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Everything posted by voicey99

  1. All parts will be listed under their relevant Tech node entry in the savefile if they are purchased. Removing them from that list will reset their entry purchase.
  2. Charging the drive with Exotic Matter requires stupendous amounts of power, requiring 10k EC/EM produced for the standard models and 12.5k EC/EM for the Z-models. All drives will use EC to the tune of thousands per second to recharge, so of course it will drain your power.
  3. Yes, unless there's some more modifications you'd like me to make to the changes (please do say if there's something you're not happy with)?
  4. You can get a 1.2.2 version from the changelog tab on the SpaceDock page, or from Releases on GitHub. I'm not sure if the 1.3 version works with 1.2, give it a try. EDIT: Looks like there were DLL changes between 1.2.2 and 1.3, so it probably won't work.
  5. All stats are per bay. Also try this mod for explanations of load calculations:
  6. Do you use MemGraph? It can cause a huge amount of garbage collection stutter.
  7. The section of the mod code that replaces the Astronaut Complex hiring system with what you see, and what may be causing the errors.
  8. Well, you can't remove the AC part of the mod unless you downdate to KSP 1.2.2 and MKS before 0.50.17.
  9. You can try opening Difficulty Options -> Kolonisation and disabling Customised Kerbonauts, although this will make hiring kolonists harder.
  10. Yes, although you will need a command module (manned or not) to turn it on and some form of battery to buffer against the "chunks" the coupler transfers in.
  11. If you have a local-logistics enabled kontainer for supplies, it will pull supplies from the main vessel into it, but they will not share recyclers. Habitation will also be shared. Yes and yes, basically.
  12. That sentence doesn't make much sense, but any vessel will participate in LL as long as it has an LL-enabled kontainer (all USI kontainers) and a producer/consumer for the resource. For example, crewed kerbitats count as consumers for Supplies so they will initiate a pull request from a nearby kontainer into the one on the vessel. Seriously!? Download it, extract the contents of the zip, and copy over everything in the container GameData folder into your GameData.
  13. It is already like that. Bases within 150m will share habitation.
  14. Don't know what you're on about, since they are listed as having that. Could somebody else test this (I'm on old version)?
  15. No, because OPM does not have a Kopernicus asteroid config. The two systems are similar, except they can't use each others' configs and Kopernicus allows for more customisation, like asteroid size distribution (I don't think CA has this) and a more advanced spawning interval. CA states on its page that it does not interact with Kopernicus, meaning you can have two asteroid setups running simultaneously. I use CA, and the config I wrote for Cyran works perfectly, but all the asteroids spawned via Kopernicus are of Stony type (makes sense, since that's the default and they do not have a setup to be a particular class). Speaking of that, the CA patch does not have parameters dictating asteroid class - could those be written in? And I forgot OPM already had a scidef for every situation. I must have been confusing another mod.
  16. Would it be better to switch to the inbuilt Kopernicus asteroid-spawning system, to remove the need for players to install CA to get asteroids? I can't see an advantage the CA system has over Kopernicus, and it's just another mod to deal with. In other news, you say in the OP it's not your place to make changes outside of mod compatibility. Does this mean you're only going to be accepting PRs for mod compatibility/bugfixes and nothing else (e.g. scidefs)?
  17. The patch works on all parts, even those that rely on IFS IIRC. It just marks them as able to interface with the MKS logistics network, all you need is to put the (proper) name of the part in place of "whatever".
  18. That's ancient. Neither the part nor the module have existed for a loooong time and logistics works no longer works that way. To include stuff like that in PL, you just need to have it in a logistics enabled kontainer. Try this: Alternatively, add the resources to an MKS kontainer via another patch, but I'm not sure on how the alternate resource textures work for that and it would require quite a lot of entries since it would have to modify all the kontainers able to take it. If you want I can have a go at writing it but I might not have the time.
  19. More details, please. "It's not working" doesn't really help us. Mods? Log? Context?
  20. I see the pull request I made for a huge number of new Duna biomes two months ago is still languishing on GitHub. Should I bother writing more if they aren't going to be accepted or even acknowledged? I've been putting off writing more until I know that.
  21. By that, i meant create a github account and just log an issue with a feature request. GH doesn't spam you (and there is an unsubscribe on the Unity spam).
  22. Become a GH user then, it's not hard. A pull request is where you make the changes yourself and submit them yourself - if you want someone else to do it for you, make an issue as a feature request.
  23. Not heard of this bug. Do stock drills or any other parts cause freezing and stuttering?
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