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Everything posted by JadeOfMaar

  1. The CRP resources should instantly apply to all the planets. Making them sensibly apply or not to certain ones is another matter but that gives me an idea.
  2. I can give you an example of an atmospheric harvester. I made one the other day. I had explicitly said at one point that CRP was no longer necessary since you were using your own resource instead of under ideal conditions IntakeAtm and Karbonite. Your harvester will have to be changed back to use IntakeAir and it must have the animation module below in order to reveal and later hide the actual harvester toggle. Leave the blank parts blank. For the smaller intake parts reduce the efficiency value in the harvester module so they don't scoop up as much as a bigger intake. MODULE { name = ModuleResourceHarvester HarvesterType = 2 Efficiency = 1 ResourceName = Methane ConverterName = Methane Filter StartActionName = Start Methane Filter StopActionName = Stop Methane Filter ToggleActionName = Toggle Methane Filter INPUT_RESOURCE { ResourceName = ElectricCharge Ratio = 2 } } MODULE { name = ModuleAnimationGroup deployAnimationName = activeAnimationName = moduleType = Filter }
  3. Today I spent a good few hours in sandbox, experimenting with LS and my end-game ship. it took me a while to remember that my Mk2 USI greenhouse supports 3 kerbals at a time whereas I had 4 orange suits onboard. With the great added weight of LS resources and processors I need to decide between one of two better propulsion systems for that ship... To get around in Galileo's Planet Pack, let alone anywhere under light speed I'm going to need something better than...
  4. I cracked... I couldn't take any more of the state of my game and so I did two things: I raised my science reward multiplier from 40% to 70%; Switched out the tiny CLLS mod in favor of USI LS and refitted the SS Prudence. Unfortunately I should've done things just a little differently and with the help of KAS... I lost the wee bit of science data I had in the lab. In any case I'd much rather grind to keep crew alive than grind to get the next tech node (granted I've unlocked all of tier 4 or 5). Habitation is disabled (default) but the other things are all set to 3 days grace + death.
  5. @Galileo I mentioned it already but I suspected something else. I'll take out both* and see.
  6. @CatastrophicFailure Lol. Easy button. I updated the install instructions to cover EVE, Kopernicus rings and Scatterer. Did you reinstall EVE and Scatterer from scratch? In stock scale the RA-100 should reach Gauss. In upscaled systems it should reach Nero. I'm changing my installed LS right now so I can raise my science reward % back to something sane for me...and use my own Airline Kuisine mod. I'd much rather wrestle a big boy's LS to keep my crew alive than grind extra hard for science.
  7. Hey @Snark One other little thing. Not a complaint or anything, but from v1.2.0 Galileo's Planet Pack makes your mod even more relevant. There's something out there now...totally worth pointing a few honeycomb-based relays at.
  8. @daniel l. What shenanigans are you plotting? And maybe, does a mod exist for this? I know theres one that makes EVA fuel and one that realistically nerfs reaction wheels and may buff RCS thrusters. Oh that's what you're plotting.
  9. Does this question apply to the spotlights or to cabin lights? I know cabin lights don't consume EC.
  10. I believe that is the KSC 2 island. @Urses implied that he's getting CommNet signal from there and there was a dish beside KSC 2. By the way, dude, I clearly see what you did there. You did an impressive job. Haha, @Poodmund. RoverDude of all people should know what to do to keep his kerbals happy and alive, and to shorten his trips to Gauss and beyond. Between GPP and any life support system what makes a hospitable planet comes down to three things in my opinion. Gravity, atmosphere height & pressure and resource distributions (includes atmosphere composition and influenced by @OhioBob). Can you build a ship that safely lands on the bigger, badder worlds if you wanted to? Can you return to orbit from them? Will you find what you need for the mining aspect of things?
  11. I do that, thanks. I still wanted some separatron action, particularly in the realm of the boosters flipping over more strongly on separation. I must need more fleas...
  12. Don't tempt me. But yes, the tech node containing them was the last one I unlocked on its tier so I used Fleas. I took half of the SF out of them but clearly that wasn't enough. I get to watch the boosters collide behind me and and harmlessly explode every time.
  13. It's not everyday I post this many pictures at once, much less with texture quality turned back down to half to make my game fully playable. Jebediah got to command another launch following the exit of the first interplanetary probe (bound for Gratian) into deep space and the deployment of Deep Sky's first orbital station, the SS Prudence Mk0. The mission goal was simply to try out some new hardware, land on one of Iota's biomes, and bring not just science but science data for the Prudence's lab to digest. [Due to an issue with my past update of GPP 1.2.0 from 1.1.x my SCANsat probes were lost and all their data for Gael and moons with them. I'm not yet using the newly released GPP 1.2.1.] Targeting a larger instance among the skids, Jeb made his horizontal cancellation maneuver and a suicide burn to drop, on a measly Spark engine. The scientist riding with him, Clauty Kerman had to occasionally get out and fetch what data she could from the instruments...and the infant krakens bolted to the side of the ship, with no science box attached to the lander to do it in one click. Rather than dive back into atmosphere, the lander retro-burned into low orbit in Gael's shadow and intercepted the station. No RCS; Clauty had to jump out and catch the station with a merciful relative speed of 21 m/s. The transmitted science (not to the Prudence station) seemed to amount to a little over 140 as the lander delivered 383 points on recovery after splashdown back on Gael and somewhere over 530 points were available to spend. Twelve days after was the next manned launch. Haidrien Kerman, the wouldbe Galilean messiah, was chosen as the pilot. This mission's goal was to deliver the second scientist (Bob, I think) to Prudence's lab. The lab now has maybe 50 science data and puts out 0.7 science per day. (40% science rewards) After what was a pretty comfortable little feat Haidrien returned to the surface. When the flight systems hinted that she had a chance at landing in a river rather than in highlands or mountains as most other kerbals do she went straight for it with the help of this particular final stage craft having > 1 TWR in the upper atmosphere. She didn't splash but she comfortably planted a flag on a 42 degree slope and didn't tumble. Good enough for the record books.
  14. The same way you made the planetary resource distribution for your resource to exist on Eve you can make a global resource distribution for it to be available nowhere first. The hierarchy of distributions is global > planetary > biome.
  15. Fixed the patches and tested 3.2X as well to ensure that the antenna ranges scale well with all Sigma configs. I still got weak signal at Nero (what I wanted) for stock antenna and predicted narrow but sufficient coverage arc for Grannus with JX2 antenna. All that's necessary is for you to confirm no MM errors then you can go ahead.
  16. That kind of thing works with RemoteTech imo, where signal delay is a thing, or CommNets are turned off and you have infinite signal like in KSP 1.1.x, but this is Sparta Kerbalism where antennae can't be combined, then GPP is akin to a real solar system, not short on outer planets like stock, and then there's the JX2 which came about to answer the problems of imbalance between all the stock antennae for a game with OPM installed. So I'm looking at buffing the stock antenna to Nero's distance. Then the JX2 can possibly cover a good chunk of the near-periapsis portion of Grannus' orbit. After that is warp drives. Of course.....you can always hack your game yourself and get that New Horizons mojo going. You've shown so much talent setting up the filler Kerbalism config for people, and helping GPP+Rald to work.
  17. @Galileo They don't seem combinable in Kerbalism therefore my fuss over it. On top of that I'm unfortunately trying to make the antenna patch 2-layered: The default setting posted by ShotgunNinja and then the (re)multipliers for Sigma. Maybe I shouldn't be concerned but If I buff the stock antenna for Kerbalism to reach Leto, the JX2 antenna might be able to reach Grannus at its apoapsis which is madness.
  18. @CatastrophicFailure I finally figured out a part that seems to clear things up a lot. "Maximum SMA" in the reference code translates in Gauss' SMA in GPP. I think I need to know at this point how far the stock antenna should be able to reach. I would like to hold it back some and encourage more use of the JX2 Antenna which will then possibly be buffed enough to reach Grannus. You can call an OPM planet if you wish. Their distances are good references. @Galileo Input?
  19. @DStaal I can help out with resource configs. I've done quite a lot in that department: add them in the desired physical state to a planet or a specific biome, make new ones that don't exist, setup ISRU and engines to use it, etc. It's no problem if he also shares his new system for others to enjoy or troubleshoot, especially if it's built on clones of stock parts (but when building off of another mod (especially models and textures), licensing needs to be considered). I gave a bit of a tutorial in a previous thread asking for help with a new resource and I explained all the parameters necessary for defining your own resource and seeding planets with it. you'll find that here. The Community Resource Pack would no longer be necessary for this system to function since neither IntakeAtm nor Karbonite are going to be used but the resource definition and distribution must be within this mod's own folder(s) for ease of sharing (and just to keep files tidy). IntakeAtm is meant for use with any air-breathing engine to be able to use an atmosphere without needing to hack IntakeAir or get tied up with it and Oxygen-consuming engines when targeted by other mods. Under normal circumstances the OP's engines would need to be rigged for IntakeAtm + ExplodiumVapor + Oxidizer but this won't be needed since the atmosphere in entirety is considered to be ExplodiumVapor. //Change jet engine to use ExplodiumVapor and Oxidizer instead of IntakeAir and LiquidFuel @PART[this_stock_engine] { @MODULE[MonduleEngine*] { @PROPELLANT[IntakeAir] { @name = ExplodiumVapor @ratio = ? %DrawGauge = True //make its fuel bar show in staging if it doesn't exist } @PROPELLANT[LiquidFuel] { @name = Oxidizer @ratio = ? %DrawGauge = True //make its fuel bar show in staging if it doesn't exist } } } Haven't used this kind of thing but it should work out of the box. //Add a new intake module MODULE { name = ModuleResourceIntake resourceName = ExplodiumVapor checkForOxygen = false //this line shouldn't even be needed if false area = ? //depends on stat from referene part intakeSpeed = ? //depends on stat from referene part intakeTransformName = Intake } RESOURCE { name = ExplodiumVapor amount = 2 maxAmount = 2 } // Change an existing intake @MODULE[ModuleResourceIntake]:HAS[#resourceName[IntakeAir]] { @resourceName = ExplodiumVapor @checkForOxygen = false //this line shouldn't even be needed if false } @RESOURCE[IntakeAir] { @name = ExplodiumVapor }
  20. Version 0.8.1 Added waste processor modules to Mk2 Chemical Plant following Kerbalism 1.2.3 Raised Specialist Bonus Base and Specialist efficieny Factors for all processors following TAC LS 0.12.9 Applied Water Purifier output balance following TAC LS 0.13.0 All systems are go.
  21. @AR3S_TGL Ah. In that case your topic should have been a request for help to understand something or help to get started on a mod you want to make. You'd get plenty positive response then.
  22. Thanks. I changed one little thing and I guess I understand that parameter at last. I'm getting reception up to within Gauss SOI now where previously it reached Otho.
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