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The Raging Sandwich

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Posts posted by The Raging Sandwich

  1. Laythe TM-2 (The second mission launched to MunLab 2. A modified Duna A booster was swapped out for the newer Dres A booster to launch it. Although more costly, it would provide more opportunity for longer and more advanced missions. Its crew of 3 docked to the station in orbit of the Mun and will be returning to Kerbin on Year 9 Day 102. The L2a T2 will rendezvous with the station as the crew is onboard.): Probable success

    C7 S13 (A step-forward in C7's secret goal of beating the KSP in it's goal of putting a Kerbal on Minmus first. S13 was an orbiter that doubled as a ComSat. On top was S14, a lander. It kept communications with the lander on its way down to the surface.): Success

    C7 S14 (The lander in the S13/S14 mission. It was jettisoned from the orbiter and deorbited towards the surface. It landed inside a dried lake-bed. After a few hours, it lifted off again and landed on a plateau. It took a few hops to bring it towards the edge to recieve sunlight and to be able to take a picture of the other side of the lake-bed.): Success

    Submarine M1 (A new technology developed by the KSC. Upon going down the beach, the submarine flipped, killing the Kerbal inside.): Failure

    GWS-1 (The first launch of Kerbal Motion's Delta Mk1 rocket. It was to launch Global Weather Surveyor-1 after the sudden appearance of clouds [SVE]. The rocket could not provide enough lift to make it off the ground.): Failure

    L2a T2 (The second and final test of the L2a lander before Ike 2c. It was boosted towards the Mun, landed safely with fuel to spare, and lifted off again into orbit. Awaiting rendezvous with MunLab 1.): Probable success

    Next planned missions:

    GWS-1 (A retry of the original mission)

    Truss D (A retry of the twice-failed mission)


    Laythe TM-2


    In orbit


    Kerbinrise is much better with SVE




    Approaching MunLab 1




    C7 returns to space


    Bye, Kerbin


    C7 S13/14


    In orbit


    Kerbin and Mun






    Arrival at the plateau


    Landed again




    GWS-1 ready for launch. A Mainsail will replace the main engine on the next launch.


    First stage jettison


    Landing procedure initiated


  2. January 21

    1959: The first test of the Thor-Agena launch combination was conducted.

    Image result for thor-agena

    1960: Mercury LJ-1B was launched. It was a retry of Mercury Little-Joe 1 where the LES fired 30 minutes before the actual test. This time a rhesus monkey, Miss Sam, was aboard. The test was successful and Miss Sam was in good condition.

    Image result for mercury lj-1b


    January 22

    1968: Apollo 5, an unmanned LM test on a Saturn 1B, was launched. It was to test structure, propulsion, and staging of the LM along with the performance of the S-1VB stage.

    Image result for apollo 5 launch

    1992: STS-42 and its crew of 7 launched into orbit on an 8 day mission.

    Image result for sts-42 launch

    1997: STS-81 and its crew of 7 landed back at Earth after a mission to the Mir space station.

    Image result for sts-81 landing

    2003: The last transmission was received from Pioneer 10, 82 AU or 12.3 billion kilometers away from Earth at that point. The signal took over 11 hours to reach Earth. At the rate it was going, it would reach the star Aldebaran in 2 million years.

    Image result for pioneer 10


    January 23

    1941: The Glenn Research Center was founded.

    Image result for glenn research center

    1986: Astronomer Brad Smith discovered Uranus' moon Bianca.

    Image result for bianca moon

    More coming later today!

  3. 12 hours ago, MrLake said:

    Considering the average popular meme has a half-life of about a week now....

    If they're bad. If they're good, they may be lucky to have a life span of 3 weeks + like Arthur and Harambe.

  4. Downloaded STE, Chatterer, and Mechjeb.

    Truss D (A retry of the original mission. Upon gravity turn, the rocket started to tip over too much, causing it to spiral out of control and crash.): Failure

    Discovery 16 (A retry of Discovery 15. Successfully made it to Minmus, losing signal half-way through but got picked-up again by the Transit 13 orbiter and landers. Upon landing, it lost signal and crashed into a mountain. More Transits will be needed at Minmus.): Failure

    Munotrod 2 (The second rover to land on the Mun. It was a test of a new tumble-technology. It was an octagon-shaped tube that rolled along the surface at a top speed of 61 meters per second until the RTGs were destroyed [on timewarp].): Partial success

    Progress 2 (A mission to deliver supplies to KerbinLab 2.  Supplies contained two screwdrivers, a Ghetto Blaster, and an external EVA chair. Supplies returned to Kerbin [crashed into the ocean] contained on screwdriver and a guitar.): Success

    ARM-3 (A mission to find the composition of the monolith at the KSC. A rover with a drill droved over the monolith, got 0.06 units of the ore, and returned it to the KSC.): Success

    Next planned missions:

    Laythe TM-2 (The first long-duration mission to MunLab 1 in orbit of the Mun.)

    C7 S13 (C7 will return to space to deliver a ComSat and a lander to Minmus. All this in effort to put a Kerbal on Minmus before the KSP does in a sort-of Space Race.)


    Laythe 4 repositioning to the lower docking port (Below the KerbinLab 3 module).


    KerbinLab 2 at sunset


    MapSat 3 and the southern aurora


    Discovery 16 launch


    Munotrod 2 Launch


    Munotrod 2


    Messenger 16 completing its burn at periapsis to Jool. As of now, its closest approach is over 1 billion meters and will get there in just under 3 years. Another burn(s) will make it get close enough to be captured into orbit by Laythe or Tylo.


    Progress 2 launch


    Progress 2 unfurling its solar array


    Burning to KerbinLab 2






    After retrofire


    About to land in the ocean


    Drill Bot (ARM-3) on its way to the KSC monolith

  5. 5 hours ago, Dman979 said:

    Who was Gabe? What is a "pupper?"

    I would be shocked, but this isn't a meme site.

    Gabe was a dog owned by Youtuber Deathtrips. He would upload videos of Gabe howling, borking, or other things and people would edit and mashup those different videos to make him go along with music. A pupper is a small doggo.

  6. January 19

    1965: Gemini 2, the second and final unmanned test of the Gemini spacecraft, was launched on a suborbital trajectory.

    Image result for gemini 2 launch

    1980: Saturn's moon Janus was discovered by Voyager 1 during its second interplanetary flyby.

    Image result for janus moon

    1993: STS-54 and its crew of 5 landed back at Earth after a mission into orbit.

    Image result for sts-54 landing

    2006: The New Horizon's spacecraft was launched. It became one of the fastest spacecraft ever launched to be able to make it to its destination of Pluto in time. It flew by Jupiter in February of 2007 for a gravity assist towards Pluto.

    Image result for new horizons


    January 20

    1930: Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin was born. He went to fly on Gemini 12 and the historic Apollo 11 mission where he became the second man on the Moon. 

    Image result for buzz aldrin

    1953: Dwight D. Eisenhower, the US President who approved NASA as a government organization, was inaugurated.

    Image result for dwight d eisenhower

    1978: The first ever Progress cargo delivery vehicle was launched into orbit to the Salyut 6 space station. It delivered fuel, food, and other materials. It docked to the station on January 22. It stayed docked to the station for 14 days until undocking and burning up in the atmosphere.

    Image result for progress vehicle

    Note: Picture not of Progress 1

    1986: Astronomer Rich Terrile discovered Uranus' moons Cordelia and Ophelia.

    Image result for cordelia moon

    1990: STS-32 and its crew of 5 landed back at Earth after a mission into orbit.

    Image result for sts-32 landing

    1996: STS-72 and its crew of 7 landed back at Earth after a mission into orbit.

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