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  1. Cool mod! I dislike system heat, this mod seems perfect for me!
  2. There's this weird bug with robotics and docking ports that I haven't been able to properly reproduce. The bug seems related to being landed (so gravity is actively accelerating you against the ground), putting a docking port on a robot arm, and docking to something else while landed. In one instance I had a big fuel tank on wheels on Laythe approaching a helicopter to fuel it. The docking port for the heli was on the underside and when I slid the port under to dock (and actually made the connection) all the wheels would pop off on the rover like some loony toons cartoon. It happened over and over. Unfortunately I was so frustrated I didn't record or save logs for reporting but in hindsight it was funny. I was able to reproduce it with modded wheels later when making a Mun base only this time it popped the vehicle into the air. All I did was slid a rover underneath for docking and, upon docking with two docking ports at once, it jumps into the air:
  3. Cool mod! Am I understanding this right, that if one player is playing actively then others simply cannot use the save? I am not sure I understand how the locking mechanic works.
  4. For some reason Taniwha's server tends to give out corrupted files. It's been an issue for a while. There are no mirrors that I can find on spacedock or otherwise. The only fix I found is redownloading it until it eventually works. CKAN also uses Taniwha's server so you are SOL
  5. Here are my edits I made, if you replace the corresponding files from the download it should work. Do note this reverts eeloo terrain to stock. You still keep the nice atmosphere though and in my VERY limited testing it looks fine. planet list: https://pastebin.com/6N4i6Cmx atmo: https://pastebin.com/7N7WWHrJ eeloo cfg: https://pastebin.com/izeEGVtK Navel cfg: https://pastebin.com/fX7m4EHh Netis cfg: https://pastebin.com/trqAsAVq What I did was remove all instances of the new terrain files being loaded, remove the neweeloo creation which leaves original eeloo (this also fixes the planet in tracking station expanded seemingly), move navel and netis to original eeloo and finally set the new atmosphere to load on original eeloo. I provide this as is and claim no credit whatsoever.
  6. I am trying this mod right now with the volumetrics cloud mod and eeloo is very blown out. The planet is blindingly white while near it. edit: anyone else facing the same issue, I eventually had to delete the new terrain for eeloo by surgically editing the kopernicus config. You get stock biomes and science back but keep the moons and atmosphere.
  7. If anyone else is trying to use this with the latest volumetrics and the latest fan-made volumetrics spectra you may find some effects missing. The only one I have noticed so far is the Laythe glowing clouds (which were not actually clouds but glowing dots that floated in the atmosphere). You can fix this yourself by installing this version of spectra (or in other words, the original spectra) then applying my patch on page 65. edit: anything past volumetrics release 2, which is not available anymore, will not work with 2d cloud layers which spectra uses. So if you use anything past release 2 it seems this mod does nothing.
  8. I went ahead and did a simple change from Alt+S to Alt+UpArrow for anyone who is as melodramatic as I am about the keybinding. Here is my repo release: https://github.com/StormCircuit/SingularityKeyEdits/releases/tag/Release Based on my understanding the MIT license does permit me to share this here. If this flies in the face of whatever rules, let me know and I can take it down. If/when I get around to making a config file I will certainly submit a PR with whatever additions I make
  9. May I make another request for the keybinding to be changed? I understand I can recompile but doing that every update is going to be a bit of a pain. This rose to my attention again when I realized your keybinding, Alt+S conflicts with the stock keybinding of trim pitch up. It's quite something to have the singularity UI flash over and over while tapping the keys for trim. Any way to change it would be enough, a cfg file even if that's the easiest way. I regret if getting this again is annoying, I will take your reply as the final word on the matter.
  10. Hi, I am looking to modify the alien jump gates such that I can access other gates before I have ever discovered them. I see you have a setting: "isKnown" which seems to do exactly that however I have set it to "true" and I seemingly cannot use other gates unless I have first rendezvoused with them. Could you let me know how I can edit a save to make a spawned gate usable without ever actually rendezvousing with it? Let me know if you know of some way to accomplish what I am trying to do or if I am being unclear. Thank you for the fun mod!
  11. Making it compatible with freeiva would mean using the science lab model for the thnkr or making an entirely new custom IVA. The former means throwing out the art made for the mod, which while I see the point is making the art someone did a waste (which just sucks). The latter means modeling entirely new IVAs which is very hard Unrelated to the reply, xScience appears to allow you to cheat, finalizing experiments instantly. Depending on the maintainer's perspective this may or may not be an issue.
  12. Why not just ask T2 directly? They won't just do it because a bunch of people signed a petition. Literally send an email to (publicly and legally available) anyone at T2 if you guys believe this is doable. All this talk about a turning point and doing the right thing seems rather pointless. This is a community of maybe 5000-10000 people spread across the globe. Maybe 50% of those people will actually get on board. It won't just explode and become a social movement so I imagine asking is really your only option. I think the real solution is not to bark up this tree and waste the energy because I agree with most: they just wont release the source code for a barely 10 year old game still making plenty of money. The best possible solution (IMO) is to start an OpenKSP project (like OpenTTD, google it, highly successful). I am not a lawyer but I believe if you recreate the game with your own code they would have to issue a cease and desist to stop you. They only typically do that if it eats into the bottom line (this is a corporation, lets not forget). This is also easily possible but I imagine in the time it takes to recreate KSP with original (not crappy) code, KSP1 would hopefully be at a point where OpenKSP isn't a bottom line issue. Also issuing C&D's is typically not good for publicity especially in the PC game sphere and would probably tarnish the game's reputation.
  13. Is there a way to disable the keybindings for the mod? alt+s is unfortunately getting registered at all the worst times for me.
  14. I disagree with wobbly rockets being in KSP dna. It always was and ways will be extremely annoying to deal with. I only really feel like wobbly is acceptable if I am doing something wrong entirely. If I am trying to just make an ascent stage, it sucks to just feel the need to strut everything. Especially because you need to revert the entire flight. It just sucks. Ontop of all this is still the problem of part count lag. Let's not forget that struts are two parts each which adds up quickly. Reduce the amount of nonsense parts I need so I can make cooler rockets is far more important to me than some spaghetti mechanic.
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