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Everything posted by Cdw2468

  1. Ignore that, I just need to get the quote that's been in there for months out of my bar. Stupid mobile
  2. I'm also having similar issues, and it doesn't register the fact that they are connected to the Central station because of this I assume. I've wasted so much of my space programs money just to leave broken experiments on the mun
  3. I didn't mean that in any sort of condescending way, I was just saying that space history is amazing and I'd recommend spending time and reading up on it, it's great to learn. I didn't mean to come off as rude and I do apologize.
  4. And as the other commenter put it bluntly, I'd recommend doing some research into space history. I've found myself spending significant amounts of time just looking at wiki articles about the different missions
  5. In case you haven't figured this out already, the mod uses alternate names for the different parts. If you ever want to know how to build something in particular but don't know the alternate name, you can go to the manual on the OP
  6. That's not a sounding rocket (Which btw should be in here) it's Explorer 1, America's first satellite
  7. No rush, real life always comes first. Take as long as you need. Like I said, really excited for the future and I'll keep an ear to the ground
  8. No, I mean REALLY hyped, there's varying degrees of hype. There's a certain level of hype that is maintained with this mod constantly, but then there's hype like I was yesterday before Apollo.
  9. First part: I assume you've found the right file to edit. This file should be a list of all the antennas in the game. You need to find which antenna you want to edit the range on. Once you've found it, the field you want to edit is called Mode1OmniRange. This is the range of your dish or your omni antenna. All you have to do is input the number, in meters, you want the range to be. You don't have to worry about breaking the game in my experience. It will cap out where nessisary. Second part: Remote Tech uses meters like bytes of data. The scale goes like your computer storage: Kilometer, Megameter (Mm, not Mn), gigameter (Gm), and Terameter (Tm) Hope I answered you well enough, sorry for your trouble with me. Tech support is not in my future
  10. Now we need Saturn V! Doubt that's even on your mind rn, but I can't wait for it, looking forward to the future of this mod.
  11. You're in the wrong folder. Go to GameData>RemoteTech>RemoteTech_Antennas
  12. I'm describing a totally different situation, I'm sorry. Go to the remote tech folder in game data and click on remote tech_antennas. There will be a list of all the antennas in the game and just scroll to the one you want to edit. There should be a field to edit "mode1OmniRange"
  13. It depends on whether you have modded antenna or not. If they are, go into the compatabillity folder of the mod for remote tech. You should see a list of all the antenna or probe cores that support remote tech. If stock, go to the remote tech folder and right click on the RemoteTech_Squad_Probes config. There will be a list of those antennae that come with the game. Hopefully that answers your question.
  14. Maybe I'm just being stupid, but it seems my antenna just straight up doesn't work. Clear line of sight, in range, full power on both the satellite and the probe. What is the problem?
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