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Everything posted by voicey99

  1. Regarding the indev rock drills, for them to work Rock will have to be added to the CRP ResourceConfigs. While I was at at that, I also noticed a small oddity: the 1.25m MPU produced Fertiliser 2.5x as efficiently with Gypsum as it does with Minerals, but the 2.5m/3.75m have the same efficiency for both. If that's a bug, I'll fix that at the same time (is it a bug?).
  2. If I were to PR that in, what ratio of products:byproducts would be looking at and what sort of drill output (same as Dirt?)?
  3. It's a box of rocks, it's going to get bashed around and that paint is going to come off. The burn might look a bit more natural as dispersed patches of flaky paint, but otherwise looks good to me.
  4. Actually, it could be produced as a byproduct of other mining and refining. Say you're digging up metallic ore (presumable ilmenite, FeTiO3) on the Mun-on Earth the best iron ore grades are ~65%, which means for every kilotonne of metallic ore extracted you should get about 650t of useful ore for processing and 350t of rock tailings. As for drills, the vast bulk of what they dig up will also be rock, but this would be a vastly overpowered source of Rock unless toned down significantly.
  5. It's easy-ish© . Go on GH and click the "fork" button at the top right of the page-this will clone the repository to your account. Now go into your forked repo and make your changes as normal. Then, go into the main MKS repo and open a new pull request-after clicking "compare across forks", select your fork ("[YOURNAME]/MKS") from the "head fork" dropdown, "BobPalmer/MKS" from the "base fork" and "DEVELOP" from the "base". Now it will create a PR to add any changes ("commits") you've made in your fork into the main dev repo. Perhaps hexcode #787373 would work (since that's the typical colour of most KSP asteroids, and therefore the rock)? On a side note, might I request that Rock mining would be expanded to surface extraction as well as just asteroids? Maybe, for balance, it should only be directly mineable on rocky bodies with no overlying dirt or dust (Mun, Moho, Ike etc.), extractable from Dirt on dusty, soily or semi-icy bodies (Duna, Laythe, Eeloo etc.) and not mineable at all on wholly icy bodies (Minmus, Vall etc).
  6. Shove that in a PR (though maybe the Rock texture shouldn't be the same colour as the Dirt configuration?), all of us ART users need that! In my partial cfg I gave the tanks varying capacities of Rock that scaled with their dry mass ratio to the RA-350 (so one that weighed 0.375t would hold (0.375/0.15)*1750=4375 Rock). Not sure what i was doing wrong for the original texture paths, but <3.
  7. Will remember that for when I toy with GPP in the future (using OPM (Outer Planets Mod) right now, and if you are using it with CustomAsteroids all the outer planets (including Jool) gain sub-systems of asteroids e.g. Sarnus has a fairly dense, low-inclination, low-eccentricity asteroid belt within its rings and Plock has a very sparse population on extremely high, multi-year orbits).
  8. Was it around Dres or one of the Outer Planets from OPM (if you have CustonAsteroids)? Because asteroids are not supposed to naturally orbit Kerbin.
  9. Do you have USI Asteroid Recycling Technologies (ART) installed? If so, I would very much like to know how the heck you managed to move a Class D asteroid around (in ART, asteroids ignore class but can touch 100,000 tonnes)
  10. I mean, I can't tell what you are trying to say there. Something about an asteroid mining base?
  11. It's not suitable for pulling into mainline MKS as it has no Rock texture and I've probably borked the cfg somewhere. It would be really nice if @RoverDude did (or said how to) make it work properly and include it, but he's pretty busy with other commitments atm and this is quite niche.
  12. A while back on p40 I did suggest a system that would take distance, logistics capabilities, nearby rovers etc into account-on that basis you could perhaps be able to assign a kerbal to move to any base on the planet and that kerb would, after x days (dependent on the distance, nearby rovers etc.) appear at the other base (and obvs be unavailable during transfer). And @Urses I tried adding a Rock cfg to the kontainers, but for some reason it broke the switchable textures (so the kontainers are stuck on one texture, but the cargoes are fine-I guess it's because they don't have a defined Rock texture, why it won't accept the Dirt texture as a placeholder I don't know). The Rock did work though, and if you are willing to accept that the textures won't work or can figure out a fix, the extended cfgs are here.
  13. It'd probably be pretty simple to edit the cfg to add Rock storage to a Kontainer. I'll give it a go later,
  14. FYI the Rock Tanks from ART and PAL Counterweights from Konstruction store Rock (the latter isn't really designed to but it works as a tank, with a cheese button to magically refill it anywhere, anytime). TBH you don't really need large-scale Rock storage on ground bases (since the roid that's providing it is an orbital refueller already)
  15. Seeing some familiar parts in that. The airlock from SXT. The ring tanks from MKS. The solar panels from NFS. The trolley wheels from Konstruction. The Malemute cab (etc.). Guess we know where some of the authors got their inspiration from.
  16. Larger than Tundra series? The Tundras are unwieldy enough to ship around, anything bigger (5m form factor?) would just be massive. Regardless, if larger modules were to come, would it be possible to make them multi-modular (as in multiple modules work together to perform one function). Different combos of modules would perform different single functions, similar to multiblocks in Minecraft, and more complex multimodules would be required for better efficiency, simplifying the resource chain spaghetti and producing more advanced end products.
  17. Like @TDplay, I'm not sure of the premise. Basically, are you saying the HP is just a really good, glorified radiator or it more than that? Does the cooling rate vary with temperature as much as stock radiators do, or does it follow its own mechanics?
  18. Assuming you mean crust temperature and time, are you saying it does indeed vary slightly (if so, numbers?)?
  19. I mean the part of the description that states it works better on cold planets and during nights.
  20. Then the desc is misleading. Is this a planned near-future mechanic?
  21. Assuming you mean for the heat pump, it's just flavour text-all it needs to work is some kind of ground contact. Not sure of the maths for the exact cooling rate, though. IRL it works of the basis of part=hot, ground=cold and water pumped around the part will cool it down and then the water is then pumped through the cool rocks to cool it back down again. And @RoverDude the Karibou legs do that for me as well, and have been doing so since I started using MKS in v0.50.8 (with both MKS and USITools up to date).
  22. That would have made one hell of a physhop if the whole thing counted as one vessel.
  23. No, USI-LS is a standalone mod (but is designed to work around MKS and vice versa).
  24. Bit behind, but I think this is because drills have a max cooling much higher than they use to account for the astronomical kolonisation bonuses (10x that at basic load level). This means they reserve much more cooling from the radiator than they need, starving other parts of cooling. Try using radiator panels for other overheating parts (assuming the drills are not attached to the part the panels are on) or editing down the drills' max cooling stat in the partcfg to a more reasonable level (but leave some headroom for bonuses).
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