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The Raging Sandwich

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Posts posted by The Raging Sandwich

  1. April 19

    1932: Robert Goddard first tested a liquid fuel-rocket with gyro stabilization. It used 8 gyro-fins to stabilize it. It reached 135 feet and flew for a total of 5 seconds.

    Image result for robert goddard gyro stabilized rocket

    1971: The first manned space station, Salyut 1, was launched. After achieving a stable orbit, the cover for the scientific equipment bay did not open, leaving many experiments unusable. Otherwise, it was functioning well. It included a number of military experiments along with many scientific experiments.

    Image result for salyut 1

    1982: The Salyut 7 space station was launched. It was less advanced and involved as Salyut 6 even though it had the same design. Two resupply modules originally intended for the then cancelled Almaz station docked to Salyut 7 to make a larger station. It reentered after losing fuel on February 7, 1991 over Argentina. It was attempted to control the reentry but all attempts failed, leaving some parts of the station to land in a small town called Capitan Bermudez, but no one was hurt.

    Image result for salyut 7

    1985: STS-51-D and its crew of 7 landed back at Earth.

    Image result for sts-51-d landing

    More coming later today

  2. 7 hours ago, TheKosanianMethod said:

    On Easter, the fire alarm in my church went off at the end of the service. We continued like normal, we had about a minute left. By the time the rest of the altar servers  and I had lined up and walked to the back of the church (within a minute of the alarm), the last six rows were completely empty - apparently all of the old people bolted as soon as the alarm went off.

    Nice, what denomination are you?

  3. April 18

    1951: Aeromed 1 Biological mission was launched. It was the first Aerobee sounding rocket to carry a monkey onboard, though its name is unknown.

    Image result for aeromed 1 biological mission aerobee

    1968: Two workers were killed while working on the Soviet N1 rocket.

    2002: the Stardust spacecraft reached the Aphelion of its orbit (2.72 AU).

    Image result for stardust aphelion

    2003: Stardust exited solar conjunction, where the Sun was blocking its view of Earth, making it temporarily invisible.

    2014: SpaceX's Dragon CRS-3 was launched to the ISS. It was also the first launch of the Falcon 9 with a recoverable first stage. During launch after the first stage was jettisoned, it landed vertically in the ocean to be recovered. After achieving orbit, the second stage separated the spacecraft along with 5 cubesats. The spacecraft delivered supplies to the station and undocked on May 18. It landed safely in the Pacific the same day.

    Image result for dragon crs-3 launch 

  4. April 16

    1956: David Brown was born. He flew on STS-107, the failed Columbia mission in 2003.

    Image result for david mcdowell brown

    1962: The N1 Soviet Moon rocket among other ICBMs was authorized.

    Image result for n1 rocket

    1972: Apollo 16 and its crew of Charles Duke, Thomas Mittingly, and John Young were launched on an 11-day mission to the Moon. The S-IVB stage and the spacecraft were first put in a parking orbit. Translunar Injection came a little less than 3 hours after launch. The tracking of the S-IVB stage was lost on April 17. It impacted the Moon on April 19 triggering the Apollo 12, 14, and 15 seismometers. The spacecraft entered lunar orbit on April 19. Crewmembers Charles Duke and John Young landed on the Moon on April 20. The first EVA was conducted the next day. The crew traveled a total distance of 2.6 miles on the first EVA with the lunar rover. The second EVA was on April 22. The total distance traveled on the lunar rover then was 6.9 miles. The third and final EVA was the next day, where the crew traveled 7.1 miles. Thomas Mittingly stayed in lunar orbit during the surface exploration of the two other crewmembers. The ascent stage of the LEM lifted off the surface on April 23 and docked with the CSM. The LEM was jettisoned on April 24. A subsatellite was ejected from the spacecraft but crashed into the Moon on May 29

    Image result for apollo 16 launch

    2005: The Cassini spacecraft conducted a successful flyby of the moon Titan.


    April 17

    1967: The Surveyor 3 lunar lander was launched. It landed on the Moon on April 20. It would later be visited by Apollo 12 in November, 1969.

    Image result for surveyor 3 launch

    1970: Apollo 13 and its crew landed safely in the Pacific ocean. 4 hours before reentry the SM was jettisoned and the LM was jettisoned 1 hour before reentry.

    Image result for apollo 13 landing

    1976: Germany's Helios 2 spacecraft made the closest ever flyby of the Sun.

    Image result for helios 2 sun flyby

    1990: Ronald Evans, Jr. died. He flew on Apollo 17.  

    Image result for ronald evans

    1993: STS-56 and its crew of 5 landed back at Earth.

    Image result for sts-56 landing

    1998: STS-90 and its crew of 7 launched into orbit on a 16-day mission. It carried Spacelab, a science lab stowed inside the shuttle payload bay.

    Image result for sts-90 launch

  5. Well... I woke up super tired, dropped my binder out of my locker and it sort of exploded when it hit the ground (someone helped me pick it up, so I have that going for me) and had to sort-of put everything back where it was, lost my peripheral vision in my right eye during lunch, and had a migraine in 6th period, making me have to check out of school. I also have the ACTs to take tomorrow and Wednesday. Isn't Monday fun?

  6. April 15

    1970: Apollo 13 swung around the Moon on its way back to Earth, setting an altitude record of 401,056 km away from the center of the Earth. Radio contact was lost until they came back around. Later that day, they made a course correction with the LM descent stage to reduce the coast time to Earth. 

    2004: STS-122 was cancelled after the Columbia disaster.

    Image result for sts-122

    2005: Soyuz TMA-6 and its crew of 3 launched into orbit on a mission to the ISS. It docked to the station on April 17.

    Image result for soyuz tma-6 launch

  7. April 14

    1955: Wernher Von Braun became a U.S. citizen at Huntsville Highschool in Alabama.

    Image result for wernher von braun us citizen

    1981: STS-1 and its crew of John Young and Robert Crippen landed back at Earth after the first spaceflight of the shuttle.

    Image result for sts-1 landing

    2002: The wake-up song for STS-110 was "All Star" by Smash Mouth, played for astronaut Walheim. (Included for Satire)

    Image result for all star smash mouth

    2015: SpaceX launched the Dragon CRS-6 ISS supply spacecraft into orbit on a 37-day mission. The recovery of the first stage of the Falcon 9 was attempted on a barge in the Atlantic but failed. The spacecraft arrived at the station on April 17. It was grappled by the robotic arm and docked to the Harmony module. It delivered supplies needed for the crew along with 16 cubesats that would later be deployed in orbit, mice, and a microgravity espresso machine.

    Image result for spacex dragon crs-6

    I'll have to do April 15 and 16 later tomorrow, as I have no more time tonight. 

  8. 5 hours ago, ProtoJeb21 said:


    It's just because of stupid genetics and stuff. I was missing an adult tooth and now I had to get a fake one. Right now it's attached to my braces, so I wonder what will happen when I have to get them off....

    That's like something that's happened to me, how I lost a tooth a couple months ago and it hasn't grown back at all, it wasn't an adult tooth either. I don't think its genetics, though.

  9. April 13

    1959: Discoverer 2 was launched. It was the first ever satellite to be completely stabilized, maneuvered in orbit, and to send a reentry vehicle back to Earth. The capsule ejection malfunctioned, causing the capsule to crash-land near Norway in Spitsbergen (though this was just speculation) instead of landing near Hawaii on April 14. After it was never found, it was suspected to be stolen by Soviets.

    Image result for discoverer 2 launch

    1960: Transit 1B, the first orbital navigation satellite, was launched. It was the first launch of a Thor/Ablestar rocket. The Ablestar stage had the first engine-restart in space.

    Image result for transit 1b launch

    1984: STS-41-C and its crew of 5 landed back at Earth.

    Image result for sts-41-c landing 

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