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Everything posted by voicey99

  1. Last I know of, stock TCSs do not play nice with MKS drills/MPUs as they have a massive max cooling stat (the drills/MPU, that is) that they reserve for themselves in order to accommodate kolonisation bonuses. Your MPU is overheating because your drills have effectively reserved all the cooling for themselves and left none for everything else, but your reactor has fixed panels not cooling the drills, which is why it's not overheating. Put some fixed radiators on the flywheel (so they cool the MPU but not the drills-add a lot more panels than you need or else kolonisation bonuses will make it overheat in the future) or use the Ranger Thermal Control System that comes with MKS (specially designed for high-coolant parts, one will cool a whole vessel).
  2. It is relevant. The higher the dispersal, the more important ground-truthing is. For resources that have dispersions of 20 it's a lot less important that one with 50 as the actual numbers vary less from the biome average.
  3. Different resources will vary by different proportions. Is the 'variance' part of the resourcegen config the %age by which it varies over the biome?
  4. Sifting dirt gives you small amounts of stuff proportional to the planetary average. It's only suitable for small-scale production-if you want anything more than a tiny dribble of stuff, set up a mining outpost somewhere.
  5. It has its own resource config in the CRP, with a 100% chance of being present in each biome between 20% and 50%. The output from sifters is dependent on planetary average abundance rates for everything else.
  6. Local logistics works within 150m, yes. To work it requires both vessels to have kontainers for each resource, and for one of them to have a requirement for or production surplus of it. For example, if a vessel has fertiliser and kerbitat with kerbals and the other has an agriculture module, when fertiliser levels on the agriculture vessel drop below 25% the agmodule will intiate a pull request for 25% of its capacity worth of fertiliser and pull that from the other vessel's kontainer, and when the supplies kontainer fills to 75% it initiates a push request that pushes 25% of its capacity to the other vessel. The kerbitat can also initiate its own pull requests for supplies when it is inhabited, as is is a resource consumer for them.
  7. From what I can tell from that very confusing paragraph, you want to know what to put on a first core module for a base? Assuming you use USI-LS (as intended), it would be a kerbitat to provide habitation time, an agriculture module (or USI-LS greenhouse) to grow supplies, an agriculture support module (or mobile processing unit) to produce fertiliser, a drill to mine gypsum for fertiliser, a recycler to reduce supplies usage, a reactor or power pack for power and storage for supplies, fertiliser, gypsum and power. You may also wish to have a logistics module to enable interaction with planetary logistics (an MPU and unmanned log mod will push, but you require a manned log mod to pull). If you don't use USI-LS, there isn't really anything you need for a first base (don't know about TAC).
  8. I don't know if any got renamed, but a few (like the habring) got remodelled and retextured. but I couldn't tell you which ones they are as I never played that version. All the new parts have the same functionality as their old ones, but unified into 3 distinct partlines (Duna-basic stilted units, Ranger-(usually) inflatable ground-level parts and Tundra-cylindrical units that tend to be the best parts). If it had Mk in its name, assume it's gone unless you find otherwise.
  9. Literally nothing is the same any more, and all the old partlines have been totally swept away and replaced. Most parts don't have an analogue, though a few survived unchanged.
  10. I don't believe there is a limit. How much are you producing and how much is your storage capacity on the producing base?
  11. You can get the final 1.2 versions of all USI mods here. Note that to make that version of MKS work you have to make a new folder 'UI' in Assets and copy all the icon textures from the main folder into it. The final 1.1 version of MKS can be found here.
  12. The End. Signal lost at 12:55:55 GMT. Also, is it me or was the commentator's voice cracking?
  13. It's been brought up a few times, you're not the first person to be confused by the mod overlap.
  14. Assuming you mean the starship-bridge-looking part on the 2nd lower panel, that's the Orca Command Pod from USI FTT, not MKS. I don't believe all parts are tagged fully as well.
  15. This seems silly, but did you actually turn it on? E: You don't strictly need kolonisation modules, as any kerbal with 50+yrs of hab will have infinite (1yr if a pilot or kolonisation rating is >500%)
  16. They might have to be in the part to get the effect, but I'm not sure about that. The desc also states that it only supports one kerbal. You might be able to use EPL just to make a preset DIYKit (as they can only be assigned vessels in the VAB) and then build your ship from that, or you could print a kit with OSE, launch a new vessel with the configured kit and copypaste over the relevant partdata in the save file. Onsite DIYKit production is coming "soonTM". Also, given the way kolony bonuses work, your production will ramp up exponentially over time and if you have a decent sized base you will be swimming in stuff after a few years.
  17. I'm thinking of 100-200%. Hyperedit a load of kolonists over to check if you want. MKS was totally overhauled for 1.2, so probably (I didn't use it when on 1.1). Production rates in MKS are typically quite low, so if you want a lot of stuff either add more processors, use efficiency parts or wait for the Geology rating to ramp up. Or just be patient and acknowledge you can't just pump out a rocket a day any more. N.B. EPL integration is no longer supported, so unless the community provides updates the patch will degrade over the versions. Ground Construction is now the official replacement, better integration coming soon. I can't remember off the bat but 0.16 seems normal. I wrote a page on how MKS calculates production here and I recommend this mod for seeing ingame load breakdowns.
  18. Estimated time of atmospheric entry has been announced as 12:55 BST/13:55 CET/07:55 EST/04:55 PST (sorry Californians) on 15/09. BBC News, maybe World Service as well, will be livestreaming it.
  19. Hm. Huge, bulky ships/parts mean huge, bulky DIYKits. I tested, and the 15m-wide tank gave me a 5m-wide DIYKit, which is still extremely unwieldy. The DIYKit for a 20m-wide dome would be even bigger.
  20. This almost makes me want to upgrade to 1.3. I suppose they'll be inflatable?
  21. MKS definitely does not play nice with the background processing aspect of Kerbalism, I don't know about the other stuff. Just don't use it.
  22. Apparently you can disable the AC hiring system, and MKS classes altogether through ingame settings.
  23. Then no changes are needed. When a logistics-enabled kontainer fills up to 75% or more and there is an MPU or logistics module on the base, it will push enough of its contents to PL to empty down to 50%, and if it drops to 25% and there is a manned (by a pilot or quartermaster) logistics module on the vessel it will pull stuff back out of PL to fill to 50%. That's allTM there is to it! Note EnrichedU and DepFuel are both blacklisted and cannot be transferred via PL.
  24. You don't need a kerbal to do any of that, but it will be extremely slow. You only require kerbals for pulling stuff out of Planetary Logistics (pushing can be done unmanned), using resource distributor modules and operating the medbay, none of which are needed to produce MKTs/SPTs. You can get automated drills and primary (raw->tier 1) processors that don't rely on crew in MKS, but not for assembling stuff. If you want to cheat and always have processors operating at full speed without crew, change UseSpecialistBonus to false in the configs.
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