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Everything posted by Wildcat111

  1. Banned for eating the mighty führer (@The Raging Sandwich).
  2. How do you add signatures to your profile? I can't seem to find a setting for it.
  3. Especially when at the end you go out in a brilliant flash of light. That, also painful. But great story @Just Jim! I hope you can get Emiko back.
  4. This is a tournament, but I don't know where to put it in.
  5. @legoclone09, you are banned for not having enough rep to drown in, as you have more posts than rep. But you are not banned for drowning in posts.
  6. Banned for not using kerbal emoji.
  7. This is like the BAD-T competition, except with WWI planes. So, rules are simple: the required mods are BD Armory and Firespitter. Optional mods are Airplane Plus, Aviator Arsenal and KAX. The deadline for submitting is December 31st. Submit via KerbalX via the W.A.B Hangar. The dogfight will be 4v4. NEW: There is a Bomb the KSC option! Build a bomber and try to bomb some buildings without being hit by flak! Link; https://kerbalx.com/Wildcat111/hangars Fly safe!
  8. Of course I did! Oh, and that's my ground unit.
  9. @Murican_Jeb you are not going to believe this: WHEN THIS FIRES 48.8 FREEDOMS PER MINUTE GOTTA DROP SOME SERIOUS DEMOCRACY!!!!!!!!!
  10. @inigma is it ok if I start a naval version of this? And also, I have a lot of time so I can host ASC IV if you like.
  11. Banned for being a SHURNARKABTISHASHUTU!
  12. I tried your Gato sub but shifting ore is just very inconvenient so I just used the Maritime Pace water compressor and decompresser to make it dive. It behaves nicely, but it has a tendency to flip over.
  13. Banned because you are not a "Ser", and also because you live on A Magical World Where Unicorns Poop Rainbows and Butterflies
  14. Banned for typing the word "numbers".
  15. Banned for not enough rep to drown in either.
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