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Posts posted by RonnieThePotato

  1. 22 minutes ago, Rocket In My Pocket said:

    Sure lemme check.


    It's heavy, with not a lot of lift and weak engines, especially in atmo. (Cockpit is the original Mk1 before they changed the model.) Launcher is obviously not shown, this is just the shuttle bit.

    The preferred way to land it, is to come in high, dive for speed; then fly the runway a bit before touching down. You only get one shot at it though. No go arounds lol.

    Anyways, it was so unpleasant to fly, it was eventually modified into it's very odd successor which carries it's wing in a lift neutral position on the way up, then flies back home like a regular plane after re-docking with it.

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    Looks cool, I can see why it's hard to fly :D thanks for posting!

  2. 3 minutes ago, Rocket In My Pocket said:

    Yeah, totally possible.

    Although they aren't particularly useful or good planes lol.


    1 minute ago, Geonovast said:

    I've actually been trying to make a strictly MK2 SSTO with no wings or control surfaces.

    Balancing the CoM and CoL has been nightmare.

    Any of you known any completed projects of such plane? I would love to see what it would look like.

  3. 4 minutes ago, Galileo said:

    I think it was said a few pages back that reasearch bodies won't work when injecting into a current save and one would have to start a new career

    It seems to be working just fine besides there being no applauncher, which I don't think I really need. If anyone knows what file to edit to change the difficulty then I think it will be fine.

  4. I just downloaded this for my career save, I went into the game and It's not letting me set the difficulty in game. It says celestial bodies already discovered. Is this a glitch? It probably isn't but if it isn't is there a way I can edit the config files to change difficulty or something?

    Edit: I should also mention I don't have the research bodies app launcher thing.

  5. 4 hours ago, DStaal said:

    Any unlocked parts will still be unlocked - and will *also* be in their new locations under CTT.  So a minor breakage, as you'll see some stuff twice in the tech tree.  (And have some things unlocked that you might not in theory be supposed to have access to yet.)  Other than that, things should be fine.

    In general KSP doesn't handle changing tech trees min-career very well, but the issues are pretty much cosmetic.

    Thanks for the answer!

  6. Ksp is kinda getting repetitive. You know, launch, orbit, escape kerbin, and so on. So I'm looking for any mods that could help spice things up a bit. Things like RSS and solar system rescale mods. Things that add a whole new way of doing things. Things that add another aspect. If you know any good mods to shake things up post them here!

  7. I didn't land multiple pods, but i managed to make one that can hold 4 Kerbals.


    Jeb, Bill, Bob, and Val all board the DropPod


    We have liftoff! I used the stock Stearwing A300 cuz I was lazy. 


    Drop the Pod!


    The pod descends down toward the ground. Will our brave Kerbals make it? (their heads are clipping through the hatches)


    Extending our "impact absorbers" (the landing gear are meant to break)


    Brace for impact!


    Another safe, but bumpy, landing!


    Jeb plants the flag to mark the mission's success! (that piece there is the hatch that decoupled)


    Jeb and his friends celebrate with cocktails and champaign!



  8. The Orizon Heavy Lifter is complete!

    I did manage to get it to the island though, but there are no hopes of getting Jeb back without a refuel.
    It has a docking port below it, so i kinda just attached some fuel there and dropped it when it was out.


    Im planning to use it as a transporter for fuel, rovers, ore, and such. Anyways lets move on to the challenge.


    Its a little hard to control and hard to land on small spaces.


    How ya holding up there Jeb?


    Sweet victory here I come! (well half victory since i never made it back)


    Touch down! Sadly, not enough fuel to get Jeb back to the warmth and safety of the KSC

    I hope you like this, I may put it for download soon. BUT I did use one mod... Tweak Scale. I used it to make the three "Spark" engines larger.

    Do i get a gold star now? Or half a star? 3/4's for looking awesome?

  9. Time is very real, we just made up units of time, such as seconds, minutes, and so on. Time allows change. If time was simply an illusion, everything would be static. Time lets us move, lets us think, lets anything change in any ways. If time were to stop right now, you would be in the exact position you are now, your cells will be motionless, your brain would be thinking on what you are thinking right now. If time never existed, planets, stars, even the Big Bang wouldn't happen because simply nothing can change. Time is very real.

  10. The fourth spacial dimension, the hypothetical one I was talking about, and time, a proven dimension that is within every dimension, are different. So the third spacial dimension has three spacial dimensions plus time, another type of dimension. Time is only known as the fourth dimension because we thought of time being a dimension before the thought of the fourth spacial dimension. Time is a dimension, but it is not spacial, every dimension has time. 

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