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Everything posted by JadeOfMaar

  1. Release 2.0.4 Updated RationalResources: Added missing Spodumene scanner option. Updated exo templates' Rock resource provisions. Updated RationalResourcesJetFamily: Added cryofuel switcher for rocket engines. (Required by OPT spaceplane and possible other mods.) Added provisions for air-breathing engines that run LFO + deoxygenated IntakeAtm. (Required by OPT spaceplane.) Updated RationalResourcesNuclearFamily: Added provisions for dual-mode thermal nozzle engines (with toggle for fan-based or rocket-based air-breathing mode). Fixed thrust curve issue with thermal nozzle fuel options. Updated RationalResourcesParts: Fixed patch problem with Wrapper Intake.
  2. Release 0.9.5 Added CookBook basic experiment. (Requires Fishing Drone wedge on ship and Buffalo 2 mod installed.) Added missing solar panel modules. Disabled altitude tiers in deep sea dive experiments. The WBI plugin has not been confirmed to support them. Updated cost, capability and CTT location of wedge RTG. Updated localization in several places. Updated subtype names in 1.25m rack. May upset some craft files. Now available on SpaceDock @JonnyOThan Ready for CKAN. Relationships in opening post.
  3. I've been entertaining the ideas of the following for this exact case: Change the RR LFO process to ask for CO2 + Hydrogen Water and absorb the water splitting step, saving some CPU and saving the user a step. Introduce a process that may be very slow or wasteful of Rock and represents Petroleum distillation, producing both LiquidFuel and Methane. Introduce a process for splitting LiquidFuel into Methane. (Very unlikely) introduce a resource for Coal/Kerogen/Shale which can be distilled with very high speed and efficiency. This kind of thing largely comes from fossilized life but most planets tend to not have evidence of flora and fauna. Yep. That's how that is.
  4. There are two ways to approach this but they fall very short in their own ways: Make scatter objects (like stock scatters) and an original experiment to be used around these scatters. Kopernicus includes a module for hiding the experiment toggle associated with a specific scatter until the kerbal or part that holds the experiment is close enough. Beyond Home (a planet pack) does this to compete with the Breaking Ground DLC. Extra advantage: You may crowd it with filler versions of this scatter spawned by Parallax if you want to put some Indiana Jones or Tomb Raider level questing into KSP. Disadvantage: Controlling its population and location will be difficult. It's really not easy to tell if and when you get it to be just rare enough that it can still be found vs "doesn't spawn anymore because of some unknown minimum threshold" and scatters aren't easily bound to a biome. They're bound to chunks of quadrilateral regions. Planet modders know this by the dreaded name "LandControl." Make anomalies (see: PQSCities and KK statics) and make original experiments that use the Wild Blue Tools plugin in order to only function near a named anomaly. Extra advantage: Unlike scatters you can get creative with materials and have animations and highly detailed geometry and a separate, finely made set of colliders that remain low poly and won't hurt people's PCs. JNSQ KSC palm trees are like this. Disadvantage: You don't get to have this spawn randomly and fill an area in high numbers with minimal effort. Each instance must be manually placed.
  5. Howdy. Someone said that refreshing/redownloading KSP fixed it. I have yet to hear from someone that they picked apart their install and identified the mod or the patch therein that may contain :FOR[FerramAerospaceResearch] so I can't help and say "X is doing that. Do Y to it."
  6. My thoughts on the Rock resource that this mod has endorsed for a while now but not yet allowed for much use of: It intends to be available in exosphere so you can effectively mine the dust rings of ringed planets or the clouds of nebulous places in KSP. It already is available in the exospheres of airless worlds in supported planet packs. It is nearly omnipresent like Ore but is not omnipotent and completely abstract like Ore. It is made available as a propellant option to the mass driver engines (which run on Ore) in Stockalike Mining Expansion. It yields more than just Oxygen (though, it doesn't yield Oxygen directly) for users of the likes of Molten Rock Electrolysis. It is equivalent to MKS' Dirt resource in that it makes up the bulk of a planet's composition and can be sifted into many common resources (but not every resource that's present on the given planet). My draft for how that works out is visualized here: Your thoughts?
  7. Finally added and updated information for capacitors.
  8. ... Here's a clip of my testing with an extreme windspeed value (80 m/s) and a custom low altitude flowmap https://imgur.com/RYsr6wI And parachute testing. Unfortunately there happens to be a strong downforce near the KSC so planes can't lift (until the map is edited). That pod would've survived if it had +40m/s crash tolerance but it only had 14m/s.
  9. @Cheesecake @DeadJohn The OP has posted the same question in the Global Construction thread, which apparently owns the container they're looking for. Looks like they're having trouble accessing the parts. I'm guessing manual install, dependencies missing.
  10. Howdy. At GameData\SterlingSystems\Engines\zPatches\Waterfall\ the config files named WFEngine* are what assign templates to engines. Feel free to edit and delete all or part of WFEnginesISV.cfg to allow for your custom configs to the interstellar engines. WFTemplates.cfg is what contains a few waterfall templates I've created but mostly contains templates taken from KSPIE and kept for placeholders. I consider a PM more appropriate since helping you accomplish something is an active thing, meanwhile, I want to keep this thread reserved for release notes, the occasional feedback and screenshots by players.
  11. Release 2.0.3 Updated RationalResources: Fixed atmo scanner not detecting "liquid" resources. @Iso-Polaris Updated RationalResourcesCompanion: Added missing LqdDeuterium output to RealFuels Water Splitter process. Doubled the resource flows (except for ElectricCharge) of Methalox, Hydrolox and Water Splitter processes. @kspnerd122 Updated RationalResourcesKerbalism: Added missing Uraninite drill option. @AmanitaVerna Doubled the resource flows of Water Splitter process. Updated RationalResourcesNuclearFamily: Added RRTN key to opt-in for targeting thermal nozzle parts. Moved Sterling Systems' thermal nozzles under this. @kspnerd122 Updated RationalResourcesParts: Adjusted part costs (thanks to @Vaskritaya ). Updated RationalResourcesSquad: Fixed CryoTanks detection: Do not add own switcher setup to stock tanks if CryoTanks installed. If CryoTanks not installed, ensure stock tanks have boiloff module.
  12. Anywhere in GameData. Due to the :FINAL it doesn't matter. It'll absolutely run last, but if I'm going to accept patches they need to not have that.I've had cases of wanting to tweak a mod but the existence of a FINAL blocked me so I had to choose to do without that mod or edit the mod's files (which would be reverted if I reinstall or update the mod).
  13. @Peanut1 At some point, due to the development process of my mod, Rational Resources (RR), it was decided that the resource placement feature of Community Resource Pack (CRP) would be better served as a feature of USI's Modular Kolonization System (MKS). Now players have to choose between these mods for resource placement. If you have MKS but you're not getting resource placement then I don't know what else to say. If you choose to use RR then be mindful not to install its "Companion" or anything that depends on it if you don't want the ISRU mechanics changes that come with it. Also, RR (by intent) will make things hard for you if you use MKS (which assumes every resource is readily available on every planet) so "Why not both?" is not a good idea here.
  14. No. Deleting the file would stop the duplicates. It won't affect the mods and their configs.
  15. @Ariel Kerman Preview of the truss system and pills/spheres (with optional circular adapters). Trusses will be available empty, containing the orbs, drums (for non-cryo storages) and possibly other things. Orbs can be available separately and in larger sizes (because that goes without saying).
  16. What you asked for. The duplication problem would stop. I did not give you instructions to delete the configs in the mods.
  17. @IgorZ @jeffreymelton24 This isn't a CCK problem. It's a stock subcategories problem. When you click the + button on the upper right of a part icon and add it to a subcategory, KSP creates or adds to this file: GameData\Squad\PartList\PartCategories.cfg ... Unless you're intentionally building your own subcategories, delete this file. KSP will import the configs from mods into this, but also go into a loop, reimporting this file into itself on restart (or scene change?) as long as it exists and those mods are installed.
  18. @JonnyOThan I was just now introduced to this mod by someone giving me feedback on my mods. In addition to what you've learned, this mod does not avoid parts that have a B9PS module already (namely, upgradeable solar panels such as in NF Solar). This leads to the error situation that multiple B9PS modules affect the stats of the same target module and B9PS doesn't like to do that.
  19. I'm going to consider having that be its own part. But having it ask for some EC (to drive a dedicated pump, for example) sounds good.
  20. @Vaskritaya 1, 2. Maybe there is a big hole in my logic that I never realized was there? The idea was: If not CryoTanks: Then RR Squad; If CryoTanks: Then point #3. I personally didn't have much interest in boiloff but I'll address that soon-ish. 3. The part where RR Squad and CryoTanks get along is that RR adds its extraneous cryogen tank types (Ammonia, CO2, Nitrogen...) to CryoTanks-compatible parts from many mods. (The mods are manually added. There's no autodetecting CryoTanks' fuel switcher in them.) @Iso-Polaris Air-breathing RCS assumes pressure-fed power which assumes the same vessel has a turbofan or turbojet engine or a precooler intake for supplying that pressure. In that case, there is no need (and I don't want to open the related can of worms) to find and patch all intakes or engines that are turbofans to generate a "stored pressure" resource. Related: MonoProp RCS use a catalyzer of some sort (I presume resistive heating) to give energy to the MonoProp. These *should* cost some tiny amount of EC like probe core idle usage but they don't. It's handwaved.
  21. I updated the atmo resources to all be liquid type (to skip the step of converting any from gas to liquid after harvesting them) but I had not updated the scanners. I'll post that and other fixes soon-ish.
  22. Hey @Vaskritaya. The RR LH2 subtypes are an oversight. I believe that at one time it was like that in CryoTanks but it never occurred to me to update and nerf to keep pace. I used a spreadsheet to calculate the cylinder and (hemi)sphere volumes of the pills so that should be accurate. The formula being: Cylinder volume + sphere volume, in cubic meters, x 1000 = amount in liters, then x units per volume for the amount of the resource. The pill tanks are supposed to be penalized a bit (the extra mass) due to their cages. For their costs, I largely pull numbers out of a dark corner of the VAB lol, and I'm not afraid to let someone know that I'm not too good at balancing parts. Feel free to PR your suggestions on the costs. I'd like to see your numbers. CryoTanks not doing its own thing ideally shouldn't be a problem of RR, but if it indeed used to and no longer does, then perhaps there's a fork of it going around (it's been adopted) and I'm not aware of it.
  23. Do it. https://spacedock.info/mod/3430/The Mun (Pocket Edition)
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