I cant download any! On the links it just says we couldn't find the page. Also Could you make a pack containing all the props? (also ones that aren't in any of the packs)
Could You Make this a mod? (With craft files) But of course Give credit to all the people who modeled the stuff! (Bd, KAX, etc) and of course ask permission to "recycle" the parts as well!
Could You bring back some old parts? Like the biplane strut? Maybe make some craft files of planes like the Fokker DR.1 or Airco Dh.2 I know I Requested this before But seriously I just want that old Biplane strut back... plus Its Hard to make a nice looking Dr.1
Craft files and Modlist? (I know one is firespitter but on 2 of the planes you have wings with round tips and i need those!!! Sorry that this is an old thread.
Craft files and modlist (I know one of them mods is fire spitter but 2 Planes hap wing tips that are round and ive been searching for things like that for ages) Sorry I know this is an old thread
I get this is Quite old But i never see wwii wings or tails (I dont mean the tail fins i mean the base of the tail) But they are hard to come by and 99% of time they aren't of the plane i want to make. Its ridiculous.
Nice cars! Craft files and mod list recommended! (Because I am curious to see and also get what you guys make because i lack car building skills )
On the High Way then!
Here you can show all your cars/rovers you built! (download recommended Because its spacecraft exchange) You can also post trucks and vans or just any ground vehicle in general.