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    Stabilizer Of The Old World

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  1. Please do whatever is needed to keep this afloat. Many thanks.
  2. Thanks Wobble in 4x physics can't be related as the WS is active only few seconds after loading the scene or coming out of timewarp.
  3. But was it lowered to the ground "gently" or was just dropped? Dummy module should work but drills already have two modules you can target - ModuleResourceHarvester and ModuleAsteroidDrill You can also just put the name of the vessels you want to exclude to the config file (no UI so far, sorry) On the other hand, drills don't have colliders on the "drill" part and thus excluded from vessel geometry calculation, so the problem should be something else...
  4. Thanks, good point. Guess it's time to make a proper support for it, like it was in the time of KAS pre-1.0
  5. TBH, I didn't test it in this situation, but it is unlikely. The mod works only few seconds after the scene is loaded - i.e. when you click "launch" or load a save. After that it does nothing - so if you are more than few seconds into the flight - this must be something else.
  6. Cool, thanks. I'll review the changes soon-ish. Sorry, with current stuff happening around me can't promise more
  7. Let's say, it filters the data more aggressively. More elaborate explanation will dive into how Unity works.
  8. WorldStabilizer is indeed recommended band-aid for OPT. OPT has some parts with apparently wrong colliders that make the game think that vessel is about 1km height hence spawning it 1 km up in the air. This mod determines vessel dimensions differently and places the vessel according to its own calculations.
  9. No idea, sorry. I didn't touch this mod for quite a while - it seems it didn't get any significant interest. However, it has a chance to work even in 1.10 - just try it. No, should be fine without TweakScale too.
  10. This mod is truly fantastic. Kudos for it. Is there a way to make upper and lower width different (sort of trapezoid form)? Can't I just find a proper gizmo or is it not implemented?
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