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Everything posted by voicey99

  1. Just took a look at the new MPUs, and I've noticed that they have LF and OX modes but not an LFO mode, and that LF and OX are produced in equal quantities despite *always* being used in a 9:11 ratio.
  2. @RoverDude Mind if I PR in some slightly extended drill descriptions to address this?
  3. The figures being per drillhead confused me as well at first, this is something that could be better explained ingame (e.g. in the part desc).
  4. Derp, I thought he meant radiators. You also need power to deploy modules. It will tell you how much you need to deploy them in the VAB (under USIAnimation).
  5. Panels will only draw heat from the part it is attached to and any parts attached to that part regardless of distance (inc. offset parts). While the deployable radiators don't have that restriction and have a better total cooling rate, panels are also good in that they can cool parts 1/4 the temperature of their own (compared to 1/2 for the deployables) and have a much higher core heat transfer (I believe this is the max cooling that can be applied to a single part) per unit mass. For example, the small TCS applies three times the total cooling of the small panel to the whole vessel, but draws the same amount from each part as well as weighing five times as much.
  6. Not sure how the heat pumps work with regards to placement or external temperature, so its contribution could vary from useful to inadequate. I've had a few problems with the 1.25m before, in that its temperature seems to very rapidly oscillate between ~800KK and ~1.3KK several times a second with output fluctuating accordingly (this is on a base with a large deployable TCS and only a few drills, so cooling isn't the limiting factor). On a side note, if you're struggling with landing in the right spot, MJ and Trajectories both have landing prediction functions (MJ's gives you some landing site info and distance-to-target readout as well as higher precision, though it can be buggy sometimes).
  7. CKAN takes a while to update, give it a day or two. In the meantime, get it here and the new USITools to go with it here. This same issue was raised earlier on this same page, maybe read or search the thread next time before double-posting?
  8. Man, I just launched my 250K Gilly automated mining outpost. It's in a parking orbit so I'm going to have to either perform some major orbital surgery with KIS or just deorbit it and start again. And @Wiseman That's been a bug for a while.
  9. The default B&S contract rewards are extremely low, but Engineer Focus from Strategia massively increases the rewards from them when you have an engineer on board. As it fully supports USI-LS and MKS, it helps pay for base construction and maintenence missions, as well as giving you more reason to go and do them (e.g. it might ask you to scout for and then build a new base or deliver Supplies to a station or bring some crew members back home). @RoverDude Babies, you say? Maybe call them "Kids" to go with the K-erbal theme?
  10. The MKS wiki on GH also documents the mod very well in addition to breaking it down into lots of bitesize sectors based on what produces what (which is the essence of MKS). If you think MKS is complex, spare a thought for what I had to learn on starting to use a new OpenTTD mod. @pellinor Career mode isn't very useful since everything comes with Adv. Construction. MKS is a little difficult to spread out along the tech tree since everything needs everything. Maybe the Duna modules could come first, followed by Ranger, then basic Tundra habs etc. and then the more advanced Tundra manufacturing modules?
  11. Assuming you know where your Kerbal Space Program folder is (if you installed MKS through CKAN and didn't have to find your KSP folder it to install it, CKAN will open if for you under the "file" tab in the top right), there should be a file inside that called "saves". Inside that folder should be files for all your savegames-look for the relevant one and open in. Inside that folder should be the file "persistent.sfs"-open that with notepad. Use control-F to bring up the search box, and now search for "grouchy" and click "next" with the typing cursor at the top of the page-this will bring you to a list of your kerbals (inc. applicants, KIA/MIA kerbs and those from non-accepted tourism and rescue contracts) and their lifesupport status. Now find Bill (name = Bill Kerman) and change the field "OldTrait" from "Tourist" to "Engineer". Now, go to almost the very bottom of the file and you will again find a list of all the kerbals, this time containing their core attributes. Find Bill again on this second list and change the "trait" field from "Tourist" to "Engineer". Bill should now be fixed after reloading the save (only the persistence mind you, if you want this to apply to quicksaves etc made before you fixed it then you will have to edit their .sfs files (in the same folder) in the same manner).
  12. Well that's good to know. Now I wish I had built everything with that in mind (all my stations are probably 49yrs and 425 days or something ). Time for some orbital surgery.
  13. Did you transfer them between vessels? That might have reset their hab timers.
  14. Oh, you mean the colonisation module? No, they do not have a colonisation requirement (but they do require the aforementioned CSP), and I'm not aware of any other requirement. If your habcap is low, it will hold it at that low value, but when the vessel is unloaded I don't think it accounts for that so you will still see the timer ticking down (it will revert on vessel load catchup). Kerbitats don't require machinery either-are you sure they aren't working? Try seeing the difference between them turned on and off. And @PolecatEZ since when has 50yrs meant permanent hab?
  15. I started my Minmus base before I got into using KIS/KAS, which, for lack of flexotubes or buildable struts and the fact that klaws look awful, meant I had pretty much no option other than to make it all one big structure with Konstruction to try and keep lag down. Even so, I wasn't very successful, it still chugs like a steam train at 4fps and 1/2 speed like I have a (16GB) boat anchor (this lag started back when the base was very small, and thankfully didn't scale with size). Building it as one colossal single launch probably won't work for me, since it will result in having redundant parts and inevitably forgetting things which will need to be shipped over and bolted on later. On a side note, habrings would be of limited use on the Mun and Minmus, since you can switch the crew over in just a few days. Colonisation only provides hab immunity when over 500% and your base has at least 1yr of hab. All inflatable hab modules also require machinery to run (efficiency is proportional to how much machinery is in it), and the Ranger hab's common mode is currently broken.
  16. I guess that's the price of a prefabricated, rapid growth with minimalist efficiency in mind. My Minmus dungheap is basically the base equivalent of a '60s brutalist tower block-and an unfinished one at that. It can't even stay on the same spot-if the ground tether is released it dubsteps itself to pieces and that machinery kontainer on the left used to be next to the REX container. If I build another, it'll be either a proper kolony on Laythe or a refuelling outpost on Bop (unless I find a convenient asteroid orbiting Jool from OPM/Custom Asteroids)-I've learned a few lessons in design since starting Minmus and further-away spots will force me to use some more varid non-Tundra modules. In that case, either way, it'll look better (like your base or my other beast currently en route to Dres).
  17. Browsing this thread is not good for my self-esteem, all these base pictures put my plus-shaped train of wheeled modules to shame. I'm at a loss as to how all these haphazard, fragmented module stacks always look better than mine.
  18. Is Massive Scale Launches supposed to include SSTOs? Because if it does, then SSTOs are an infinite money farm since the cost of sending them up is less than what you get from the bonus, which I guess is supposed to be a way of partially covering costs for, well, massive scale launches.
  19. That would be pretty nice actually because, while more efficiency is great, runaway efficiency that chews through your machinery like hyperedit, nukes your resource stockpiles and makes your reactor spew flames trying to power everything benefits nobody. Get a high enough rating and it'll be like 0.50.12 all over again.
  20. It will tell you how many resources you need to expand it in the VAB (under USIAnimation) and, if i'm not mistaken, you will need materialkits of equivalent mass (As RD said, to represent the things that go in it) to the difference between its deployed and deflated masses. IMO it's significantly easier and cheaper to just send inflatable modules up pre-inflated unless you are producing MKTs onsite. The main use for the habring is to grant a massive habitation time bonus to kerbals in USI-LS, which MKS is designed to work with-its other function is to boost output from agmodules on the base/station, which are useless without LS installed, as both resources they produce (Supplies and Organics) only have uses within LS. As such, the habring is just bling in base MKS. Yep, drills do not get any bonuses. My Minmus drilling platforms have been at 85% load since the start despite having accrued a 182% geology rating since then.
  21. I use it for 2 reasons: 1)just cause 2)It does help when you have too many MKTs so you can instead break parts down into recyclables with the demo charge and convert them into resources that would be be a pain to get in larger quantities. If you're just producing a small amount of SPTs or MCH then all you really need are the small amounts of resources it gives you from blowing up used machinery or spare rocket parts.
  22. You know the only other picture on that guy's profile is a screenshot of..... his modlist! Try a few of them out, I'm guessing either MSI or TST.
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