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Everything posted by JadeOfMaar

  1. ... I did a lot in KSP today. These are the test craft for my first pair of engines made from scratch. And I installed my own sunflare (after having reinstalled scatterer in this test install in an attempt to help troubleshoot a planet pack). 2.5m plug nozzle cross-range fusion engine with built-in radial radiators (This kind of engine should not be used in the atmosphere of a planet that you value life on, just saying...) 3.75m interstellar fusion engine with array of magnetic coils and radiators
  2. ShotgunNinja has vanished from the modding scene. Kerbalism is now run by @N70 who is still learning the ins and outs of it but is doing well.
  3. @Nnimrod There are two ways you can approach this: Have the pressurized resource be massless. Add this line ignoreForIsp = True into the PROPELLANT node for this resource in the engine. All jet engines should have this line in the PROPELLANT node for IntakeAir.
  4. @Angel-125 @shdwlrd The MaxAbundance values for Eve and Dres are too low to be worthwhile (an oversight I should have avoided when I expanded the distribution config). Currently it's far more worth your time to harvest the orbits of Kerbin and Eve vs the listed surfaces. I had assumed that part of the mystery or challenge to Graviolium was that it was not meant to appear in SCANsat so I never made it available in SCANsat's resource overlays. In addition, no crustal maxAbundance value reaches or exceeds 1% so there's nearly no point to having it show in SCANsat, and these may be below a minimum threshold somewhere in the stock orbital scanner too. Propellium (equivalent to LqdHydrogen) can be scooped at very generous altitudes in space at every planet or moon, but is exceptionally abundant at known gas giants and stars and fills the atmospheres of these known bodies (so you can go and farm Jool or farm Kerbol/the Sun).
  5. @theonegalen I don't use RealPlume so I wasn't aware of a problem with it, nor that you had a solution to add to this mod. I'll add them to my upload soon™. -- Looks like what (little) I've done may have been a waste of time. If only I had noticed your post sooner.
  6. look at the Intensity, IVAintensity and ScaledIntensity curves. They affect surface lighting. The Luminosity curve affects solar panels and heat.
  7. A Jet Sounds Continued update Featuring: Sound files converted to .ogg (zip/unzipped now 6MB vs 12MB) The missing Rapier config (it will rock Jeb's socks) DOWNLOAD
  8. Pseudo Skylon C2 with clipped wing panels to give it proper lift and elegant use of TweakScale in a couple of other places. In addition to this I created and have been testing the non-existing Rapier patch in this mod: It's really nice except the Rapier startup sound never plays. I linked it correctly in the config. This plane performs very, very nicely. I may put this on KerbalX once I'm done, as it's all stock too (except the scaling of course..and good luck getting that airplane tail wing to survive the heat if I keep it in).
  9. I've been thinking about this for a few days now and I have just one (hopefully simple) question. Can I simply replace [x] Science with this? I adore [x]'s features such as: It shows projected values of experiments. It lets you see all possible experiments and situations or subsets thereof. There's a clear indication that past experiments (once you've already used them) have no value left or have been used so that in the case that you have a zillion science parts on your craft you don't waste your effort launching those used experiments. (I would make this a feature request if it doesn't already exist, and after trying out Experiment Tracker) A deploy all button but one which is smart to only launch one instance of a given experiment if there's more than 1 of it (like Mystery Goo). Experiment Tracker is, unfortunately, dumb in that it will launch all of the goo, wasting them. But the lag that [x] produces when its windows are open and it does its checking routine is unbearable.
  10. Docked this 3-man taxi to the MOLE station (after maybe 4 days in orbit-- half of which was brought on by mis-calculating a burn and unwittingly sending this craft suborbital, fixing the orbit then plotting the next encounter). There's a service bay holding science under the pod; the science explicitly requires time, crew and the science processors on the station. Some good food/Snacks were wasted in this somewhat hair-raising and time-wasting ordeal. After this, two teams launched in this fun and fast but inefficient hybrid-electric airplane design, hunting anomalies and tagging them. It has managed to safely operate at Mach 9 and cross nearly 1/4 of Gael's circumference with its fuel load. Once the power of its OPT engine is no loner needed, the Thor Tech fans let it coast at subsonic speeds as long as there's LF for the WBI gas turbine to sip from and power them.
  11. Banned for in effect being conservative clinging to KSP 1.3.1
  12. Codename "Magneton" Station. A completely random and concept build featuring the Graviolium exo harvester. It's not properly outfitted for any mission but has lots of cargo space and is promising if someone wants to... maybe... rescue a kerbal from within OPM planets' SOI, maybe with life support, and win a million style points while doing it. (Please ignore the obvious OCD-triggering misaligned docking lanes. I really did not see that coming)
  13. I troubleshot a part that I'm making from scratch (it was quite tedious, to put it elegantly). Then I misused Kerbal Flying Saucers some more and built a concept station. It would be far more effective traveling and drilling asteroids but I wanted to give attention to the rather beautiful exo harvester. And I intend this design to sit in orbit of a planet or moon with Graviolium and other manned bases or stations in its SOI. At the end of the build it gained the codename "Magneton" as it just happens to resemble the Pokemon with the same name. Ohhhh dear. This thing is gonna trip some people's OCD. Don't tell me! I see it!
  14. You're welcome. The issue you mention affects maybe a handful of mods other than OPT and is new to and caused by KSP 1.4. It's what I call the "1km collider glitch." This mod will stop that bug. However, it will not work if the craft you launch has launch clamps. The parts known to trigger this are the J Deployment Bay; J large Docking Port; Humpback Cargo Ramp.
  15. @Nightguard Try this. Save it as anyinterestingname.cfg anywhere in GameData\ It will remove that smoke effect. @PART[opt_mk2_engine_short] { @EFFECTS { @running_thrust { !PREFAB_PARTICLE {} } } }
  16. I just dealt with that in OPT Reconfig. I used to think it was a very unique KSP bug but it turns out its internal heat limit is simply absurdly low. (Same with the Dark Drive.) OPT Reconfig is linked in my signature.
  17. @ExtremeTrader Earlier posts by the OP (in the dev thread) say that Karborundum has been provided. Meanwhile, Karbonite has global configs and is already present in every situation you know of and will be available at every planet. Planetshine is a different story. That mod was recently found to not support planets that orbit any star other than Sun so it would be a waste for the OP to write configs for it.
  18. I have my doubts about that. I'm in KSP 1.4.3 and I get the bug.
  19. I've noticed it. It's even more KSP 1.4 silliness: plumes breaking and un-breaking. If you have OPT Legacy, you'll also notice that the original plume for the J-61 has returned. It's been broken since roughly KSP 1.1.
  20. Sorry, I'm not interested. There's a very high bar to what planet mods will grab my attention.
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