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Mark Kerbin

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Everything posted by Mark Kerbin

  1. Ok so obvious the smart people ksp nerd brigade have already arrived, but I’m going to chuck my two cents in just because I can. 1.Aerobrake into Dunas atmosphere. Bring a heatsheild and don’t go too deep. Other than that there’s not much else you can do to improve performance. I mean you could try using Ike to slow you down once you get there... 2. Congratulations, you have figured out out to encounter duna , at least in theory. That means you are almost there. Go ahead and do that burn. Then once you get on your way, add another node a fiddle around with that to try to fine tune it. You can do this multiple times to get better encounters, ie into the atmosphere or use Ike’s gravity. Or to make sure you come in on the right side of the planet. Your orange post node line indicates where your going to be and what direction, so try using that. best of luck.
  2. Fact: Planets in ksp are boring. Solution : Give players a reason to explore them. Put it in a dlc. Problem: I can’t think of anything to make planets less boring. What about you guys? Brainstorming..... Ehh, Maybe add some weather or wind effects? Ik Ik physics engine limitations, but maybe just a little bit of weather? Togglable option? Maybe some procedurally generated terrain features. Stuff that will be different in every save. Maybe each body with a physical surface could have a library of various rock formations, canyons and what not, and those just get randomly placed on a save by save basis? Maybe make it so the scan sats are a bit less op, so you have to actually map the body by flying low or driving across it if you want more details. Give bases a purpose. Stations too. I’m thinking making ore a bit easier to get and refine, and long term experiments that have to be completed in a specific environment. Biomes actually being biomes would also be nice. Sure on kerbin it’s obvious, but everywhere else it’s just, “hey doesn’t that look slightly [darker, lighter].Random() ?... okay moving on.” Just maybe make it a bit more noticeable and spice up the way terrain works in different biomes. Maybe terrain could also act differently? Like rovers and landers sink in more on some terrains and others are just super slippery? Though that would require making wheels less... derpy. Guess I do have some ideas. Thoughts?
  3. Good news, if all continues going to plan, I should be able to post a pre release for 1.3’s pilot contracts sometime tomorrow. Had to make some sacrifices with my plans for the Bootcamp senario but it isn’t too bad. Let’s just say the island runway isn’t getting as much attention. Oh and all the contracts have much nicer numbers now. Yay for 0s
  4. Sorry for the delay with the Pilot contract prerelease. Dealing with an issue in the bootcamp contract. Edit literally 2 seconds after posting: NVM that, apparently its working now. Strange.
  5. Ok this is embarrassing. I have an extesion on chrome that absorbs key inputs to stop things from opening (certain key combos I use for background apps that do things on chrome) and it appareently started absorbing enter inputs on forums.kerbalspaceprogram.com. Anyway I fixed it. see? A mod can lock this now.
  6. You know, I actually never put much thought into it. Its kinda muscle memory for me. I don't use launch clamps often but they usually end up in the first engine stage. Usually I just kinda think T Z SPACEEEEEE. So yeah. Lets light this candle.
  7. No im not kidding. Enter key is just plain not functional on forums. It is everywhere else tho. anyone got any ideas? (I tried reloading google and stuff already) And yes i realize just how hilarious this sounds.
  8. Apologizes for the radio silence recently folks! Not to worry, Im still working, just needed to chill a bit. A quick update as to what im currently doing; All pilot contracts (except bootcamp) are "finished" ie on the github and ready to be tested. They are unbalanced and still need their descriptions improved and notes added. Also cost and difficulty will have to be looked at. So no really not finished. Lets call them "working" As for the bootcamp, all is coming along nicely, tho I have hit a "small" snag with finding the kerbals name. However I think i will just be spawning one of the kerbals already in the "applicant" section, instead of entirely new one. This will hopefully fix the trainee name issue and make it so there are not infinite pilots always ready for training. Anyhow... Its like 10 pm so ill be signing off now. Oh and scientist and engineer contracts will be easier/ quicker(?) given the lack of waypoints and orbital parameters. Plus the wonders of Ctrl+c
  9. Murica is currently practicing for when climate change really screws us over. I mean we got freak flooding , massive fires, heatwaves... wait a second.... that sounds familiar. Also all joking aside, ITS FREAKIN HOT AROUND HERE!!!!!
  10. That is true. Game devs in general have a tendency to hide Easter eggs in places people normally wouldn’t look. I mean just look at what happens when you turn on no clip...
  11. Hmm Ive never had an issue with craft file being from older versions
  12. Yeah I had that happen. Its Nvidia. Said Nvidia shortcut can be told to stop using the menu. Not a good idea to uninstall if you like your drivers up to date.
  13. Ive been rejiggering costs and levels on the 4 Pilot contracts. Anyone who wants to test them should go have a look. -working on the Pilot bootcamp contract.
  14. no you're correct 4th wall I dont think changing it will "break" anything since the airfield itself is named correctly. any contracts using it as a biome shouldnt have a issue. Though i do kinda like a quirky game, i would be fine if the typos got fixed next bug fix.
  15. Contract is being worked on, main issue was calling the target body which was not quite working the way it should. Edit; unfortunately due to my own inexperience and the way some of the contract list work, this version is not going to be compatible with any mod that shifts the sizes of kerbin. I suppose if people ask i can make a RSS version after 1.3.0
  16. And this folks is why you get other people to test your stuff. Ok Ill have a look. =/ Edit; Ah ok. I know what I did. For the Val not registering problem, there is a hidden parameter that checks that you are "landed" , given that your engines are not on, im gonna guess that your state was actually "PRELAUNCH" parameter will check for that next update. (and ill add a note to that parameter at somepoint.) @4x4cheesecake looks like the errors were caused by the Adv Orbital Piloting Contract. Not surprising since its still be worked on. Phew.
  17. Quick update on fixing what @4x4cheesecake found -Fixed waypoint naming, makes more sense now. -All crew now have to be on board before that parameter completes, now each kerbal has a personal parameter -Still investigating NRE, looks like its just CC having a little freak out. Ill check for unused parameters in entry level anyway but havent seen anything. -As for the explanation as to the the waypoint heights, this is why i suggest getting waypoint manager. It shows the waypoints in flight mode on your HUD. Makes life easy. -Any weirdness about descriptions or parameter things will be sorted out when 1.3.0 gets released. currently just want to get everything running correctly as intended.
  18. @4x4cheesecake Ok... Guess that means I'm going to need to separate the parameters for HasCrew. As for that NRE, There is probably an extra "disableOnStateChange" or "HideOnStateChange" floating around. Ill look, might have gotten it by now. The white flag was caused by a messed up agency cfg. That has been fixed so if you want to copy over all of the 1.3.0 branch and put in a folder named "KerbalAcademy" in the contract group folder, everything should work. You can also wait for the "Pilot Contracts Beta" release sometime today or tomorrow. =P
  19. Idk... Looks kinda like that was on purpose. I mean this; probably humans overthinking things a bit However that Eve formation stands out just a little bit too much for me to say Im just seeing things. Specially because its smack dab in the middle of a lakey thing and doesnt have the same organic look of the terrain around it. (Likely just confirmation bias tho.) This will not stop me from sending a base and calling it Nel tho. Im also going to read into this way more than I really should. *Googling Intesifies* Ill get back to you guys Edit: Google translate has it reading "in the" or "in" in several romance languages. Time to go look at more terrain maps (Just bored, not insane) Yeah no, not seeing anything. Conculsion; glitch, used to say Neil before terrain was fixed in 1.2, or part of something. Ok back to work
  20. Oh good. Was wondering when that was gonna happen. Tks!
  21. That craft works in 1.4.... what did you try to do?
  22. That’s definitely your drivers. It seems to eat it right after input is initialized, and unless I’m confused (which is possible it’s midnight) , as soon as it loads the drivers or whatnot for your gpu or idk input devices, it dies. So yeah driver update and integrity check is in order
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