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The Raging Sandwich

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Posts posted by The Raging Sandwich

  1. Jfy9zcg.png

    C7 Munar 8 reentry after a failed double-flyby mission of the Mun


    SS-1 Flight 9 takeoff


    Landed on Samlee's Island


    Liftoff of Periapsis' Aerospike SSTO to launch Satellite 2 into orbit


    Satellite 2 in orbit


    The first successful landing of Rokea's Hawk Mk1 first stage


    The second stage falling close by


    The first flight of the SS-3 spaceplane from Integral after the KSP gifted one to them for research. Taken from apoapsis


    Reentry over the North Pole


    A tough landing at the Winter Owl base


    Artemis on a Slate flyby


    Sarnus, Eeloo, and Ovok


    Separation of the Traveler landing probe


    Entering Tekto's atmosphere


    Successful landing at Tekto's shores

  2. You know how I was talking about how a kid at my school got hit by a truck on Wednesday? Well he's back at school today, he looks completely fine which is nice, but he walks a little differently now. Also, our school seems to have no luck with kids and cars, because a kid at our school unfortunately was in a car accident yesterday and died on his way to the hospital.

  3. May 7

    1961: It was proposed that a Titan II rocket could be used as a launch vehicle for the lunar landing program. It was soon suggested to use it to launch a scaled-up Mercury spacecraft.

    Image result for titan ii

    1992: STS-49 and its crew of 7 launched into orbit on a 9-day mission. It retrieved the Intelsat 6 satellite already in orbit.

    Image result for sts-49 launch

  4. May 6

    1959: It was concluded that pigs would not be test subjects in Mercury Little-Joe flights as they could not survive long periods on their back. 

    Image result for mercury program pigs

    1985: STS-51-B and its crew of 7 landed back at Earth.

    Image result for sts-51-b landing

    1991: STS-39 and its crew of 7 landed back at Earth.

    Image result for sts-39 landing

    2001: Soyuz TM-31 and its crew of 3 landed back at Earth.

    Image result for soyuz tm-31 landing

  5. 9 hours ago, _Augustus_ said:

    There was nothing wrong with L3. All of the problems stemmed from the N1 rocket.

    If I remember correctly there were a lot of failures with the L3 on its test missions, there have been a few posts on those missions in this thread I'm pretty sure.

  6. May 3

    1998: STS-90 and its crew of 7 landed back at Earth.

    Image result for sts-90 landing

    2007: Walter Schirra, Jr. died. He flew on Mercury MA-8, Gemini 6, and Apollo 7. Spaceflight achievements were being one of the original Mercury 7, being the only astronaut to fly on Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo, being in the first crew to rendezvous in space, and being the Commander of the first crewed Apollo mission.

    Image result for wally schirra


    May 4

    1989: STS-30 and its crew of 6 launched into orbit on a 4-day mission. It deployed the Magellan Venus probe. Magellan was released on May 5. It arrived at Venus on August 10, 1990 and inserted itself into a polar orbit. Its primary objective was to map the topography of the planet. 

    Image result for sts-30 launch

    2003: After the failure of STS-107 Columbia, the shuttle fleet was grounded. Soyuz TMA-1 had to be used as a lifeboat for the ISS crew. It and its crew of 3 landed back at Earth. 

    Image result for soyuz tma-1 landing


    May 5

    1961: Mercury MR-3 and its crew of Alan Shepard, Jr. was launched on a suborbital mission into space. It was the first ever American manned spaceflight. The flight lasted only 15 minutes. The highest altitude achieved was 115 miles and it was recovered successfully. Shepard could have launched on March 24 and beat Gagarin into space, but Wernher Von Braun suggested that one last test mission had to be launched first.

    Image result for mercury mr-3 launch

    1993: STS-55 and its crew of 7 landed back at Earth.

    Image result for sts-55 landing

    1999: The Galileo Jupiter spacecraft did a flyby of the moon Callisto.

    Image result for galileo callisto flyby

    2002: Soyuz TM-33 and its crew of 3 landed back at Earth.

    Image result for soyuz tm-33 landing

  7. Just now, NSEP said:

    First of all: where is the engine providing that huge plume?

    Second: Where are the fuel tanks? Is the fuel in the walls? Surrounding the crew? Is that not pretty dangerous?

    Third: How did the lady at the bottom get her head decapitated so smoothly, that she still looks alive?

    Fourth: Why is nobody wearing a spacesuit? I think they need at least a space uniform.


    I know right! I hate these kind of rocket drawings. Even little kids know there's no room for fuel! Just look at any real-life rocket, ANY ROCKET AT ALL, and tell me, does this look remotely similar in the slightest?!?! :mad: (Yes I am this mad)

    Some more examples:


    Image result for rocket clipart

    Image result for rocket clipart


    Now real life rockets:


    Image result for real-life rockets

    Image result for real-life rockets

    Image result for real-life rockets


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