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Everything posted by JadeOfMaar

  1. @Sigma88 Alpha-Centauri. Ciro and Grannus are 2:1 in mass ratio.
  2. The aim is to make Ciro (the center of the universe) into a binary system member and to be prepared for the obvious resultant problems of overlapping SOIs...and the reactions from the contract systems. Unfortunately that's not how it works. For what I've seen, you will see an orbit line for each intersecting SOI in a binary system. Both of them will be considered concurrently and you'll have to deal with whatever consequences due to Schrodinger's physics. Since planets are on rails and are explicitly made parent-child with another thing I don't expect them to lose their orbits in an overlapping SOI. Worse than that, your orbital path, as it crosses an SOI's boundary, could bend horribly. You could get gravity-bullied by the 'other' celestial like @CatastrophicFailure has shown.
  3. The GPP team has enough to be concerned with, with contracts that appear too soon for certain places or certain types of contracts that appear at all and should never appear. Ore requests from the barycenter will surely happen and no one's going to like that. Sounds legit. Your question should be "Would anybody ever reasonably expect such a thing not to work in a binary system mod?" Technically solar panels should stop working once they're far enough from any star and should comfortably switch over to the nearer, more productive star given their location. But limitations in Kopernicus (and I suppose KSP too...Evidently Squad never catered for other stars and the possibilities of visiting them when they built KSP) made this problem a thing. And this problem too: Solar panels work alright around Grannus but function at over 32x normal around Ciro.
  4. By career first I mean any mod that intends to be functional in a career or science game and not just in sandbox. This means all contract-related mods and any planet pack build with depth like this one and Kerbol Star System. @The White Guardian's Total Rebuild.........
  5. Screenshots and logs, bud. All of OPT's parts have "OPT" in the display name or Manufacturer, and there's definitely something -else- in your game install that's messing with physics.
  6. @Crimeo Barycenters are possible. You have to set them up manually and not bother with compatibility for career-first mods. Ciro would have to be made into a separate star object in order to join a proper binary system and orbit a barycenter object. Currently it's the center of the universe and cannot do so. MaxL already offers a lot of constructive and realism-based criticism so for this he's clearly just letting his imagination go wild. You may be confused. MaxL likely means Gratian moved to Tellumo's orbit around Ciro after Tellumo goes to orbit Grannus.
  7. Not water. Elbow grease. But you get the point. It's that convenient, lol.
  8. I spent my night in a dark corner of the Chemistry lab inventing a new resource, 3 isotopes for it, each with special properties/use cases, and a system around it. To get it to show in SCANsat I edited SCANsat's files directly. Past experience told me not to bother making it as an MM patch. It's my first hand-made resource with intent to publish and share and it walks the line between stockalike (the only new part is the ion engine) and Near Future, providing something better than the NERV engine, making the stock RTG more useful, and still be very appealing to the Vanilla party. All that's missing is something to serve as a reactor, and a fuel cell...and maybe tank cost balancing (it currently uses Firespitter Fuel Switch on the Ore tanks). If anyone can catch the reference by which (or by whom) I named this resource I'll give them an art piece a cookie.
  9. @Urses @rasta013 I just watched Allista's own video and saw the part about Metals. That's a strong positive for me anyway. I've been hacking things to handle MetallicOre and Metals instead of Ore and Metal. With the kinds of propulsion systems I have I shouldn't worry as much about getting a DIY kit to a far-off planet... I think I'm sold now and will install GC and maybe OSE.
  10. They should start spawning immediately (whenever the next spawn cycle is). It won't always be around Ciro, though. There you go again with amusing machinations and mishaps. I've wanted to use Keridian since KSP 1.0 but never got deep enough into the construction-centered style of gameplay to need it. I have a question for you now. EPL has RocketParts at the end of the resource chain. Doesn't GC have MaterialKits at its end? Shouldn't they be incompatible then? I'm also at my own imposed part limit for mods which keeps me from installing more things.
  11. The dome is just that, a glass hemisphere. 12.5m size. I have life support recyclers and battery stacks in there.
  12. Hey @Dunrana. This is a fabulous concept for a mod. I think 45 days to fill two Mk1 LF tanks sounds good. Consider how long it will take to refuel a huge, practical, crew-carrying nuclear ship and how higher numbers of these dishes have to be placed on a ship to boost harvesting capacity and not look butt-ugly and clip each other in the process. As for making your mod's system more advanced: if you could tie it to a resource distribution and enable scanner parts to measure it, that would make a world of a difference. Then there can be cases such as: using this near the Sun you refuel much faster; use this beyond Eeloo, you refuel much slower. Unfortunately, except for Karborundum I tend to see an abnormal and very ugly behavior when tying an exospheric resource directly to the Sun.
  13. I've been very aware of the possibility that asteroids can cause lag. Asteroids = orbits = CPU = lag. But wow, holding back on the Tracking Station upgrade sounds like a huge deal. Anywho, I'm glad you have some relief for your game.
  14. @Urses Okay. Well I have no immediate need for OSE so I surely won't be installing it soon. It's good to know that MaterialKits can be reclaimed. 500 tons though? What are you planning with all hat weight? My station's just about 64 tons and has recycler capacity for 12 kerbals, then a few large containers of RocketParts are going to dock to it (and a crew needs to arrive too) for construction to start.
  15. @Urses It's been months since I had anything to do with off-world construction so Extraplanetary Launchpads (specifically, SimpleConstruction which makes it into stock) is all I can think of off the top of my head. Also, I like to build big and very eccentric. I don't think that's compatible with EVA kerbals lifting parts on their shoulders. I'd like to install Ground Construction and maybe USI Konstruction but: You can't make DIY Kits off-world yet. Does Konstruction let you disassemble parts and reclaim MaterialKits?
  16. I finally delivered texture switching to my Airline Kuisine parts for TAC LS and USI LS. Then I designed and launched a SpaceDock. It's been too long since I've had things built in orbit. Since I had to deal with unreal drag I kept my TWR at 1.6 and ascent speed under Mach 1 until about 20km up. this station will be the spawn point for modules for a Ceti surface base.
  17. @StahnAileron If that's indeed how B9PS works then I should have known beforehand and started building my own tank-based mod on that. I'd have spared myself quite a lot of bother manually trying to weigh numbers and hoping I did a good job of it.
  18. Looking to drop base drop base modules on Ceti but I'm not inclined to install Ground Construction. So @RocketPCGaming said to install SpaceDock and build it in orbit. I didn't install SpaceDock as I have doubts that the largest part will have enough clearance for some of the things I'll build. I'm using SimpleConstruction which makes all labs into workshops and all stock docking ports into Launchpads.
  19. I found the problem. I thought I had dealt with it before. Apparently there's a misplaced } at line 59 just before the first Size {} node in our Asteroids.cfg Delete that. Anyone else who's not seeing asteroids, please try this.
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