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Eugene Moreau

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Everything posted by Eugene Moreau

  1. I'm having an issue with my interstage adapters not separating. The mods involved are KW Rocketry, Procedural Fairings and Procedural Fairings For All. The fairings themselves will eject, but when it comes time to drop the stage, it just doesn't go away and stays attached. Appears to be happening with the PF and KW interstages. They show in the staging, but just won't separate. I thought maybe I was attaching one of the interstage nodes to something further up on the ship but the same thing happens with interstage nodes on and off. I've also tried attaching to the top interstage node and no luck. Anyone have any ideas?
  2. What happened the wedges for the 2hot/presmat and gravmax/seismic sensors? I can't find them for the life of me. will they be coming back?
  3. I assume this applies the US2 combo wedges for 2hot/presmat and seismic/gravmax parts as well? Can't find and US2 versions of those either.
  4. Morning. I'm having an issue with CKAN that I'm not sure whether it's intended behavior, a PEBCAK or a bug. I'm trying to move mods to a new install. Basically upgrading from 1.5x to 1.6x, but it does the same thing if I try from 1.5x to 1.5x installs. I export the list of mods to a .ckan file and try importing it into the new install. I brings up the list of mods as "recommended by the .ckan file", but it seems to want to install ALL the recommended mods for any of the mods in the list. The problem lies in the fact it tries to install conflicting mods like the high and low res versions of things, conflicting config files for scatter, etc. This causes an exception when I proceed with the install, as I would assume it should. If I deselect "deselect all recommended mods" it deselects everything and installs no mods what so ever. Am I doing something wrong? Is this a bug I should raise? As far as I can tell, I'm using the latest version of ckan 1.25.4 Ok, ignore this. Aparently I'm completely blind and I didn't see the exact same problem at the top of the page.
  5. another question regarding failing SRBs. I've had an SRB on the pad and it fails before launch. I've tried rolling it back in, editing it, replacing it with a different SRB from inventory and then rolling it back out again. Fails again. The only way I can get it to not fail is to do a normal recovery and rebuild who ship from scratch. Is this intended behaviour?
  6. I have a questions. I've got the orange atlas style LES on a MK1 pod. abort off the ground, everything works as planned. If I abort in flight, the tower starts to pull me away a bit then just tears off and continues on its own merry way leaving me still sitting about a rocket length directly above the booster, which promptly ploughs into me. I have no decoupler in between the LES and my ship, I tried it with one and I got the same result. I figured the decoupler wasn't strong enough so I removed it and I get the same result. Any ideas?
  7. Is it just me or do engines fail far too often on first use? I put 6 SRBs out on the test stand before I started using them and 5 of them failed. what?
  8. AVC is showing that US2 has been updated to 1.6.something but ckan still thinks 1.5.something is the newest. Any plans to update that? Am I doing something wrong?
  9. CKAN still shows old one for version 1.3.1. Any chance of getting this one added?
  10. CKAN still shows the most recent version as 2.2.0. Any idea when it might be updated?
  11. Stupid question.....possibly.... Why does the procedural heat shield cost like $14k at 1.25m when the stock one is only $300? Sorry if this is addressed somewhere in here but I couldn't find anything.
  12. So it's been a week or so since I looked at this, but I thought I had an engine that gimbals on there, but I had an LVT-30 with. Took off the fins(yes they were control surfaces for steering and put on a LVT-45 and she flies like charm under mechjeb now. Not sure what it's fighting against, maybe not playing well with FAR? Now just need to fix the second stage flipping out on separation.
  13. I'd like to think it's something that is fairly realistic. See picture. Second stage TWR may be a bit high but I'll deal with that after I can get past the first stage. https://imgur.com/a/83LmrPL Pretty much yes to all the things above.
  14. So I'm having this problem with MechJeb. It's over steering like crazy on ascent. Using the Classic Ascent Mode, but shortly after launch it start to push me over and then back and then the other way inducing an oscillation. Eventually it starts doing the same thing on the roll axis, but this seems to dampen the other oscillation and correct it. I've tried turning various options off and on with no luck. I tried doing the ascent manually and the rocket flies pretty straight if left to it's own devices. Are there any obvious things I should be checking for? Is there compatibility with FAR?
  15. Yah. Took me a while to realize there was a parts category for ScrapYard. At least I assume that's what it is, or is it generated by Filter Extensions? Still a lot doesn't show up in there. I recovered a mk1 command module and it didn't show. I did the regular recover, not recover to inventory. I assume the latter is if you just want to refuel and go again so it doesn't break it down to parts.
  16. Same thing is happening to me. CKAN install. Magicore is there. What else can I check?
  17. Can anyone tell me what mod adds the "disassemble part" button when he removed the solar panel?
  18. I concur! one of the best library of parts out there.
  19. Morning all. I have a couple questions. 1. I think the grip-o-tron Large Docking Connector is part of this mod, am I correct? 2. If so, which way should be pointed out. I noticed the flanges are a little more flush on one side, is that side that docks? 3. Are they compatible with the regular docking ports?
  20. Has anyone thought of making some of them procedural or like a strut where you specify the start and end points? Apologies if this has already been discussed, I looked though this thread, but not the original.
  21. Still having issues with the search the skies with a telescope contract. It says complete for the altitude portion, but says unmet for With Module: Track Bodies and Count: at least 1. In the VAB, the telescope says it has the Track Bodies and I verified the ModuleTrackBodies is in the telescope.cfg. I even have the Tarsier Space telescope(the James Webb style one) up and it appears to have the Track Bodies modules as well, but for the life of me I can't find the cfg file that adds it, as it's not in the original part. Any ideas? Sorry forgot player.log https://www.dropbox.com/s/qeew5mhexaa1r17/Player.log.zip?dl=0
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