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Everything posted by N3N

  1. Hey @Gotmachine, OK, thank you! Hey @natsirt721, @Caradhtinu, @Drew Kerman, Did you find a solution? (Because I didn't find a working solution. )
  2. Hey @cinemagic, Did you find solutions for this problems?
  3. Hey @Gotmachine, Is there a possibility to turn some antennas off? Or a MM-Patch to add such a functionality?
  4. Hello, What exactly do you want? I just did, what was described in this topic and here:
  5. Hey, Is there a possibility to turn some antennas off? Or a MM-Patch to add such a functionality? And doesn't anyone have an answer?
  6. Hey @RoverDude, thank you for your fast response! So that means, that I have to look at the mods that use it, if they have updated too. > Did I understand you correctly?
  7. Hey @RoverDude, thank you for your fast response! I used the last "stable" build (on CKAN). So my only option is to look for the changes in github and then try it, right?
  8. Hey @RoverDude and @DoktorKrogg, Thanks for your great work! Sorry for the maybe stupid question, but where can I find a full changelog? I have an ongoing JNSQ (+Kerbalism) game and want to check, if it is save to update.
  9. Hey @RoverDude and @DoktorKrogg, Thanks for your great work! Sorry for the maybe stupid question, but where can I find a full changelog? I have an ongoing JNSQ (+Kerbalism) game and want to check, if it is save to update.
  10. Hey @RoverDude and @DoktorKrogg, Thanks for your great work! Sorry for the maybe stupid question, but where can I find a full changelog? I have an ongoing JNSQ (+Kerbalism) game and want to check, if it is save to update.
  11. Hey @RoverDude and @DoktorKrogg Thanks for your great work! Sorry for the maybe stupid question, but where can I find a full changelog? I have an ongoing JNSQ (+Kerbalism) game and want to check, if it is save to update.
  12. Hey @RoverDude and @DoktorKrogg, Thanks for your great work! Sorry for the maybe stupid question, but where can I find a full changelog? I have an ongoing JNSQ (+Kerbalism) game and want to check, if it is save to update.
  13. Hey @RoverDude and @DoktorKrogg, Thanks for your great work! Sorry for the maybe stupid question, but where can I find a full changelog? I have an ongoing JNSQ (+Kerbalism) game and want to check, if it is save to update.
  14. Hey @RoverDude , Thanks for your great work! Sorry for the maybe stupid question, but where can I find a full changelog for the newest version? I have an ongoing JNSQ (+Kerbalism) game and want to check, if it is save to update.
  15. Hey @RoverDude and @DoktorKrogg, Thanks for your great work! Sorry for the maybe stupid question, but where can I find a full changelog? I have an ongoing JNSQ (+Kerbalism) game and want to check, if it is save to update.
  16. Hey @EStreetRockets, Great mod! I have a maybe stupid question, sorry if so, but can we already enjoy the new version or is something still missing?
  17. Hey @Grimmas, OK, I will test it. Thank you! EDIT: Because I use Kerbalism, I can't use USI-LS and MKS. I found information about "Konfabricator" in the "Konstruction!" topic, but where can I found information about "WOLF"?
  18. Hey @Grimmas, I had "Konstruction" installed via CKAN and I don't have a "GameData/UmbraSpaceIndustries/Konstruction/ResourceDefs.cfg": But that isn't a CKAN-Bug, because in the newest (stable) "Konstruction" version, there isn't a "GameData/UmbraSpaceIndustries/Konstruction/ResourceDefs.cfg": See: https://github.com/UmbraSpaceIndustries/Konstruction/releases/tag/1.4.0 And everything else works just fine. If I delete the folders "B9TankTypes", "USIMalemuteB9Patch", "USIKontainersB9Patch", I don't get any errors anymore.
  19. Hey @Grimmas, I tested your newest update... ...and got many B9PS errors: Here are the logs, MM-Cache, etc: https://tancredi.nl/gm-logs.zip Can you please help me, fix this?
  20. Hey @jimmymcgoochie, Thank you, that solved it! Now the only problems are the (green) errors with Lindor. (see picture above).
  21. Hey, I tried to fix it, but 2 problems with the newest scatter persist: 1: (green) errors with Lindor. (see picture above) 2: strong jittering in the "space map", but not in the tracking station. But I got 10-20 fps more with the newest scatterer. Still I will revert to the older scatterer version.
  22. Hey @linuxgurugamer, I did add all the logs, MM-cache, etc in my first posting about it. Didn't you see it, or did I do something wrong?? EDIT: OK, thank you!
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