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Everything posted by Marschig

  1. https://kerbalx.com/Marschig/I2 There were a discussion about planes. This craft has a cabin, engines, wings, a tail and some kind of chassis. I think, it's a plane
  2. Yes. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rocket-powered_aircraft With one small difference: reaction wheels instead of control surfaces
  3. Just take a closer look at the Start set. It has everything necessary to fulfill the conditions
  4. Yes, but the craft was slightly modified under the conditions. For example, by the condition "one of each experiment", the SC-9001 module was installed instead of the scanner M4435, with which the ore was easier to find. I'm not sure. Maybe, but this requires very precise planning. I have another SSTO, that can easily land on Tylo. But it weight 320t, I'll show it later, when prepare materials to show.
  5. https://kerbalx.com/Marschig/Cruise-Plane-Mk2 https://imgur.com/a/bvEHK 49.836 t SSTO 0.95 Bodies: Laythe 0.95 Moho-in-one: 0.9 Science Package 0.9 Six Kerbals 0.9 Quick Start to Joolian Moon 0.85 63 parts 0.9 49.836*0.95*0.95*0.9*0.9*0.9*0.85*0.9=25.083
  6. Это зависит от включенной опции "extra ground stations". Кроме того, даже с включенной опцией есть участки на низкой орбите где связи нет. В частности, её нет над морем прямо на участке выведения, когда KSC уже за горизонтом а следующая станция ещё за горизонтом, и это создаёт некоторые проблемы для беспилотников.
  7. https://imgur.com/a/flLu1 2016 km, 5 kerbals (+30), wingspan 8.7 m (+15), stock 2061 points
  8. 682 km on 40 LF. Do you think 30 points for 50 units is ok?
  9. Как-то я попытался записать обучающее видео, как сделать нубосамолёт из самой первой самолётной технологии. Самолёт вышел ничего так, но под голосовой комментарий потом чуть не уснул, когда пересматривал Решил больше видео со своими голосовыми комментариями не делать. Вот, может, будет интересно:
  10. I forgot to plant Flag on Kerbin, but it's not important, just plus a few seconds to the time of landing. I'm not interested about time in this challenge, i got some fun from building a craft, that accords to the rules.
  11. Time as a winning condition is not so attractive, but a set of rules looks interesting and can lead to an original design of ships. I will participate.
  12. Have you seen my video on the previous page? Pay attention to switching SAS mode, speed and pitch.
  13. According to comment in https://kerbalx.com/Marschig/Flea: Flea, that can escape the atmosphere: https://imgur.com/a/3ArZw and survive, only clipped nose cone was crashed:
  14. It can be achieved in stock by pressing A-D for short time. You can easily prove this by building similar rover:
  15. This: https://kerbalx.com/Marschig/Flea Invisible parts: Cubic to attach Lander Can to the decoupler and Nose Cone clipped into Flea to reduce drag.
  16. The decoupler activates before the engine's ignition and doesn't affect the flight. 371 825 m
  17. I think, tasks should be solved without complications But this capsule can survive falling on Duna from the edge of SOI, the atmosphere helps.
  18. The Capsule was dropped on Duna from the orbit, on the Mun from ~300 m. https://imgur.com/a/yHWAs
  19. An album from old career in version 1.0.5: https://imgur.com/a/Q9EMz
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