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The Raging Sandwich

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Posts posted by The Raging Sandwich

  1. C7 S6 (A Munar-impact probe built by C7. Launched by a C7 SatLauncher 1 rocket and impacted the Mun on a flyby trajectory.): Success

    SP-1 F4 (After the failure of the previous mission to reach space due to the heavy additions, it was redesigned with a smaller battery and a solar panel. The RTG and the docking port was ditched in favor for the upcoming SP-2. It reached space and landed almost successfully.): Partial Success

    Laythe TM-1 (The first crewed mission of the Laythe TM. The monopropellant tank was fixed and more fuel in the second stage of the Duna A rocket was added, but it did not help as it only counter-balanced the weight of the fixed monoprop tank. It reached Mun orbit successfully with its crew of 3 and docked to MunLab 1. They stayed there for 5 days to test the usability of the station, its maneuverability, and inspected it for any needed fixes. They got back to Kerbin successfully.): Success

    SP-1 F5 (Another flight of the SP-1 to try to set a new distance record and to land successfully. It landed in the water and was destroyed on impact.): Partial failure

    C7 S7 (A mission to attempt to land on the Mun. To get the heavy lander to the Mun, a new booster was developed called C7 SatLauncher 2. The launch was wobbly until the first part of the boosters were jettisoned. It started tumbling end over end but was eventually corrected, but it used of most of the fuel in the main stages to do so. The second stage was left for the mission. It failed to even reach orbit. The lander was jettisoned, went through a small reentry, and attempted to land safely in the water. Due to the sudden acceleration every time the engine was shut off, the only thing that was available to be recovered was the probe core, its solar panels, its batteries, the SAS module, and the communications antenna. A retry with just the C7 SatLauncher 1 will be coming in the future.): Failure

    Next planned mission: STS 11 (A mission to deliver Truss C to KerbinLab 2)


    Laythe TM-1 and MunLab 1 after undocking


    Laythe TM-1 reentry at dawn


    SP-1 F4 in space


    Shortly after apoapsis

  2. 8 hours ago, StrandedonEarth said:

    Hey, that's pretty good! You'll have to do a STS stack, and a Soyuz, and a... a.... Oh heck, do them all!


    8 hours ago, Benji13 said:

    A Kerbal X would be pretty cool. Good job with managing to do that in MS paint! Is that just with a mouse or one of those drawing pad things?


    7 hours ago, ZentroCatson said:

    A Falcon 9 would be great! I'm impressed how well you made it with MS paint. Good job :)

    Thanks for the compliments, and I use a mouse but mainly just the mouse on my laptop.

  3. Here I'll be posting my drawings of various spacecraft/rockets in MS Paint and where you can ask for drawings of other real-life rockets/spacecraft. 

    I drew a Saturn V (image below) and thought, Image result for hey that's pretty good gif  



     In the comments, tell me what I should draw next. (I'm already going to draw the Mercury Redstone, so don't suggest that.) It has to be a real-life spacecraft or rocket.

    Also, tell me what you think of them! They may not be the best in the world with detail (I actually forgot the ridges on a part of the Saturn V next to the right fin if you'll notice).

    Waiting List:

    1. N1 - cubinator

    2. ITS - TheEpicSquared

    3. Gemini Titan - munlander1

    4. Apollo LEM - Dafni

    5. Apollo Little Joe - munlander1

    6. Titan IIIe-Centaur - IncongruousGoat

    7. DynaSoar - munlander1

    8. Venture Star - Pine

    9. Mercury Little Joe - munlander1

    10. Open

    11. Saturn 1b - munlander1

    12. Open

    13. V2 Bumper - munlander1

    14. Open

    15. Apollo 13 CSM (post-explosion) - munlander1

    16. Open

    17. Orion - munlander1

    18. Open

    19. CST-100 - munlander1

    See ya!

  4. Congrats on going, it's neat!

    Some things to see (from the tour I went on, I can't remember what it was called exactly) are the two main launchpads that were used for Apollo and Shuttle missions, the VAB, pretty much the whole space center actually, the new SLS launch tower just outside the VAB, a tourist place for watching launches (I saw a rocket on the launchpad that would launch a government GPS satellite a few months later from there), the Saturn V building with an actual sectioned-off Saturn V, a moon rock you can actually touch (I was nerding out then), and the actual space shuttle Atlantis.

    Keep in mind, this was 2014 and a specific bus tour (the buses are air conditioned!), also, things might have changed.

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