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Everything posted by Cdw2468

  1. I think he's said before that he won't do a damaged Skylab, he's just assuming that the launch was perfect. Not sure though
  2. No no no, this is too neat and tidy, we can't end it this nicely, we must debate until the other side sees our side as right </sarcasm>
  3. I'm a huge history nerd. What really scratches my itch in KSP is going throughout history and replicating the hundreds of launches that have taken place so far. The best part is looking on Wikipedia or Gunters space page and seeing the history and the background of each mission and it's crew. The thing I love most about space travel is the little anecdotes and stories, most notably the "corned beef sandwich incident" of Gemini 3
  4. Kurtjmac. I was a typical little kid that loved mine craft and I watched is Far Lands or Bust series and he was talking about KSP on his channel. Took a look and I've watched through the whole thing, all 112 episodes, twice now. Being a little kid without the means to buy the game, I pirated it (Sorry squad, I've bought it since) and I've just fallen in love with it. It has inspired me to want to become an astrophysicist and hopefully someday an astronaut. I just hope they do a little better with their rockets than I do
  5. Firstly, I think it's great that you're implementing KSP into lessons, more places need to do this! Secondly, I'm not a dev, so take this with a grain of salt. Cobalt doesn't usually add in newer rockets, such as the New Shepard (what is pictured) I wouldn't be surprised if there's a mod adding the parts for this in somewhere on the forums. And if not, you can always make it yourself! KSP is all about creativity, you could make one with some stock parts and parts from this mod.
  6. ETS should be taken with a grain of salt. It's very optimistic and things probably wouldn't go that smoothly in real life. That being said, I do think we'd be much better off without the shuttle. It won't get rid of my nostalgia for it nonetheless
  7. Is there any official place where we can put our ramblings and reaction images without fear of the mods?
  8. That's why my images never showed up, expect some new hype in the future now that I know how to do it
  9. I don't think cancelling the shuttle so prematurely was the best decision and an even worse one is handcuffing NASA with those limited parts. We can't keep building rockets to nowhere because congress has DOD friends that they want to keep happy. All the Mars plans have been "in 20 years" This is just short enough to look achieveable and just long enough where a president can say it and then it's cancelled by the next term. Kennnedy said we're doing this by the end of the decade and look what happened. We did it. We didn't say "Do it with this money and this time and these parts" we said "Do it with this money and this time" How do you embed like that?
  10. I've never heard of this, the only vega I've known is the launcher. Why isn't space history a course that I can take for history credits?
  11. Yes, the strongest of elements... http://imgur.com/a/2nKVG Edit: and my link is broken. Today I learned to never try to make a joke
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