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Everything posted by Potato3478

  1. Umm none of the parts show up and i installed it correctly is this mod broken?
  2. Ok seriously can you at least do the B5N2 AND D3A1? (I have the zero solved)
  3. Could you also add IJN WWII CVs? like Akagi, Kaga, Hiryu, Soryu, etc?
  4. Can there Be A6M2 Zero parts and D3A1 And B5N2 (sorry those are my favorite WWII Planes also Zero FTW R.I.P F4F wildcat)
  5. can we get remastered and some new biplane parts like a gotha g iv engine and craft files also i swear murican jeb if you say "oh we will never do that cuz its useless" im just gonna go: i just want more planes and stuff im a big wwi fan and getting the biplane strut really wood make biplanes (and triplanes) look nicer also a new set of biplane landing gear cuz in wwi the wheels were joined together by a little plank in the middle ._. that is all goodbye
  6. agreed but i mean the parts like the biplane struts and the old biplane landing gear ._. that was one piece and would suit my sopwith camel i dont know why these parts were removed like the seaplane landing gear and the craft files had better designs (im not that good at making planes) also you said ect instead of etc XD anyways you could like make the old parts updated and tweakable anyways back to a little project of mine... its called DEMOCRACY
  7. well im not demanding that the be fixed i just really want to get those parts and get the craft files could you fix them some other time maybe? (just asking and im an idiot)
  8. seriously m8 can you release the craft files pls and whats that laser mod what expansion for bd armoury? (now i will never speak again)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Potato3478
    3. Space Scumbag

      Space Scumbag

      Oh god. Sorry for the late reply. There is no laser mod by me for BDA. It were just come cfg changes.

      Anyways, in the current version I have made no lasers , so nothing to share for now.

      Also the crafts can be found in other threads by me, here in the forum. Not all crafts work in the lastest KSP. It's always much work.

    4. Potato3478


      oh my apologies for bothering you

  9. well then they should fix the parts so i can get the darn craft files and make my own contraptions
  10. I Really like this mod and hope it gets updated but, people have lives (i do too) and i respect that so im just gonna keep my mouth shut
  11. is this still being updated? (just wondering not pestering for an update)
  12. you wanna know what would make making planets easier? (this may be hard to describe ._.) if you could just put a planet maker in game and you would start out with i small minmus sized planet or mun and you could edit the size with a little scroll thingy on the left or right and to raise or lower the terrain in some areas (zoo in if you want to raise a smaller zone or lower it) or have some templates and for the ocean you could have a scroll thingy too raise and lower ther level the water is at and a check box that says Has an ocean and have a coloring system for the ocean and coloring and texturing for terrain have a vast selection of texture templates and of course click the color you want it to be but if you want to make an ice cap mountain or beach then you could some sort of selection of covering some of the land or mountain or what ever you are trying to do and the atmosphere part just select the outline color and make it thick or thin and to make gas giants and stars you can just do the texturing and sizing and maybe a bit of terrain cuz kerbol has those weird sunspots which are also weird crater sort of things or like a dent lol and the gas giant part just select where the clouds are thick enough to stand on i get this may be EXTREMELY hard to implement but i thought i should just get this out of my mouth (or fingers cuz im typing )
  13. all im going to say is can you publish your craft files from your star wars ksp vids and that is it im no longer going to bother you unless you some reason want to talk to me (which you  wont XD)

  14. am i talking to sw dennis?

    1. Potato3478


      just going to say im not here to annoy the **** out of you

  15. when i shoot the projectiles hit the ground bounce up and never touch the surface again ive seen in multiple vids where they do fall back down ._. what IM TRYING TO STAB A FLAG POLE IN A CUBE LIKE NEXTER DID
  16. i understand the base of it but not the atmosphere and ocean ._. so i understand most of it
  17. does it work for 1.1.3 ? anyone i get it says 1.1.2 but some mods dont get broken from some updates ._.
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