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Everything posted by JadeOfMaar

  1. Lol! The idea of that is great, but I know....... I expect TWR to bottom out, yeah. You must be a madman or quite a genius to dare with Xenon main engines. Anyway, good thing I added that battery tank type. I mainly did it for OPT's own engines. I wonder just how much EC a given tank holds......I haven't actually looked right at that in KSP.
  2. Oh really? Thanks. As you mention it, maybe I should have made Xenon a default option (as Kerbalism does so). I either forgot or declined as it's kinda silly, the idea of moving a big, heavy OPT spaceplane on Xenon. But any more information is welcome.
  3. @ARS <3 ...I suck at drawing mecha. I'm envious.
  4. Release 1.1 Added Battery tank type among the defaults Made all tank types switchable in-flight except Structural and Battery Added Kerbalism support including many B9 tank options for un-crewed parts Added Near Future Propulsion support DOWNLOAD :: SPACEDOCK :: @Nathangun Here you go.
  5. Thor Tech Moved MillPower resource to DS Core Painted undersides of Radial Transpirator for distinction in part selection or R&D facility Added lift surface to Argo WarpJet engine Shieldnir works as Kerbalism rad shields Deep Sky Core 3.0.2 Added feature to add IntakeAtm or Atmosphere to all intakes that don't have it (partially for the air RCS problem) Centralized MillPower resource Disabled flameout plume in Japier engines IntakeLOX in Classic Stock mode produces Oxidizer now, not Oxium DOWNLOAD v0.9.6.3 :: GitHub :: SpaceDock GET DEEP SKY CORE :: GitHub :: SpaceDock
  6. Release 2.1.0 Who says you can't grow fast food?! In Kerbalism, you especially can! Major thanks to @PiezPiedPy for their contribution to this release! Developed Vanilla Mode (still requires B9PS) for when no LS present. Airline Kuisine provides Ore and Battery storage, FineOre resource for improved or speedy (manned or unmannd) ISRU, and concept thermal electric generators (based on the Sterling Engine) for on-demand power. [KISM] Balance pass and routine maintenance following greenhouse rebalance in Kerbalism 1.6 or 1.7. Many thanks to PiezPiedPy, co-dev of Kerbalism Continiued for KSP 1.4.x [KISM] Mk2 greenhouse "Kitchen Garden" produces Food in just 90 days (inspired by known edible plants that grow in 60 days or less IRL) Adjusted radiator stats Adjusted tech tree locations DOWNLOAD :: SpaceDock :: GitHub ::
  7. I guess I'm the Rational sort. I'm always tuning or adding to a mod, and occasionally I build intricate designs for stations and motherships. I largely design spaceplanes and stations, not rockets.
  8. Necro post... But the topic is interesting enough. If I could make planets I would re-imagine and maaaaybe rearrange a few of the existing planets, delete the others, and pad the system a bit with purposely dull moonlets possibly with interesting names. I'd also provide a wider variety of climates at the atmospheric worlds including a Titan-alike (Lord knows what Eve may be analogous to), and concerning resources I'd give it the same care and level of challenge and convenience as I've given to Galileo's or Gameslinx's planet mods. I won't give any clue as to the exact arrangements of planets and moons as I see it. My idea(s) for my own planet mods run deep... Revealing them will ruin them. :p
  9. @CatastrophicFailure Yep. There's a MoistAtmosphere resource and situation to deal with.
  10. Kerbalism compatibility. Look at all these tank types!
  11. @Voculus You may want to ask this in th OPT Spaceplane thread, not here, maybe. Although I include a FAR config, I don't use FAR so I can't help at all there, sorry.
  12. @Apaseall Yeah I meant KSP 1.3.1. I've tested and committed the GPO Speed config.
  13. No, there aren't any plans. But something can happen since you asked. I'm sorry, man. I'm not going to install all those mods as shown in your log file. Your problem sounds, though, like a known glitch that was already fixed (at the end of 1.3.1).
  14. I gotta burst your bubble a little hard, my dude. RoverDude's mods are rated and released for at least 1.4.1 (check his GitHub links), and no mod-breaking KSP release has happened since, so they should all work just fine in 1.4.4. It is only that he doesn't update his thread titles anymore. CKAN and KSP AVC are quite enough in terms of letting USI users know if these mods are up-to-date. Sometimes it's up to the player to prove that the mod in question works, or doesn't. Finding out for yourself can help everyone out who comes later and wants to know as well. Regardless, you've made a really poor choice of words, and this is how you kill mods. Any modder would be turned off by that kind of challenge.
  15. banned for being of the shape of a kerbal but vague to whether being actually/entirely a kerbal
  16. This is a Unity thing (since 1.4.0) and happens to parts with certain collider setups. It also happens with the J Inline Boarding Ramp (and if you use OPT Legacy, the Humpback ramp)....And happens to other mods too. Install this and don't put launch clamps on any craft containing the affected parts.
  17. @Apaseall Thanks for the gift. I'll test it soon™. What I can tell, just from looking at it is, I can devise a cleaner solution to this and avoid the use of :FINAL in published configs. (The problem with :FINAL is that a lot of mods fight to be the last to load, and once everyone's fighting to be last, the fight never ends, and things get bloody and messy.) I should be able to get around FINAL by just being smart with filenames and setting a good place in the overall MM loading sequence. Once it's the last config file within OPT Reconfig to be read (at least, after adding just WBI modules), it has achieved its goal. Try this and save it as OPT_Reconfig/OPT_WBI_GPOSpeed.cfg @PART:HAS[#manufacturer[OPT*Division],@MODULE[WBIMultipurposeStorage],!MODULE[GPOSpeedPump]]:NEEDS[GPOSpeedFuel] { MODULE { name = GPOSpeedPump _pumpLevel = 8 } } I need to see if swapping the WBI modules will upset craft files and craft in flight.
  18. The same giant flameout flame happens with the OPT HAE-02 engine (which, like my Japier engines, also suffers from giant prefab smoke trail particles). I see a pattern.
  19. @Nazamroth Heh. Sorry. I didn't mean it as an insult when I said monstrosity. The body class letters are not based on size but on shape or purpose. [H, J, K] are for fuselages. But OPT-E is for Engine and OPT-W is for Wing.
  20. What you have, right thee, is a monstrosity. It will hep you a lot to turn on the CoT marker and try to visualize its alignment with the CoM. Also attach a pair of full Ore tanks (they can be the smallest ones) in mirror symmetry to your craft and offset them vertically, very slowly and carefully. Watch how the torque value changes. See where it stops rising or falling and you may have the sweet spot. Also, thrust limit the upper pair (or lower pair) of engines to deal with that torque. You lose a little on TWR but it can save you the trouble of setting up counter-weights. Since you're using Dark Drives (which have 0 gimbal) the best thing to do is thrust limit. Spamming reaction wheels is not the answer for engines with no gimbal. In-flight, KER (its VESSEL panel) can also show your torque in real-time so you can (with whatever ease or difficulty) adjust thrust limits.
  21. Every part has mass. It always matters where you place something. The place where you add reaction wheels, therefore, seems to be good if not ideal to add dead mass and counter-weigh the craft.
  22. Look where it says TORQUE across the KER window up there. That's the amount of offset force that causes the craft to tumble. It was originally higher (about 1.41 kNm) but I've narrowed it down this far. It's not easy to do this because the axes you align your model to are different in KSP versus in a 3D modeling software. Okay, why then is there a need for a symmetrical, separate and possible redundant Mk2 Shieldnir? Simply for visual options? (That I can understand. I don't feel strongly against it.) Two of the four high speed intakes (DS Voyager Mk2 and the DS RBM Variable) have a form of the Skylon Intercooler feature for producing Oxidizer in-flight. Velocity is very important, and the feature needs to be unlocked in career mode or your sandbox save needs to have part upgrades enabled. They're meant to more than cater for the Voyager series aerospikes but just barely meet the full demand of a Rapier. Since I developed The Spice very far I've almost never kept Thor Tech installed without Spice so I wouldn't have noticed that. Well, I'm already working on replacement models for the Japier engines...This is more good reason for me to work on those.
  23. @Fireheart318 Oh reeeeeeally? ...Yeah I can do that. :p Holy... There's thrust torque showing in KER...
  24. @Nazamroth Kerbal Engineer Redux and RCS Build Aid together are essential for any craft design with any hint at complexity to therm. They will enable you to see in the hangar: Thrust torque at a given altitude at any body with atmosphere Thrust torque at each and every engine stage Locations of wet and dry CoM with whatever combination of toggled resources Total RCS power per vector and RCS torque dV in each stage, in total, and (RCS Build Aid, MonoPropellant only) in RCS itself Velocity when descending with all chutes deployed Unfortunately, this alone won't do you much good. You may want to consider your craft design philosophy (I'm lightly suggesting it, I don't mean to urge you to). A super-sized spaceplane will have a hard time landing anywhere except right around the KSC without the ability to shed horizontal speed very quickly, and without some means to control vertical velocity (VTOL). And it will have a hard time holding its CoM and CoT together after a long time mid-flight as landing gear are significant weight. Once fuel mass decreases, the CoM will move down towards those many, heavy wheels. Once you install these mods, be warned, you will quickly join the thousands of happy customers asking why these aren't stock!
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