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Everything posted by voicey99

  1. Was the mechanic whereby kerbals can breed if you leave two of them in a kerbitat for a while implemented in the end, or is it still indev?
  2. Why do I get different results for Relay and Direct strength on a vessel with exclusively relay antennas? Do they not use combinability exponents when relaying?
  3. What did you put into GameData? The MKS folder should have in it folders for USITools, Firespitter, AT Utils, CCK, CRP and UmbraSpaceIndustries. Copy all of them over to your GameData (leave all the files inside the USI folder). Or use CKAN (note: latest CKAN version is buggy!).
  4. Karibou wheels are node-attach only, there should be some nodes on the underside of Karibou parts for them to snap on to. If you want to use them with non-Karibou rovers (not recommended), put a cubic strut or something on the side to provide a node. @RoverDude I'm going to be submitting a PR to fix the USI-LS config on the Karibou Crew Cab shortly, should it require power or not?
  5. The Duna Pioneer Module is not a logistics module (the Tundra Pioneer-Logistics module is), so you need either a dedicated Duna Logistics Module (not necessarily manned) or a Mobile Processing Unit on the vessel to push to PL. Which wheels are you talking about? Karibou? Malemute?
  6. Not that I know of. The wiki does have all the equations for this though, and cooling/EC use scale with production.
  7. What exactly do you mean by that? There is a wiki, if it helps (some parts are out of date, so take what you read with a pinch of salt).
  8. At max geology rating, each bay would need 9,000EC/s (since the the rating is squared) and the drill 45,000 overall. Heat generation follows the same formula, so it would need 25x as much cooling at max bonus.
  9. The USI-LS config on the Karibou parts appears to be totally nonfunctional (I assume it defaults to 1K-M when it isn't configured properly). I'm going to be redoing it, so is it ok if I switch the Crew Cabin to providing habtime over a multiplier? EDIT: Looks like it's just the Crew Cabin's config that's broken. Should I include EC as an input resource?
  10. Speaking of that, is there any word on its implementation? It's been several months and versions since it was last mentioned.
  11. Quick question on USI-LS recyclers - Supplies can be distributed from a nearby vessel, but can recyclers be shared in the same way or do you have to have one on all your manned base sections?
  12. You may recall me asking something similar on the WindowShine thread, but did the 1.2.2 downloads get removed from this mod as well? The OP points to a 1.2.2 download, but all the SpaceDock vers are marked as 1.3.
  13. They are designed to be left alone for long periods in between maintenance cycles, so they have a disproportionately high amount of machinery for their production and a lower consumption rate per unit of production as well. They do have the same resource I/O ratio (5:1), though.
  14. Both have three modules, but a 3.75m MPU produces 7.2/s, an IR produces 21.96/s per module.
  15. MPUs are very slow at processing resources (a fully set Industrial Refinery produces 3x as much as a 3.75m MPU and 10x as much as a 2.5m), though they do not use crew multipliers which mean they are still faster on automated bases (crew production multiplier here is 0.05 + ([lvl of most skilled engineer/technician on board +1] * 0.2)). It's better to centralise your resource processing on a base that has access to a reasonable engineer and an Industrial Refinery with MPUs relegated to efficiency parts to boost production. Unless you have a lot of them, MPUs are not going to be able to keep up with any serious processing module, though they are good for use on seldom-visited mining outposts to provide a small amount of resources. I believe it is generated over time on a basis of how many kerbals of the relevant specialisation (different specs generate points in different ratings) you have on board and maybe how many MKS parts there are on the vessel (please correct if wrong). The relevant bonus here is the Geology rating, in that it acts as a multiplier to the output of (almost) all processing parts and drills (convert the % into a decimal and square it to find the multiplier). This ramps up exponentially (capped at 25x), so you will need exponentially more power generating capacity to keep up with production over time (unless you manually rein it in with the governor).
  16. Still "colonisation ratings", but I refer to the specific category where needed. For example, "colonisation" could have been referring to all three or the "Kolonisation" sub-score. Kolony Rewards is the stuff you collect from the Pioneer module, not the numbers.
  17. That could lead to issues when talking about them. Probably, since the exponential increase becomes a problem after a while. Maybe the maximum scores should be capped? In any case, @gamerscircle use the "Governor" tweakable on the parts to throttle production if you don't have enough power or need the input resources for other stuff. Note the "100%" on the reactor means it's running at full capacity.
  18. It's Geology score that makes drills go faster, not Colonisation. Geology affects converters too, so if it increased chemicals consumption would increase but so would production at the same rate (normal prod. * geo rating2).
  19. A while ago, I asked on Reddit if there were any mods that added any powerful area illuminators (i.e. non-directional lights that light up an area around them), and there weren't any. SIL did something along these lines but has been dead for years and MKS adds the Sunflower light pole, but what I'd like to see is a mod that adds several powerful lights capable of illuminating a large circle. What distinguishes this from any old mod that happens to have lights in it is that they all seem to be directed beams or very weedy, while I'm looking for lights that project a sphere of light around them. Sure, you can get this effect by making a huge circle of lamps, but that adds lag, EC usage and partcount you don't need.
  20. Seems to be taking a while. is there something you're waiting for?
  21. A few of the more popular USI repos got shifted over to /UmbraSpaceIndustries earlier this year and according to RD the rest were to follow at some point, but the handover seems to have stalled.
  22. For a moment, I thought you'd submitted a fix. It's odd, as ModuleResourceConverter_USI doesn't refer to ReplacementParts at all (IANAE!).
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