a 10-day mission. It was the first shuttle launch with new electronic cockpit displays. Its main objective was to repair, resupply, and conduct construction on the ISS. It docked to the station on May 21

    Image result for sts-101 launch

    2004: The Japanese Hayabusa probe conducted its gravity assist with Earth.

    Image result for hayabusa earth gravity assist

  2. May 17

    1946: A contract was given to Aerojet Engineering Corp. toi begin production of the Aerobee sounding rockets.

    Image result for aerobee rockets

    1959: The Soviet PKA spaceplane was drafted. The spacecraft would launched into LEO by a Vostok rocket, retrofire after a day-long flight, and reenter. After reentry, the plane would fold out its wings that were stowed in a vertical position and glide back to a runway.

     Image result for pka spaceplane

    1966: The Gemini 9 Agena target vehicle was launched. It was to be docked with in orbit by the Gemini spacecraft. It failed to reach a circular orbit and so the Gemini 9 mission was scrubbed until June 1.

    Image result for gemini 9 agena launch

    1969: Venera 6 attempted a landing on Venus just days after Venera 5 also attempted to land. Both impacted the surface and were crushed.

    2004: The GoFast rocket was first launched. It was the first civilian rocket to reach space.

    Image result for gofast 2004 launch


    May 18

    1930: Astronaut Dr. Don Lind was born. He flew on STS-51-B. Known for waiting the longest time to fly in space after becoming an astronaut, 19 years.


    1969: Apollo 10 and its crew of Gene Cernan, Thomas Stafford, and John Young was launched on an 8-day mission to the Moon. It was the final dress-rehearsal mission before Apollo 11. After reaching a circular orbit, the S-IVB stage ignited again for the TLI burn. 30 minutes later, the CSM separated, turned around, docked with the LM, and extracted it from the S-IVB. The crew voted not to do the first mid-course correction burn in favor for a second one that would match that of a July Moon mission. The third and fourth burns were cancelled after the second burn's accuracy. The spacecraft entered lunar orbit on May 21. the LM systems were activated the next day. The LM undocked with the CSM and burned into a descent orbit. the LM reached just 10 miles above the surface and burned back into orbit with the upper stage to redock to the CSM. 

    Image result for apollo 10 launch

    1991: Soyuz TM-12 and its crew of 3 launched into orbit. It carried the second paying British passenger to the Mir space station.

  3. May 16

    1957: The Soviets launched their first operational R-2A rocket. It was based off of the V2. It carried dogs with it as it reached 131 miles altitude.

    Image result for r-2a first launch

    1959: The German Rocket Society (DRG) launched their first rocket mail. The rockets were 5 kg and 2 m long. They were recovered with 3/4 parachutes and had an accuracy of within 130 m with a range of 3 km. 5000 postcards were placed on the rockets in 10 launches.

    Image result for drg rocket mail

    1963: Mercury MA-9 and its crew of Gordon Cooper landed back at Earth after 22 orbits over 34 hours. MA-9 was the last Mercury flight.

    Image result for mercury ma-9 landing

    1969: The Soviet's Venera 5 impacted Venus. 

    1992: STS-49 and its crew of 7 landed back at Earth.

    Image result for sts-49 landing

    2011: STS-134 and its crew of 7 launched into orbit on a 16-day mission. It docked to the ISS on May 18. It delivered the ELC-3, the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS)-02, and some other spare parts. 

    Image result for sts-134 launch

  4. May 15

    1942: The Russian BI-1 rocket plane was flown on its first powered flight. It was flown by Grigori Bakhchivangi and reached a maximum speed of 400 kph.

    Image result for bi-1 first powered flight

    1958: Sputnik 3 was launched. It was the third satellite launched by the Soviets.

    Image result for sputnik 3

    1960: Korabl-Sputnik 1, also known as Sputnik 4, was launched on a test flight of the Vostok 1KP prototype manned spacecraft. It had no heatshield and was unrecoverable. It was commanded to retrofire on May 19. The spacecraft oriented itself incorrectly and thus burned itself into a higher orbit. Afterwords, the capsule was separated from the service module. Conditions in the cabin were still normal.

    Image result for korabl-sputnik 1

    1963: Mercury MA-9 and its crew of Gordon Cooper was launched into orbit on a 1 and a half day mission. Cooper orbited the Earth 22 times, spending over a day in space and becoming the first American to sleep in Space. Nearly all the systems had failed during flight and Cooper had to manually retrofire out of orbit and land, which he did successfully. It was the last flight of the Mercury Program. The capsule was dubbed Faith 7.


    1997: STS-84 and its crew of 7 launched into orbit on a 9-day mission. It docked to the Mir space station on May 17. It delivered water, U.S. and Russian experiments, and other materials. U.S. astronaut Jerry Linenger who had been staying on the station since January transferred to the shuttle to return to Earth while STS-84 crewmember Michael Foale would remain on the station. It undocked from the station on May 22 and landed two days later.

    Image result for sts-84 launch

    2001: German rocket engineer Fritz Mueller died. He worked for Von Braun in Germany and America and worked on the guidance systems for the Redstone, Jupiter, Pershing, and Saturn I rockets.

    Image result for fritz mueller guidance system

    2012: Soyuz TMA-04M and its crew of 3 launched into orbit on a mission to the ISS. It docked to the station on May 17

    Image result for soyuz tma-04m launch

  5. May 14

    1935: The Griffith Observatory was founded in Los Angeles, California.

    Image result for griffith observatory

    1963: Mercury MA-9 was to be launched with Gordon Cooper on board. The engine used to pull the gantry away from the rocket failed but was fixed 2 hours later. Then the Bermuda Tracking Station had a failure of a computer converter, causing a delay of the launch to May 15.

    Image result for mercury ma-9 on launchpad

    1973: Skylab 1, the first US space station, was launched by a modified Saturn V rocket. It was outfitted from a S-IVB stage and fitted with solar panels and docking adapters. The station and the launch vehicle were supplied from surplus Apollo Moon landing hardware after Apollos 18, 19, and 20 were cancelled. At 1 minute and 3 seconds after liftoff, telemetry indicated that a meteoroid shield was deployed and the fairing for the Solar Wing 2 had jettisoned. After it got into a stable circular orbit, the payload fairings were jettisoned and the station separated from the second Saturn V stage. The meteoroid shield and Solar Wing 2 were ripped completely off during descent. The loss of the shield resulted in high temperatures in the station, being fixed by later manned missions.

    Image result for skylab 1 launch

    1981: Soyuz 40 and its crew of 2 launched into orbit on an 8-day mission. It docked to Salyut 6 to deliver its new crew of Popov (USSR) and Prunariu (Romania).

    Image result for soyuz 40 launch 

    2010: STS-132 and its crew of 6 launched into orbit on a 12-day mission. It delivered Node 3 with Cupola to the ISS.

    Image result for sts-132 launch


  6. May 10

    1919: Freiherr Magnus von Braun was born. He was the brother of Wernher von Braun and was also a German WW2 rocket engineer. He was brought to the US along with von Braun and other ex-pedant rocket scientists to work on America's rocket program.

    Image result for magnus von braun

    (Magnus on the right)

    1966: Voskhod 3 was suggested to be cancelled. It was to be an 18-day flight that would break an altitude and duration record. The reasoning behind the cancellation was that the Soviet's primary focus was on the Soyuz 7K-OK spacecraft and that it would show the Americans' lead against them with a mission without docking or maneuvering at all.


    May 11

    1949: Cape Canaveral, Florida was selected for US rocket launches. The site would have better capabilities than the current White Sands launching sites with a 5,000 mile range for missiles.

    Image result for cape canaveral 1950

    1966: The plans for the Apollo-Gemini lunar landing rescue vehicle was discontinued. A Gemini spacecraft as a lunar lander would serve as a rescue vehicle for astronauts on the Moon. 

    Image result for gemini lunar rescue lander

    2009: STS-125 and its crew of 7 launched into orbit on a 13-day mission. It retrieved the Hubble Space Telescope on Servicing Mission (SM)-4. It captured the telescope on May 13. Four EVAs were conducted to repair and upgrade the telescope. Hubble was then released on May 19.

    Image result for sts-125 launch


    May 12

    1946: Douglas Aircraft Company did a study on a manned Earth-orbiting satellite. It would need to achieve a speed of 27,360 kilometers per hour to reach a stable circular orbit around the Earth above the atmosphere and would revolve once every 90 minutes.

    1953: During flight, X-2 experimental plane number 46-675 exploded killing its pilot Jean Ziegler and observer Frank Wolko. The EB-50A mothership that carried the plane to its dropping altitude landed safely despite some damage. After other X-plane failures, it was deduced that the problem was caused by the engine casket made of leather which could decompose and explode once exposed to LOX.

    Image result for x-2


    May 13

    1982: Soyuz T-5 and its crew of 2 launched into orbit on a mission to the Salyut 7.

    Image result for soyuz t-5 launch

    Also, thanks to @cratercracker for making my new pfp! It's nice!

  7. Well yesterday in PE we had this unreasonable sub because the Coach was out. Unreasonable as in...

    *Starts singing a song from Spongebob* "You guys should've come in here and act your age! I'm gonna send you to Mrs. Melvin's (a science teacher no one likes) class!"

    We started throwing a paper plane around (since when you have a sub in our PE classes, they want you to go on your computer and do nothing (but our class HATES that because the class is called Physical Education) but somehow that got on her nerves.

    Then, someone rolled a quarter along the floor and I rolled it back. It rolled into the gym's lobby so I went to go look for it. So you know what she did instead of doing absolutely nothing like she should've done! "Hey! Go sit against the wall!"

    Image result for what? face

    I think the only thing we did that would actually cause a normal sub to get mad was riding a broom like it was a horse, but that was at the beginning of class.

  8. No they are not going to colonize Mars in 30 years. Maybe... 40 or 50. Their ITS is too prone for failure. The Falcon 9s are proven to work well though. Hope the Falcon Heavy works well too. But sending 2 people around the Moon and back in such a short amount of time is going to end up killing somebody. The only reason people are only focusing on SpaceX is because NASA isn't doing anything. "NASA lacks the funding though!" No it doesn't, it just got a lot more funding. With it, a manned Mars mission could be done late next decade, but it won't. 

  9. May 9

    1931: Vance Brand was born. He flew on Apollo ASTP, STS-5, STS-41-B, and STS-35.

    Image result for vance brand

    1960: Mercury Pad Abort 1 was flown on a successful mission. The Mercury capsule was launched by the LES as propulsion to test the abort system. It also tested the parachutes and recovery.

    Image result for mercury pad abort 1

    1965: Luna 5 was launched. It was an attempted soft-landing mission on the Moon. During landing, the retro system failed letting the spacecraft impact the surface.

    Image result for luna 5

    1971: Mariner 8 was launched on the joint mission with it and Mariner 9. The launch failed leaving Mariner 9 to have to complete all objectives of the spacecraft by itself.

    Image result for mariner 8 launch

    2003: Japan launched the Hayabusa probe towards asteroid 1998 SF36 to attempt and retrieve a sample.

    Image result for hayabusa 1 launch


  10. 7 hours ago, Avery616 said:

    Thanks for the help! I have gotten imgur all set up and can now post pictures. To celebrate i have decided to upload some things from my screenshot folder.


    "I scoff at Hawaiian sunset pictures"

    This was a hard one. I had to land it on the slope via pointing its nose all the way up and firing its engines to slow its descent(I believe there's a name for that. Suicide burn i think?). Then at the last second i had to turn it so it would land on its landing gear. Then it started to wheel down the slope. Requiring a few more minutes of strategic engine burning so it could slowly wheel down to a place where the brakes would work. A hard landing but well worth it.


    "Onward into the fiery yellow yonder" The right takeoff at the right sunrise can make all the difference in the world.


    So those are two pictures from my screenshot library.  I will upload more over time of course. Thank you for the help. :D



    Also, protip: Press F2 to take the navball and all that off the screen. Nice screenshots too

  11. 12 hours ago, StupidAndy said:

    AWW...I wish I thought of that :D that sounds like a great response to the idiocracy that is the public school majority

    I didn't think of it, but it was a good thing so I used it. And yes, the majority of students are as dumb as a rock. If idiots could fly, my school would be an airport. (Also not original)

  12. 8 hours ago, NSEP said:

    Someone actually asked me the same question, and i answered: "Im not smart, you are just dumb".

    I like to roast my friends.

    Reminds me of the time when some people ask me, "You're quiet, aren't you?" I just say, "No, I just talk to those who are worthy. Most of you aren't."

    But really, I only talk to my friends which are only in certain classes.

  13. 6 hours ago, munlander1 said:

    How does that defeat an industrial air filter?



    1 hour ago, LetsGoToMars! said:

    getting back on track...

    the last post with a new image appears to be @The Raging Sandwich, with the mesothelioma lawsuit infomercial, so I suppose the game should resume from that point. 

    That image I put on wasn't part of the game but whatever. Carry on.

    Edit: Nevermind, didn't look at the rest of @LetsGoToMars!'s post

  14. 5 hours ago, Avery616 said:

    So i have some pictures i would like to upload here. Issue is i don't know how. Are there any threads where there are instructions? thanks!

    I'd suggest using Imgur. You upload a picture from your screenshots folder. Then you view your image on the website after uploading it and copy the direct link, then paste that here. It should automatically format.

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