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Everything posted by JadeOfMaar

  1. @Rodger that's quite a design you have there. But I'm assuming some funky aero properties with it. Also, release 1.9.9! Woo! I need to design something to celebrate with.
  2. I like the idea of this. It sounds like a player-inclusive, roleplay-involved mission report.
  3. I find this fascinating. #Spock I'm plotting something similar.
  4. Please, people. PM your requests to the artist. Also, cratercracker, please make this clear in your OP to help prevent further request posts here.
  5. You named the challenge. Of course you can smell it. We have our German engineer (astroheiko) and MaxL_1023 (wherever he's from). xD
  6. Muse has plenty looks to it, too, if you haven't seen GPP. Faithful to its root in GrecoRoman culture it intends to have you thinking--but not about metal music.
  7. Creating a delta-V map requires a boatload of Math work and simulations to get the average transfer times and delta-V numbers for the various map points, and the artist capacity to make a decent and understandable graphic image (or set of images). In the spoiler is Galileo's delta-V map. That's just one star with 27 worlds. But here we're talking 10+ stars with 80+ worlds. That's at least 6 maps (some stars are close enough to share a map's space). @StarCrusher96 I voted for compatibility... which is why I'm here.
  8. The custom science was all removed as they caused unforeseen little problems. They'll be back and even better. The new fix has only two config files (I reused the exact link so the fix in the workshop thread should be the same as this). If that still didn't work and if the addition of Grannus coincides with the problem then maybe your save is damaged... Your Grannus flyby is looking epic by the way.
  9. @Gameslinx ...Umm. Why are you changing the state of your planets? Why is Niebos now an arid wasteland?
  10. Inside GPP_Clouds is another GameData folder with the options for high or low res then the appropriate next GPP_Clouds folder. I'll have to make that clear too in the instructions.
  11. No 1337 entry for me. I spent my KSP time attacking some large planet pack problems. Well I fixed 1.5 of 3...
  12. @sh1pman Their Isps have changed so it's possible they might breakeven with the scoops or demand more than is supplied.
  13. Karbonite is reliable. It may be a fault of CRP but its abundance (any resource's) in atmosphere does not vary with where you are geographically. By default, it is incredibly scarce so it's kinda not worth chasing in atmosphere or in space in the stock system. Eve's atmo pressure makes it more viable, I think, but then there's the gravity. If Laythe indeed has a lot of history of active volcanism I think it could do with a slight higher portion of atmo karbonite. Even in stock, kerbals aren't allowed to take off their helmets there. Oops. The Converter produces LFO but the Distiller produces LH2 and O2. I forgot that. That's a nice piece of machinery you got there. I wonder how much better it will perform when the update gets released, and assuming the engines don't start starving.
  14. No, it's a new patch. It addresses the discovery of an invalid config file. A Twitch streamer confirmed that the problem went away for him. So this should work for you and should have CRP installed with it. If it still doesn't work for you that's no celebration time for me. The funky thing is that no planet is actually 100% without Ore, but some biomes are, but planets may be 100% without certain other resources. Indeed if a resource's presence is low enough...it won't show on an overlay.
  15. Well that's one downside with Karbonite. You get Oxygen, not Oxidizer. If that's going to be a big deal then ask and I can add it to the relevant karbonite converter. Yes, you can stay airborne indefinitely with Ka scoops and you can do so many things with it it's unbelievable. It helps the scoops if there's plenty of it to scoop. I've made several updates to the mod and explained them in its thread. The engines finally have satisfactory performance ratings and will be as fun as any other engine pack. They're no longer as slow as you think. If anyone has feature requests, tag me there. Also...why and how would you fly on a gas giant?
  16. Karbonite is based on hydrocarbons (hence it can equate to Methane, but it also contains Oxygen and carries the formula KaO3) which are indeed useful as fuel. By itself it has the performance characteristics of SolidFuel but it can be refined into LH2, Oxygen, Water, and MonoPropellant. I'm pretty sure no proper config exists for concentrations in RSS, otherwise the likes of Titan and Io, and maybe Venus should rightfully be dripping with it. If I may say, it's the official (granted, RoverDude's name is stamped on Karbonite) platform for the likes of "Jet engines on Eve/Titan" or other planets and moons with useful fuel-filled atmospheres. Such atmospheres apply to Eve, Tekto of OPM, and most of GPP.
  17. @astroheiko I'd like you to try this. I do believe I've solved the Ore problem. https://www.dropbox.com/s/ezolx66sk77o7rd/GPP_ResourcesFix.zip?dl=0 It came to my attention that one of the resource configs is entirely invalid because that resource (Ammonia) is only defined in CRP with its name for a specific state (LqdAmmonia) and I keep forgetting that.
  18. Weird, but okay then. I asked because apparently there's a TAC/SETI greenhouse behind it.
  19. I was now looking around for Z things so I can start my own little project with them. It's nice to stumble across this on the way. Congrats on the release. What's with the cupola with green inside it? Homebrew Snacks! greenhouse?
  20. That's their play style. Some players never leave Kerbin's atmosphere. Some players can't have enough planets and stars to launch at. And some players can't stop building bigger and bigger......
  21. I destroy @Benjamin Kerman with the molten Iron a.k.a. attack his life points directly! as he fails to explicitly declare a separate object with which he destroys it so I must assume that he himself is the next 'object' in the sequence in this thread.
  22. The planets have nearly nothing inside their atmosphere confignodes. Their atmospheres are, therefore, broken. @Artyomka15 You might want to deal with that.
  23. I presume Karguantua is somehow loading before GPP and its planets are being indexed by RemoteTech before GPP's planets are. To my knowledge this can only be fixed while creating a new game. If the problem persists after making a new game then before creating the next new game you'll have to open GPP\GPP_Configs\GPP_RemoteTech.cfg and change every instance of Body = 1 to Body = 5 (or whatever nearby number you'll find works out). The base of my theory (for Galileo's insight) is Kargantua's body configs have :AFTER[Kopernicus] and not something more appropriate like :FOR[Kargantua]
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