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Everything posted by JadeOfMaar

  1. @Luovahulluus Finally got to reading the story. It's a great opening to a great adventure, for sure.
  2. This is normal. GPO adds several, several worlds with highly detailed hand-made textures.
  3. The same biome name you see when you use a science experiment (or read from the KSP Wiki) will work for BIOME_RESOURCE. Like this. But be aware that you may not get what you're expecting. Kerbin's ice caps are separate biomes now, I think, so "BiomeName = Ice Caps" will not work. And Duna's ice caps maybe simply "Poles." BIOME_RESOURCE { ResourceName = Water ResourceType = 0 PlanetName = Gael BiomeName = Ice Caps Distribution { PresenceChance = 1000 MinAbundance = 80 MaxAbundance = 90 Variance = 40 Dispersal = 10 } } You can make another such node and replace Water with Nitrogen or LqdNitrogen (whichever is appropriate), and change BiomeName into whatever applies for the given planet. (It's apparently safe to include spaces in BiomeName). If you don't have a GLOBAL_RESOURCE node for your custom resource that might cause a problem. I don't know if that's true because I always include one for a custom resource. I see that at times and accept it as a semi-random, semi-natural phenomenon, but in the case of Water, I know that there's a specific config that puts Water on Mun. And some resources, like Water, and most gases, have GLOBAL_RESOURCE settings to make them completely absent by default. There may be an identical config for Carbon to cause it to appear in the same craters as Water.
  4. It's fine. I should have made full effort when I wrote that part out. PresenceChance is per biome (On a given planet if inside of a PLANETARY_RESOURCE node, or on every planet if inside a GLOBAL_RESOURCE node, or in the specific biome if inside a BIOME_RESOURCE node). You can do overrides with combinations of these and make every planet except planet X have a resource on it, or make planet X have a certain resource all over it except in biome XY. Biome_resource overrides Planetary, which overrides Global. You've only begun to see the depth of the rabbit hole. MM is so epic.
  5. That's a bug? ??? ...A rather majestic bug. I see Rald's feeling a bit huggish today. #insidejoke
  6. @danielboro @TheRagingIrishman Yes. IVAs are disabled on purpose. I had envisioned entirely different IVAs for these parts but didn't think of being mellow and keeping the defaults as placeholders, and I didn't anticipate folks who really care about IVA portraits but I did anticipate problems with having the config's crew capacity mismatched to (especially, exceeding) the IVA models' capacity. You're free to un-comment and test them. It'll be a few hours before I can touch KSP and test for myself.
  7. That is easily done. @Spaceception This mod doesn't alter any stock parts. All it does is let you refuel on the fly (refuel infinitely, yes. But the NERV keeps its 800 Vac Isp.) In addition to enabling this mod to produce LqdHydrogen for the other person's request, I could also enable this if there's interest. All it would require is an additional stock module or two, and a CRP config (but probably not for LiquidFuel), in keeping with the KISS philosophy. I must advise that not every atmosphere would cooperate with this form of action. iirc most solid worlds barely have Hydrogen in their atmospheres.
  8. Added these to the guide post, under Suggested Mods. I imagine they would make an intriguing combination when used together.
  9. @A_beholder Start from episode 22 in this KSP Youtube series. You'll find B9 HX + MKS.
  10. You can check out my answer to a very similar question asked elsewhere. It answers your points 1 through 4. For point 5: Along with Karbonite, check out the Community Resource Pack "CRP" (included with Karbonite and most mods that add resources to gameplay) and you'll find many resources that already exist which will meet your needs. (Note, Uraninite = Uranium Ore.) Once the Community Resource Pack is installed, many of these resources will be enabled in the stock scanner parts. Nearly none of these mods, however, add to the stock drills and they will tend to add their own harvester parts and have their conversion chains start with Ore, so you will have to mod the stock drills to harvest what other crustal resources you desire. It's also worth mentioning that Karbonite has harvesters for all (4) resource types: Crustal, ocean, atmospheric, exospheric. For point 6: The CRP will add these various resources to asteroids as well, and enable the stock drills to pick any of the installed resources out of them. However, the asteroid scanner function is broken so you can't tell how much of what is in an asteroid. Unless you're already aware, here's the syntax page of the MM wiki, so you know how to phrase your patches that they work properly. Feel free to ask away more. Us kerbals love to share our and help the new person to build him/herself up.
  11. Deep Sky finished developing a very serious rover and took it for a test drive at the most difficult world that it's allowed to descend onto... Niven. (Atmosphere matters first to it, then gravity.) It's going to get a lot of action once it launches for real and gets its proper fuel.
  12. DEAL WITH IT Rover design is finished. +Ven's Stock Revamp
  13. @astroheiko No, don't give up. You build fabulously. If you needed a large rover like mine I'm sure you'd have something as awesome looking as your mothership + lander, or the modular Tellumo spaceplane. I can't hope to do these things with only stock parts but you've done it.
  14. @VITAS I've reported the thread of the following mod to Squad staff https://spacedock.info/mod/1369/Kinterstellar 1.2 It's a rip of the Endurance (Interstellar movie mod) maintained by JPLRepo (Squad staff) but the download file contains only a desktop shortcut... I humbly request that this be removed from SpaceDock too.
  15. I have a PC with 8GB RAM and GPP alone causes all that RAM to be nearly filled up. Forget about parts and the visual mods. But the first thing anyone should look up upgrade (after RAM) is CPU. KSP sucks at multithreading so the more power an individual CPU core has means a lot more than how many cores you have. An SSD would help you with scenario switching and startup time but not with physics and phys lag. A lot of prayers shall be answered this night. Lol.
  16. You're the one who should be getting thanks for patience. I'm sure anyone else with your problem would have ragequit. And this is only the second time I've come to know that "running as admin" was a factor in KSP problems. Excellent! The science guys will be all over it. When I get back to you, we'll let you know if you can keep half or grab all you want...say...for the next time you dive at Grannus. Dude, you just keep pumping out awesome screenshots. I may have to do something about that and ASAP. #challengeaccepted I could possibly make radiator panels use ArgoWater instead of Ec. Hmm.
  17. Hmm. Learn something new everyday. Then what makes a tiny terra have more gravity than a gas giant if it's not a matter of mass (or not mass alone)?
  18. Please remove all that and put into Dropbox, OneDrive, Pastebin or so. It's too much to put in a forum post. I also can't read your screenshot, it's tiny. There's an exception concerning Thalia. I'm suspecting a corrupt download. Try re-downloading GPP.
  19. CRP (Community Resource Pack) and Stock itself do this already so that factor would be the easiest part to lay down into config files. It would allow for more precision than my per-planet config that I suggested earlier and may remove the need for a "rotating noise map." This would make a great base value on top of which the other modifiers (Sun exposure and air pressure) could be applied.
  20. The Community Resource Pack generates noise maps for the seeding of resources on a planet's surface, affected by the global seed value stored near the top of a persistence file. Perhaps the wind randomizer can also have this and if possible, the noise map could also rotate around the planet like EVE clouds.
  21. A ram air turbine can be emulated in KSP by building a propfan part with an intake module and machCurve, but set the machCurve so that the intake produces nothing while (nearly) still, and have the intake produce ElectricCharge instead of IntakeAir. Additionally, the prop engines in Karbonite have a Firespitter module such that they visibly spin slowly (while not running) when the craft is moving fast as though they were responding to fluid dynamics. For converting braking force to Ec, I think the KSPWheel people can make it happen. As I suggested in a similar thread, maybe static windmills can use a function of solar exposure and atmosphere pressure (and perhaps a per-planet multiplier config where you can state a given planet would often have so much wind force, or so little) and they will operate best at a goldilocks region in that function.
  22. Here is another one... And I'd like to know, why are the abundance values in this mod so high? Is it to keep a minimal level of grind? Fixes: 2. 4. It doesn't look all that bad actually but the main thing is, when you're editing a config line inside a config node, it's a good idea to prefix that with an @ too ... Everywhere that you change TechRequired and description in an existing thing should be @TechRequired and @description Each resource entry for SCANsat's sensors should have its own SCANtype number. Oddly, I added two resources myself and only one of them showed up in SCANsat's overlay selector window.
  23. @captinjoehenry @stali79 The J-92 has always had that behavior to me...I always found it odd that the J-92 rotates about itself. It doesn't have multiple thrust transforms like the Rapier in order to actually gimbal via thrust. Meanwhile the J-61 has had pitch, yaw and roll gimbal for sometime now... Since I hardly play KSP lately I don't remember if it's still there. @K.Yeon It would be nice if the linear aerospike(s) could gimbal. They're supposed to be quite able to. Since they're in essence an engine cluster they can gimbal by augmenting fuel flow across their component rockets.
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