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Everything posted by JadeOfMaar

  1. I hereby claim the first comment of this thread in the name of Reasons™ And I'm eager for screenshots.
  2. @AR3S_TGL Sorry fellow but there is nothing to this thread. You're not going to get anywhere by drawing attention to something very basic and which every planet maker has possibly already seen. The proper uses of this subforum are: Probing whether a mod idea is possible to make into reality; Learning about a mod or of mods in general; Sharing ideas that can ultimately become a mod or an improvement to it; Getting a mod identified if you know it exists but don't know its name; Getting a mod identified if there's a feature you want but don't know if there's a mod for it;
  3. You decide which I'm featuring here. Gael's visual touchup... or a new skybox. Click my sig to get it.
  4. Today I finished a skybox. Requested by @daniel l.. (The craft is not mine, it was borrowed from KerbalX) The Veil Nebula :: Download :: Gallery
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpIZrnIVQYo Kottabos' review. Sorry guys. That name is taken already by a cheaty (mostly spaceplane) parts pack. Y'all can also tryout this other mod and tweakscale the fin parts to make sails. (Granted the parts will respond to Tweakscale) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jDXjKFyACjA Kottabos' review.
  6. The first moon of @The White Guardian's Planet Cyran mod is entirely lava ocean on the parent-facing side and its spews very large red particles into space (its lore is that it's being eaten by its parent and actively dissolving into Cyran's rings). Said particles also actually hit your ship and bounce off so they are not far from being able to cause damage. Perhaps, using the same physics applied to the Object Thrower's thrown objects there can be an implementation of intangible rolling spheres that spawn and overflow from inside the volcano, enabling the danger of coming close to a lava river without having the heat effect dumbly fill the planet in a single large spherical region. And going along with how EVE clouds are spawned and controlled it would be neat if cloud-like 3D volumes could be defined from a texture or a preset primitive shape and then assigned a mechanic wherein while they are clipped a negative stats system would activate and modules would start to breakdown. Kerbalism imo is a fine example of this. If biomes can have their own science multiplier that would be great. Maybe this already exists but is so underused that most of us think it doesn't exist. The next great thing to do is to insert precious mineable resources in these regions so not only will volcanoes be fabulous for but for what can be processed from there or the kinds of a retrieval operation would yield. Earth has many volcanoes and many of them are still undersea or are instead hydrothermal vents which release loads of noxious material. Venus may have sufficient plate tectonic activity, a child process of internal heating and a fast spinning liquid interior. So have at it. Layte indeed was originally envisioned as a lava world. Some of that concept must have carried over. It would be neat if maybe Kerbin's large crescent impact crater had volcanism in it then the KSC Volcano and ice geysers in @Galileo's Planet Pack would finally be complete. Heck, imagine all the visuals he'd develop once this became a thing!
  7. Olu'um thinks he's a king? Nope. I brought my own crown (the NOX Crown SSTO) and I cut him with it. (Of course I had to turn on the heat cheat...) My testbed game's performance at this time was so smooth I no longer cared to install visual mods to make the screenshots better.
  8. No, no. The official GPP Kerbalism setup isn't available yet. But there's a good appetizer floating around in this thread.
  9. @Norcalplanner Ah, sorry. Too much 10x talk lately. My mind is stained with it. I also have a craving to build and launch big things and I miss NecoBones' SpaceY but I have no active need yet to install it.
  10. @CatastrophicFailure *frustration* ikr? xD meanwhile I've also only just unlocked all of the tier 3 nodes in CTT. I don't have a station up yet.
  11. @Norcalplanner yep, you're making things too easy mixing KRnD and Karborundum. Kerbalism tempts me too. I just flew something for the first time through a Van Allen Kerman's belt and wanted to have someone EVA with some refrigerated snacks. Why not both? it's going to be a little while. You've indeed been to Ciro, planted flags on a handful of bodies and sent probes everywhere already in 10x...and burned your own bank a few times just to keep things a little hard. Lol. No one's going to stop you from trying 11x. You're pioneering and pioneers should be encouraged.
  12. Nope. No one can claim this. By the way, that view from Teloslate is too epic.
  13. Finished Kerbalism support for my Mk2 LS parts and put most of them at the back of this craft affectionately dubbed "Stationism."
  14. All systems are go. .......I'm going to have to make a long cabin.
  15. Version 0.8 published. Kerbalism is now supported so the big four LS are all covered. Fixed MiniAVC component.
  16. In the last day or two I did a couple things concerning two or three planet packs and defined and tested a custom resource for shiggles and inspired by Kottabos' recent review of Space Opera. Now if I could get itto register in SCANsat that'd be great. Finally I prepared Airline Kuisine for: ... I'll publish in a few hours. I have unfinished business with textures.
  17. Found and fixed the AVC problem so update alerts through that are GO. And I finally setup Kerbalism. Everything looks like it works but I'm undecided on what one of the three Mk2 processor parts will do for this LS mod. Currently it's going to be: Standard Fuel Cell ISRU/Chemical Plant Air Filter Texture updates are pending and then there'll be a release later today. The cockpit and long cabin are a cockpit and the science lab from Mk2 Expansion.
  18. The code for my tank parts are almost good to go. I need to know how to apply container volume to them for their resource setups. I think I know what to do about that. A release shall occur later today. My 3 processor parts will be set as: Fuel Cell (2.5x output of stock Fuel Cell Array). ISRU (slightly better than small Convert-O-Tron) Air Filter (4x power) If anyone has a suggestion for something better than a fuel cell for that processor part, let me know and I'll consider it.
  19. @seanth I don't think you need to configure anything for Kethane to work with any planet mod. However, I'm being quite particular about how much will be available on specific planets. I wonder, though.... Is there a switch or patch for background scanning capability?
  20. @taniwha Finally got around to experimenting. My eye's not too sharp yet for fine details like the size of a hexagon but for the time being I just want the DepositCount to actually work. There are some worlds that I want to have nearly no deposits, and some to have quite a few. Any pokes at what I did wrong here would be welcome. @KethaneResource { @ColorFull = 0.6, 0.4, 1.0 @ColorEmpty = 0.2, 0.05, 0.2 -Generator:HAS[#name[LegacyResourceGenerator]] +Generator { name = GalileanKethane MinRadius = 7.29 MaxRadius = 16.2 MinQuantity = 10000 MaxQuantity = 500000 MinVertices = 20 MaxVertices = 80 RadiusVariance = 0.45 DepositCount = 10 NumberOfTries = 20 And now some screenshots of the mod in a useable state.
  21. @CatastrophicFailure Giving Gael an eccentric or inclined orbit would needlessly void all sorts of other things and introduce unwanted challenges such as waiting for additional and increasingly rare transfer windows in order to access the reduced cost of dV or just to get around.
  22. @Luovahulluus It's perfectly normal to take very long on a design of any sort and in any subject. Any well-crafted and well-purposed thing is deep and is time-consuming to bring forward. Galileo's Planet Pack arrived in only 3 months since its conception but is as complex and polished as any giant mod or any stock KSP feature that took a year or more to develop. When i was younger I designed fantasy world characters and my own Pokemon-derived monsters and even a magic arts tree like KSP has tech trees. Now I design alien species and tech and starships for them.
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