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The Raging Sandwich

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Posts posted by The Raging Sandwich

  1. So...

    I have track after school. My coach is going to states the next three days so we didn't have practice today (or tomorrow, we're off Friday). I stayed 40 minutes after school for whatever. As I was there, everyone started rushing to the street. Turned out some kid's mom was trying to pick him up in the MIDDLE OF THE STREET and he got clipped by a truck and had to be taken out by an ambulance. So that was fun.

  2. 3 hours ago, Gh0stReaper said:

    I tried my hardest to create a single engine SSTO but these was my problems in order.

    1. Not enough oxidiser for my circularisation burn.
    2. Lowers amount of liquid fuel in hopes of raising Delta-V.
    3. Still not enough oxidiser.
    4. Replaces Liquid fuel tank with a liquid fuel and oxidiser tank.
    5. Not enough liquid fuel to deorbit.
    6. Uses Hyperedit to increase liquid fuel
    7. About to land and of course, I crash.

    I hate my life.

    Jeb still survived though.

    I feel you. ;.;

  3. 23 hours ago, KAL 9000 said:

    2017: SpaceX launches satellite NROL-76 and lands their booster back on the pad.

    What day was that?

    May 2

    1955: The USAF approved of the Titan ICBM. Later iterations of it would be used for future manned and unmanned spaceflights.

    Image result for titan 1 icbm

    1974: The Soviet N1-L3 manned Lunar program was cancelled after numerous failures of the L3 spacecraft and N1 rocket.

    Image result for n1-l3


  4. May 1

    1925: Malcolm Scott Carpenter was born. He flew on Mercury MA-7, becoming the second American in orbit.

    Image result for scott carpenter

    1936: Wernher Von Braun entered the Luftwaffe, the German Air Force.

    1937: Von Braun joined the pedant Party.

    Image result for wernher von braun nazi party

    1949: Astronomer Gerard Kuiper discovered Neptune's moon Nereid.

    Image result for nereid moon

    1958: Sergei Korolev decided that Soviet manned suborbital spaceflights would be skipped and that they would go straight to orbit. A three-staged R-7 ICBM would be used for these orbital missions.

    Image result for vostok launch

    1998: The Dar al Gani 476 Mars meteorite was discovered in Libya.

    Image result for dar al gani 476

    2001: STS-100 and its crew of 7 landed back at Earth.

    Image result for sts-100 landing

    2004: The Genesis solar probe did a flyby of Earth.

    Image result for genesis earth flyby

    2017: SpaceX launches satellite NROL-76 and lands their booster back on the pad.

    Image result for spacex nrol-76 launch

  5. April 28

    1908: Eberhard Friedrich Michael Rees was born. He was in charge of manufacturing V2s, Redstones, Jupiters, and stages for Saturn rockets from 1940-1969.

    Image result for Eberhard Friedrich Michael Rees

    1961: Mercury Little Joe 5B was launched. It was a mission to test the LES in maximum dynamic pressure. A stall of one of the booster engines caused the vehicle to pitch lower than planned, so the planned pressure at abort was actually exceeded. Other than that, everything else went to plan.

    Image result for mercury lj-5b

    1963: It was planned for the Soviet N1 booster to be first launched in 1965. It would be able to launch 75 tons into a 250 kilometer orbit, 50 tons to 3,000 kilometers, and 16 tons into a geostationary orbit. It would also be able to launch manned missions to the Moon's surface and back and even manned flybys of Mars and Venus. It could also be used for launching space stations.

    Image result for n1

    1991: STS-39 and its crew of 7 was launched into orbit on an 8-day mission. It deployed the USA 70 military satellite and CRO-A, B, and C satellites that released gasses for observation by the IBSS experiment, which was also deployed and recovered.

    Image result for sts-39 launch

    1998: Egypt's first satellite, Nilesat 1, was launched. It was a civilian communications satellite placed in geostationary orbit. It and Japan's BSAT 1B were both launched together.

    2001: Soyuz TM-32 and its crew of 3 was launched into orbit on a mission to the ISS. It was to replace Soyuz TM-31 as the lifeboat spacecraft on the station. After docking to the ISS on April 30, the crew returned to Earth on Soyuz TM-31 six days later.

    Image result for soyuz tm-32 launch


    April 29

    1985: STS-51-B and its crew of 7 launched into orbit on a 7-day mission. It carried with it Spacelab 3 and deployed NUSAT-1.

    Image result for sts-51-b launch

    1990: STS-31 and its crew of 5 landed back at Earth.

    Image result for sts-31 landing


    April 30

    1945: Michael Smith was born. He flew on STS-51-L where he died in the Challenger accident.

    Image result for michael smith astronaut

    2004: Soyuz TMA-3 and its crew of 3 landed back at Earth.

    Image result for soyuz tma-3 landing

    2006: The Cassini spacecraft did a flyby of Titan. 

  6. April 27

    1942: Dr. Valeri Polyakov was born. He flew on Mir LD-2 and LD-4. Spaceflight achievements were having the longest single spaceflight of 437 days and spending a total of 678 days in space.

    Image result for Dr. Valeri Polyakov

    1958: Sputnik 3 was launched. It failed to reach orbit when the booster exploded on launch. Another Sputnik 3 was launched later next month.

    Image result for sputnik 3

    1972: Apollo 16 and its crew of 3 landed back at Earth after a mission to the Moon.

    Image result for apollo 16 landing

    1989: Soyuz TM-7 and its crew of 3 landed back at Earth.

    Image result for soyuz tm-7 landing

  7. So my state (Alabama) is notorious for the weathermen getting everything completely wrong. Today in my science class (a real smart  group of people [jk]) were saying how there will be tornadoes tomorrow and Saturday like they were definitely going to happen. I legitimately can't believe they still take in anything the god of weather James Spann tells them. This is also the class that didn't quite know what D-day was.

  8. April 26

    1967: The state funeral was held for Vladimir Komarov in which his ashes were interred in the Kremlin wall.

    (Warning: a bit graphic)


    Image result for vladimir komarov state funeral

    1971: NASA discontinued the quarantine for future Apollo flights returning from the Moon starting on Apollo 15.

    Image result for apollo quarantine

    1993: STS-55 and its crew of 7 launched into orbit on a 10-day mission. It carried the German Spacelab-D2, a science lab attached inside the shuttle payload bay.

    Image result for sts-55 launch

    1998: The Cassini spacecraft conducted its first flyby of Venus on its way to its target Saturn.

    Image result for cassini venus flyby

    2003: Soyuz TMA-2 and its crew of 2 launched into orbit on a mission to the ISS. 

    Image result for soyuz tma-2 launch

    2004: The Opportunity Mars rover ended its primary mission.

    Image result for opportunity mars rover

  9. April 24

    1967: Vladimir Komarov died when the Soyuz 1 spacecraft crashed. Upon failure to deploy the main chutes, Komarov deployed the back-up chutes which tangled up with the drogue chute, causing the spacecraft to crash. He was the first person to die during a spaceflight.

    Image result for soyuz 1 crash

    1970: China's first successful orbital satellite DFH-Mao 1 was launched. Everything during launch was reported nominal and the satellite entered orbit 13 minutes after launch.

    Image result for dfh-mao 1

    1971: Soyuz 10 and its crew of 3 landed back at Earth after its failed mission to Salyut 1. Only a night landing was possible if it was to land in Soviet territory. The air inside the spacecraft became toxic during reentry and crewmember Rukavishnikov fell unconscious. Other than that, the crew and spacecraft landed safely.

    Image result for soyuz 10 landing

    1990: STS-31 and its crew of 5 launched into orbit on a 5-day mission. It deployed the Hubble Space Telescope (HST), which after repairs by later missions, would look out into space at different galaxies, stars, nebulae, and other phenomena. 

    Image result for sts-31 launch

    2005: Soyuz TMA-5 and its crew of 3 landed back at Earth after a mission to the ISS.



    April 25

    1961: Mercury Atlas (MA)-3 was launched in an attempt to reach an unmanned Mercury spacecraft into orbit. The rocket failed to reach a proper launch trajectory and the mission was aborted. The spacecraft landed safely by parachute 2,000 yards from the launchpad. 

    Image result for ma-3 launch

    1962: The second suborbital test of the Saturn 1 first stage (SA-2) was launched. The dummy second and third stages contained water to act as the weight of fuel during launch. Upon intended self-destruct, the water was released into the upper atmosphere creating a giant ice cloud as part of Project Highwater.

    Image result for saturn 1 suborbital test 2

    1968: A memorial service was held for Vladimir Komarov, the cosmonaut killed in the crash of Soyuz 1, with over 10,000 people attending.

    Image result for vladimir komarov memorial service

    1972: Charles Duke and Thomas Mattingly conducted an EVA in deep space to retrieve film cartridges from the Service Module.

    Image result for apollo 16 sm eva

    2002: Soyuz TM-34 and its crew of 3 (one being a South African citizen) was launched on a mission the the ISS. It docked to the station on April 27

    Image result for soyuz tm-34 launch 

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