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Eugene Moreau

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Everything posted by Eugene Moreau

  1. Doesn't happen with out MechJeb. If I turn off auto-warp, engage Jeb, wait for it to line up to the maneuver node, give a couple seconds to calm down, then turn on auto-warp, it's all happy.
  2. I've been having an issue with MechJeb since 1.2 came out. When I set up and maneuver node (manually or using Jeb) and hit execute, the ship rotates to the "maneuver" node an appears to stop. Time acceleration then kicks in, but the orientation of the ship starts to drift off of the node. It drops out of warp and moves back, goes into warp, but drifts again. Just keeps doing this, bouncing back and forth over the node and never kicks into warp properly. It does this maybe 20 times then finally settles and warps as normal. If I use SMARTASS and point it at the node and let it sit for a few seconds then hit execute it works fine. Any ideas?
  3. Has anyone tried KSP with the new MacBook Pros? It's time for an upgrade this year and I'm curious about the performance of the Radeon cards in them with KSP. Looking for constructive responses here, if you just going to bash the Mac or suggest a gaming PC(that is a possible option, but not my first choice), then please move along. Thanks.
  4. I'm having an issue and I'm not sure where the problem lays. I think it's in one of the three following Mods or maybe not, I'm not sure. Connected Living Spaces, CX Aerospace or Ship Manifest. I have a bunch of station pieces connected together but CLS doesn't seem to think I can transfer between them. I've double checked and I do have he active/passive combination of ports. In the pic below, it doesn't seem to think I can move Kerbs around through the side ports on the modules. Sure enough if I hyper edit it up to orbit, it tells me that transfer is blocked. Also, why do not all the modules show up in the connected living spaces dialog? As far as I know I'm running the most recent version of each Mod. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  5. That works great from truss to truss, but if you put one on the z-truss in that orientation the pins hit the surface below and won't mate. If you rotate them by 90 degrees on then they mate. Either way it figured out how to get it to work.
  6. Perfect. Thank you. I had the pins and holes in the right orientations, but the pins kept hitting what ever was behind because I discovered that I had them rotated off by 90 degrees. duh. Just assumed the orientation of the rectangle on the RTAS and on the truss should match. Thanks again for you help. It is much appreciated!
  7. Another stupid(ish) question re the RTAS. Which was is in and which way is out? it's pretty easy to tell with other ports. I assume holes go out on active one and pins go out on the passive?
  8. No worries. Wanted to make sure I wasn't completely crazy in not being able to find it. Real life has a nasty habit of getting in the way. Will give the no SAS a try too. Couple other questions I haven't been able to figure out. Is there a best practice as to which vessel should have the active and passive? As far as I can tell from looking at some RL examples and the descriptions of the parts, it seems the active is always on the "station" or facing out and the docking vessel (whether it be a ship or another component being installed) has the passive. What is the intended difference between the APAS and the CBM and how come the Z1 True has it's own specific CBM, is that so no opens the hatch into the void?
  9. Any word on this guide? I've look around for it but can't find it. I've messed around with it for 1/2 and hour and can't get them to mate. I know it's Active/Passive as the were already connected and I just undocked, backed away a bit and am trying to redock again to try them out. Are they compatible with Docking Port Alignment Indicator mod? it works fairly well but the velocity vector goes all squirly when you get close. like it should be up and to the right rather than centred for perfect alignment. They are stuck together magnetically but just won't mate. It looks like the pins are hitting the holes, but again, just not mating. Any help would be appreciated. Love this mod BTW keep up the great work!
  10. Appears it was Remote Tech. not sure why. At least they released their 1.2.1 update this evening so I'll give that a try.
  11. So yah.. removed all mods and it the conditions were met. Weird... now the fun part.... which mod?
  12. On a second look it appears that the CX aerospace stuff does count, as the 5 kerbs portion of the contract is met. I made an entirely stock "space station" (mods still there, but stock parts only) that appears to meet all the requirements, but it still does not kick over that piece of the contract.
  13. Due to drag the heavy part will go "down stream" in the air flow right? Downstream being the top of the capsule. I think that's where I screwed up and got it backwards thinking the weight should be on the bottom of the capsule.
  14. Didn't do any docking other than the two pieces that went up on two trips than docked them together. The second piece alone should have been enough count the contract as complete. Is it possible it doesn't recognize the CX aerospace stuff as containers for Kerbs? Yah... thought about that, but don't I lose out on the money that way?
  15. I'm having an issue where the "build station in kerbin orbit" contract that won't complete. Requirements are 5 Kerbs, antenna, docking port and can generate power. As you can see from the pic, that everything except that is checked. As you can see from the picture, all the pieces appear to be there. I did launch the mission after I accepted the contract. It was built from two launches, but technically, the second launch met all the requirements. Thought it might be that I used Konstruction Ports, but I reverted to VAB and changed some to docking ports. What gives? I could sure use the cash. So.... Oh yah... OS X version 1.2.1 See pic of station and save file attached for those of you who know how to interpret that. Thanks in advance for any help. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/zqxdzhfgimvqhu3/AAC83IygP0ToTJxRqBW5sr63a?dl=0
  16. I've had problem lately that I never had pre 1.2 and just noticed now that I've unlocked the mark1-2 capsule. In both cases the I have a command pod, heat shield and RealChute cone parachute on the front end. If I re-enter with the Mark1 pod, it works fine. I can turn off the SMARTASS and it stays heat shield down they way it should. With the Mark1-2 capsule once it hits the atmosphere it tries to flip sideways. If I turn the the SMARTASS to retrograde it can keep up till I get to about 30k m altitude, then the craft just flips on it's side. At least it's low enough that it doesn't over heat (other than losing an antenna). I know it's a centre of mass thing, but they both look pretty low in the VAB. This never used to happen pre 1.2 Any ideas, other than adding more weight to the bottom of the ship? Is it a bug?
  17. Did this ever get resolved/answered? I'm having the same issue and can't figure out for the life of me how to get it to read a config file with more ground station in it. I've tried putting it in the mod folder, in the save game folder, giving it different names. The only thing that every shows up in the Presets tab is the Default_settings.cfg. I found this in one of my configfiles at one point.... PreSets { PRESETS = RemoteTech/Default_Settings/RemoteTechSettings PRESETS = RemoteTech/Default_Settings.orig/RemoteTechSettings PRESETS = RemoteTech/GroundStations_Settings/RemoteTechSettings } I don't know how it got there and can't find any documentation on the PRESETS section. I'd also like to know what happens if I I have multiple config files? Do they all load? Does the last one loaded get used? If another is loaded, does it over write all the settings or just the ones it changes? By that I mean can I have a settings files, say the RemoteTech_settings file that get's created by default and then have say, the one from above GroundStations_Settings.cfg that just updates the ground stations and leaves all the other settings alone? Something like and <include>. I can't seem to find any documentation on how it is supposed to work. Thanks in advance.
  18. Yah. Changing defaults works like a charm. I knew I could do that, just though I was doing something completely wrong since it wouldn't work with the defaults.
  19. So, do the drogue chutes have a higher deployment speed than the main chutes? You would think so? Would be nice if they had a speed trigger for deployment rather than a altitude one.
  20. Real Chutes Hi All. I’m trying to use Real Chute and I’m having some issues. The default auto deployment altitude is 30km for drogue or Main chutes. My problem lies in that I’m never going slow enough (<600m/s?) when I hit that altitude. when I am going slow enough and I deploy, it deploys the drogue and main chute at the same time. If I arm it early and let it handle the deployments I end up losing the chutes as they deploy at 30km and just get ripped off. What am I doing wrong? Am I coming in too steep? Too shallow? If I’m coming in from LKOish I set my periapsis to anywhere between 30km and 40km for a reentry. If I’m screaming in from Minmus or The Mun, I have to set it a lot lower like 25km to 30km or I’m just gonna go around again. So what am I doing wrong?
  21. I use MechJeb for everything. I can perform all the maneuvers, but MechJeb can generally do them all faster and far more efficiently. I justify this as most piloting in the real world is done by the computer any way. I use HyperEdit, usually only in sandbox to test things or if a bug or the Kracken as destroyed something I have in orbit. I hate tourists, but like their money.
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